Computer Science For Class X
Unit 01: Problem Solving And Algorithm Designing
Multiple Choice Questions And Fill In The Blanks

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
1. To "bake a cake" is an example of:
a. problem ✓
b. strategy
c. algorithm
d. solution
(Note: " Baking a cake" is problem and "Recipe of baking a cake" is Algorithm)

2. To find a feasible solution to a problem, the first step is to:
a. establish starting point
b. find available solutions
c. create a strategy
d. identify and analyze the problem ✓

3. Step by step solution of a problem in simple language is called:
a. Problem Solving
b. Algorithm ✓
c. flowchart
d. Data Structure

4. Shows the logic of program graphically.
a. Data Structure
b. Graph
c. Algorithm
d. Flowchart ✓

5. Symbol is used for input/output in flowchart.
a. Triangle
b. Square
c. Parallelogram ✓
d. Rectangle

6. Elements of data structure are not connected sequentially.
a. Array
b. Graph ✓
c. Queue
d. Stack

7. Stores data in hierarchal manner.
a. Stack
b. Queue
c. Array
d. Tree ✓

8. When that data is Pushed in stack, it means that data is:
a. inserted ✓
b. deleted
c. sorted
d. edited

9. In binary tree, each child can have maximum:
a. one node
b. two nodes ✓
c. three nodes
d. four nodes

10. Traversing an array means accessing:
a. first element
b. last element
c. any specific element
d. each and every element of the array ✓

11. The step by step solution of any program is called:
a. A flowchart
b. A pseudo code
c. An algorithm ✓
d. None of these

12. Which of the following is not one of the steps in a programming project:
a. Planning the solution
b. Coding the program
c. Testing the program
d. Selecting the hardware ✓

13. In preparing a program, one should first:
a. Plan the solution ✓
b. Documentation
c. Coding
d. define the problem

14. Problem solving steps of a program is called:
a. Top-down design
b. Flowchart
c. Algorithm ✓
d. Run time error

15. A pictorial representation of program is called:
a. A flowchart ✓
b. An algorithm
c. A Pseudocode
d. None of these

16. Step by step instruction to solve the C++ Program is called:
a. Algorithm ✓
b. Flowchart
c. Procedure
d. AlI of these

17. What does the symbol in a flowchart represent:
a. Decision ✓
b. Process
c. Start / Stop
d. Predefine process

18. What does an arrow represent in a flowchart?
a. Decision making
b. Data flow ✓
c. Start
d. Stop

19. In a flowchart a calculation (process) is represented by:
a. A rectangle ✓
b. A rhombus
c. a parallelogram
d. A circle

20. _____ symbol is used to represent input and output operation in a flowchart.
a. Circle
b. Rectangle
c. Diamond
d. Parallelogram ✓

21. When an algorithm is written in the form of a programming language, it becomes a:
a. Flowchart
b. Program ✓
c. Pseudo code
d. Syntax

22. A system wherein items are added from one and removed from the other end.
a. Stack
b. Linked list
c. Queue ✓
d. Array

23. Another name for 1-D arrays:
a. Linear array ✓
b. List
c. Horizontal array
d. Vertical array

24. A data structure that follows the FIFO principle.
a. Queue ✓
b. LL
c. Stack
d. Union

25. The process of drawing a flowchart for an algorithm is called ____.
a. Performance
b. Evaluation
c. Algorithmic representation
d. Flowcharting ✓

26. Which of the following Is not an advantage of a flowchart?
a. Better communication
b. Efficient coding
c. Systematic testing
d. Improper documentation ✓

27. Which one of the following is the process of inserting an element in the stack?
a. Insert
b. Add
c. Push ✓
d. None of them

28. Linear data structure arrange data in _____ method.
a. Non-linear
b. Linear ✓
c. Structure
d. None of the above

29. A data structure arrange data in _____ method.
a. Queue
b. LL
c. Stack ✓
d. Union

30. Which one of the following is the process of deleting an element in the stack?
a. Delete
b. Pop ✓
c. Push
d. Non of the above

31. Which one of the following is the process of inserting an element in the queue?
a. Insert
b. Enqueue ✓
c. Add
d. None of the above

32. Which one of the following the process of deleting an element in the queue?
a. Dequeue ✓
b. Add
c. Enqueue
d. None of above

33. Rearrange the given array or list of elements is known as:
a. Inserting
b. Arranging
c. Update
d. Sorting ✓

34. Which data structure has a hierarchical structure?
a. Tree ✓
b. Stack
c. Queue
d. None of the above

35. A data structure in which data items are not arranged in linear method:
a. Non-linear ✓
b. Linear
c. Structure
d. None of the above

Fill In The Blanks:
  1. Problem solving is the process of finding solutions of difficult or complex issues.
  2. problem is a situation preventing something from being achieved.
  3. There are four basic steps involved in finding a solution; define the problem, generate alternative solutions, evaluate and select an alternative and implement and follow up on the solution.
  4. Problem and set are  a starting point of solution.
  5. There are various strategies that can be used to formulate an algorithm for solving the problem.
  6. Using the strategy, various solutions to a given problem are planned and the most feasible solution is identified.
  7. Algorithm is a technical term for a set of instructions for solving a problem or sub-problem.
  8. Algorithms enable breaking down of problems and conceptualize solutions step-by-step.
  9. Algorithms are defined as generic steps of instructions so they can be written in any programming language.
  10. flowchart writes the sequence of steps and logic of solving a problem, using graphical symbols.
  11. Flowcharts help in communicating the logic of a program to all others and make it easy for understanding.
  12. data structure is a particular way of organizing data in a computer to use it effectively.
  13. In Linear data structure data elements are arranged in sequential order and each of the elements is connected to its previous and next element.
  14. Stack is a linear data structure in which items may be added or removed only at one end i.e. at the top of stack.
  15. Queue is a linear data structure in which that element inserted first will be removed first.
  16. Array is a linear data structure, which holds a list of finite data elements of same data type.
  17. Each element of array is referenced by a set of index of consecutive numbers.
  18. The elements of a non-linear data structure are not connected in a sequence.
  19. Each element of a non linear data structure can have multiple paths to connect to other elements.
  20. Tree is a non-linear data structure and is used to represent data containing a hierarchical relationship between elements.
  21. graph is a non-linear data structure consisting (finite set) of data elements called nodes/vertices and edges that are lines that connect any two nodes in that graph.


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