Python Array Solution Q9

Write a program that takes two arrays of integers and checks if they are equal (have the same elements in the same order). from array import array # Function to check if two arrays are equal def are_arrays_equal(array1, array2): return array1 == array2 # Take two arrays of integers as input array1 = array('i', [int(x) for x in input("Enter elements for Array 1: ").split()]) array2 = array('i', [int(x) for x in input("Enter elements for Array 2: ").split()]) # Check if the arrays are equal if are_arrays_equal(array1, array2): print("The arrays are equal.") else: print("The arrays are not equal.") In this program: The user is prompted to enter elements for both array1 and array2. The function are_arrays_equal compares the two arrays using the == operator. The program checks if the arrays are equal and prints the corresponding message.


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