English (Compulsory) For Class IX - Glossary or Words / Meanings


English (Compulsory) For Class IX - Glossary or Words / Meanings

Rana Arsalan


Words / Meanings From All Chapters


1. Abundance A large quantity.
2. Access Be within reach for use.
3. Accomplishments Achievements.
4. Acumen The ability to understand things quickly and clearly.
5. Aggressive Likely to attack.
6. Air The mixture of gases that all living things breathe.
7. Airs Showing-off manner.
8. Alliance A kind of working relationship.
9. Analogies Similar families / condition between two things.
10. Ancestors Family members who were before the grandparents.
11. Ancestral roots Place where forefathers lived.
12. Anecdotes  Short, amusing, real stories.
13. Antibodies Substances in the blood that fight against diseases.
14. Arm Shoulder to the hand part of the human body.
15. Arms Weapons, e.g., guns or explosives.
16. Arrogant Behaving in a proud manner.
17. Aspects Particular parts or sides.
18. Aspirations Strong desires.
19. Astray Away from the correct path or direction.
20. Attain Succeed in getting.
21. Awhile For a short time.


22. Backdrop Background.
23. Beetle nut A hard small nut that people in some parts of the world chew.
24. Beware Be careful
25. Bitter Feeling great dislike or anger.
26. Blessed Fortunate.
27. Blithe Without cares and worries.
28. Boast Source of pride.
29. Bold Confident and brave.
30. Borne Put up with.
31. Break of day Dawn.
32. Burden  Main part.


33. Calligraphy Artistic handwriting.
34. Capture Get control over something.
35. Character Qualities that people show in their behaviour.
36. Characters Persons in a novel, play, etc.
37. Chills Feeling of coldness
38. Clarification Make something clear and easy to understand.
39. Clot A lump formed in the blood, which stops or disturbs the flow of blood.
40. Collapse To sit or lie down and relax, especially after working hard, etc.
41. Compile To collect information together.
42.  Commences Begins.
43. Commuting Travelling from one place to another.
44. Complaining Saying that one is feeling pain or is not happy or satisfied with something.
45. Compromised Adversely affected.
46. Consolidated Made secure or strong.
47. Constipation Not able to discharge solid waste from the body.
48. Consult Go to someone for advice.
49. Contact Touch in some way.
50. Contagious A disease that can spread by touch.
51. Contribution Time, money, effort or skill given for a cause.
52. Count on Depend on/ consider.
53. Credit Sell something for which the buyer pays later.
54. Culminating Resulting in achieving what is wanted.
55.  Cunning Clever at cheating people.
56. Custom A traditional and usually acceptable way of behaving or doing things.
57. Customs The government department that collects taxes on goods brought in from other countries.


58. Departed Left.
59. Desperately Very much.
60. Destitute Very poor/ not having any money.
61. Determined Not changing a decision once made.
62. Devastation Great destruction or damage
63. Devices Things used for a particular purpose
64. Devotees People who have faith in a particular religion or religious person.
65. Discover Find out.
66. Discrimination Different treatment for different people.
67. Disorientation Loss of sense of direction.
68. Display To put up something in a place where people can see it easily.
69. Distanced Taken away.
70. Distinction Difference.
71. Doffed Took off his hat in respect.
72. Dwelt Lived in or at a place.
73. Dynamic Having a lot of energy.
74. Dysfunction Problem in the working of some part of the body.


75. Elegance Attractiveness.
76. Elegant Attractive.
77. Embodiment Solid form or shape.
78. Enthusiasm A strong feeling of excitement.
79. Envisioned  Imagined as a future possibility.
80. Envy The feeling of wishing to have what somebody else has or to be like somebody else.
81. Equitable Fair and just.
82. Evaded Did not come within reach.
83. Expel Take out.


84. Fatal Causing or ending in death,
85. Force The strength or power of something.
86. Forces An organized body of armed and specially trained people.
87. Foremost Leading.
88. Frequently Very often.


89. Glanced Gave a quick look.
90. Glass A container used for drinking something.
91. Glasses A pair of lenses in a frame that rests on the nose and ears.
92. Gossips Stories about other people's lives.
93. Grandeur Great and impressive appearance.
94. Grateful Feeling thankful for something.
95. Grief Deep sadness.
96. Guiding principles Rules that set the direction one takes.


97. Hale Strong and healthy.
98. Harmony Understanding and accepting each others' thoughts and feelings.
99. Havoc Great damage or destruction.
100.  Homage Something said or done to show great respect.
101. Hospitality Treating guests in a generous and welcoming manner.
102. Hosted Organised an event.
103. Hypocrites People who pretend to be what they are not.


104. Identical  The same.
105. Immune Cannot be harmed by a disease because the body has developed the ability to fight it.
106. Impartiality Not favouring any one person.
107. Implementing Putting into effect.
108. Impressive worth admiring.
109. Inflammation A condition in which a part of the body is red, swollen and sore.
110. Insignificant Unimportant/ having no value
111. Inspired To develop a feeling or aim in someone for doing something.
112. Intense Very great or severe.
113. Intonation Use and fall of the voice in speaking.
114. Irrigation Supplying water for the growth of crops.


115. Lark A small brown bird.
116. Legitimate According to the rules and laws.
117. Longing Deep felt wish/ desire.


118. Manner The way in which something is done.
119. Manners Polite social behaviour.
120. Mealy Shabby.
121. Meritocracy Giving awards and positions to people according to their capability and performance.
122. Migrate To move from one place to go or live in another place.
123. Miller A person who owns or works a mill for grinding corn.
124. Moth A flying insect that is attracted to light.
125. Mystic A person who has spiritual power due to nearness to God.


126. Nausea A feeling of wanting to be sick.
127. Navigation Directing a ship or other vehicle for reaching a place.


128. Omnipotence Having total power.
129. Opinions Thoughts and ideas.
130. Oral Traditions information passed by word of mouth from one generation to the next.


131. Pagans People who do not believe in any of the main religions of the world.
132. Parasite An animal or plant that lives on or in another and gets its food from it.
133. Philanthropist A person who supports good causes, especially by giving money.
134. Piety Strictly following the teachings of one's religion.
135. Pluralistic Different groups of people living together in peace.
136. Polarization Separation into two opposite groups.
137. Pondered Think carefully for a long time before deciding
138. Pose Pretend.
139. Predicate A part of the statement that says something about the subject.
140. Preoccupied Not paying attention because thinking or worrying about something else.
141. Prevailed Widespread.
142. Principle A rule for behaving in a certain way.
143. Prohibited Did not allow doing something.
144. Pronounced Very noticeable
145. Proponent A person who supports a cause.


146. Quest Search.
147. Quoth Said.


148. Realize To make one's dreams, ideas, plans, etc. happen
149. Recall Remember
150. Reciprocal Act the language according to the situation.
151. Recognition Officially recognizing somebody's ability or achievements, often by giving an award.
152. Rehearse To practise privately what one is going to say or do.
153. Release Let go
154. Relevant Relating to or bearing upon the matter in hand. 
155. Reluctantly Unwilling, therefore slow to act, agree, etc.
156. Renowned Famous.
157. Replaced Taken the place of.
158. Respiratory Breathing related.
159. Restless Unable to stay still or be happy where one is.
160. Retain Hold back.
161. Reverence A feeling of great respect and admiration.


162. Saliva Liquid produced in the mouth that helps one swallow and digest food.
163. Self-respect Having a sense of pride for being/ having something.
164. Self-sufficient Have enough to meet one's needs.
165. Shabby In poor condition through much use or being badly cared for.
166. Shrewd Clever.
167. Siblings Brothers and sisters.
168. Sighed Took a long deep breath.
169. Sight A person or thing that looks bad or untidy.
170. Sights The places of interest, especially in a town or city, that are often visited by tourists.
171. Simultaneously At the same time.
172.  Sparkling Shining
173. Spectacle The happening of something that is not accepted as normal.
174. Spectacles Glasses worn to improve a person's sight.
175. Splendour Grand and impressive beauty.
176. Stagnant Standing in one place, not flowing or moving.
177. Steadfastness Firmly staying on one path.
178. Straightaway Immediately.
179. Structures Things made of several parts.
180. Sufferings People having physical or mental pain.
181. Superiority To be higher in rank or position.
182. Supplication Humble request/prayer.
183. Supportive Giving help and sympathy.
184. Surplus More than the amount needed.


185. Tamed Made easy to control.
186. Tender Kind, gentle and loving.
187. Thee You.
188. Thine Your.
189. Thou'dst You would.
190. Thou'rt You are.
191. Tireless Working without showing any signs of being tired.
192. Transform Change into something else.
193. Transfusion Putting of one person's blood into another person's body.
194. Transmitted To pass something from one person, place or thing to another.


195. Undesired Unacceptable/ unwelcome.
196. Unified Linked people together.
197. Universal Applicable to or done by most people in the world.
198. Unparalleled So great that there is nothing else like it.
199. Utensils Pots, pans, etc. used for cooking or serving food.


200. Versatile Moving easily from one subject, skill, or occupation to another.
201. Victimization Unfair suffering.
202. Voyages Long journeys by sea.


203. Weathered Brown, rough and lined or damaged skin because one has spent a lot of time outside in the sun and wind.
204. Wood Material made from the trunk and branches of a tree.
205. Woods An area of land, smaller than a forest, covered with growing trees.


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