Computer Science (New) - For Class IX - UNIT. 6. Web Development s- MCQs, Fill In The Blanks And Abbreviation


Computer Science (New) - For Class IX - UNIT. 6. Web Development s- MCQs, Fill In The Blanks And Abbreviation


Chapter No.6. Web Development
MCQs, Fill In The Blanks And Abbreviation

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

A. Choose the right answer:
1. The service that is responsible for making websites publicly accessible through the internet is called:
a) Web Server
b) Web Hosting ✓
c) Web Site
d) Web Browser

2. The type of special website where different users can ask questions and give answers or discuss on various topics is called:
a) Social site
b) Blogs site
c) Forums site ✓
d) Informational site

3. Entertainment site specializes in delivering:
a) News, weather and current affairs
b) Information about products and services of a business
c) Personal information of a particular person
d) Content like videos, images and games for entertainment ✓

4. A web browser will translate the codes in a web page if the extension of the document is:
a) .html ✓
b) .txt
c) .doc
d) .pdf

5. The tag used to automatically add line space before and after the containing text is:
a) <br>
b) <hr>
c) <p> ✓
d) <pre>

6. The type of list which shows its items in a numerically ordered sequence is:
a) Nested List
b) Unordered List
c) Ordered List ✓
d) Description List

7. To create a clickable text which navigates to another page or section, we use:
a) <input> tag
b) <li> tag
c) <b> tag
d) <a> tag ✓

8. To differentiate the heading cells from rest of the data in a table, we use:
a) <th> tag ✓
b) <tr> tag
c) <td> tag
d) <dt> tag

9. The tag used to define the title caption of the web browser is:
a) <thead>
b) <head>
c) <title> ✓
d) <h1>

10. The attribute used to define the URL for reference of image in <img> tag is:
a) target
b) name
c) src ✓
d) href

11. A website can be located through a:
(a) http://
(b) URL ✓
(c) www
(d) hyperlinks

12. URL stands for:
(a) Universal Resource Locator
(b) Universal Resource Location
(c) Uniform Resource Locator ✓
(d) Uniform Resource Location

13. A software application for accessing websites on the world wide web is:
(a) web browser ✓
(b) search engine
(c) web server
(d) web hosting

14. URL has:
(a) two components ✓
(b) three components
(c) four components
(d) five components

15. A web-based tool that enables a user to locate information on the web is called:
(a) web browser
(b) search engine ✓
(c) web server
(d) web hosting

16. A web page that serves as the starting point of the website is:
(a) homepage
(b) landing page
(c) Both 'a' & 'b' ✓
(d) None of them

17. It is a service that allows a web developer to make a website publicly accessible through the internet.
(a) web browser
(b) search engine
(c) web server
(d) web hosting ✓

18. A website that provides a single access point of information for all of its users is called:
(a) Portal ✓
(b) blog
(c) forums
(d) hypertext

19. Yahoo and MSN are common examples of web:
(a) hypertext
(b) forums
(c) blogs
(d) portals ✓

20. It is a special type of website that is composed of articles and posts.
(a) portal
(b) blog ✓
(c) forums
(d) hypertext

21. Wordpress is popular:
(a) search engine
(b) web forum
(c) blog site ✓
(d) web portal

22. It is an online place where different users can discuss about any topic.
(a) portal
(b) blog
(c) forums ✓
(d) hypertext

23. This tag is used to define additional information about the web page.
(a) <body>
(b) <title>
(c) <head> ✓
(d) <hr>

24. The main content of the web page is contained between:
(a) <body> ✓
(b) <title>
(c) <head>
(d) <hr>

25. It draws a horizontal line where it is defined. It is used to differentiate between sections of the page.
(a) <pre>
(b) <p>
(c) <br>
(d) <hr> ✓

26. An unordered list is defined by:
(a) <pre> tag
(b) <ul> tag ✓
(c) <li> tag
(d) <ol> tag

27. An ordered list is defined by:
(a) <pre> tag
(b) <ul> tag
(c) <li> tag
(d) <ol> tag ✓

28. A hyperlink in HTML is defined by:
(a) <a> tag ✓
(b) <img> tag
(c) <dt> tag
(d) <li> tag

29. The codes used in HTML are called:
(a) heads
(b) labels
(c) tags ✓
(d) sections

30. It defines the layout to display different frames and their contents:
(a) Frame
(b) Framesets ✓
(c) src
(d) align

31. A webpage is a document commonly written in _____.
a) WWW
b) HTML ✓
c) URL
d) RGB

32. Microsoft Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Safari, etc are examples of ____:
a) website
b) web browser ✓
c) web server
d) web hosting

33. It is the address of a resource on the internet.
a) WWW
c) URL ✓
d) RGB

34. Google, Yahoo, and Bing are most popular ______.
a) web browser
b) search engine ✓
c) web sites
d) web server

35., khan, etc. are examples of _________ websites.
a) News
b) Informational
c) Educational ✓
d) Entertainment

36. is the website of Pakistan Stock Exchange, and is example of ______ website.
a) Social
b) Business ✓
c) News
d) Informational

37. Youtube is widely used for:
a) Entertainment ✓
b) Videos
c) News
d) Informations

38. Facebook and Twitter are instances or examples of _______ websites.
a) Entertainment
b) Social networking ✓
c) Business
d) Informations

39. A simple text editor like notepad can be used to start coding HTML for a web page.
a) notepad
b) web page ✓
c) wordpress
d) google

40. HTML tags such as are ____ tags.
a) empty ✓
b) opening
c) closing
d) attribute

41. All HTML documents must start with this tag.
a) <!DOCTYPE html> ✓
b) <html>
c) <hesd>
d) <body>

42. It defines the ______ for a web page. e.g. “Copyright 2020. All rights reserved.”
a) body
b) title
c) header
d) footer ✓

43. The <img> tag contains ____ attributes out of which two are required and three are optional.
a) three
b) four
c) five ✓
d) six

Fill In The Blanks

1.Development of web sites and online applications is called web development.
2. A complete web application may consist of a User Interface, Back-End Server Codes and
a Database.
3. The word world wide web (www) is commonly known as the web.
4. URL is the format in which external resources like web pages, images, other media and supporting files are referenced.

5. Portal, News, Informational, Educational, Personal, Business, Blogs, Forums, Entertainment and Social are examples of different types of specialized websites.
6. HTML is the language in which web pages are coded.
7. A simple text editor like notepad can be used to start coding HTML for a web page.
8. An HTML file must be of .htm or .html extension.
9. A web browser is used to view HTML pages.
10. The codes used in HTML are called tags and are denoted by angular brackets (< > ).
11. There are three kinds of HTML lists namely unordered listordered list and description list.
12. Unordered lists display the list of items in which the sequential order of its items does not matter.

13. Ordered lists display the items in numerically ordered sequence.
14. Description Lists are less commonly used and are used to define terms and their descriptions such as in a dictionary.
15. HTML lists can be nested into one another.
16. HTML pages can make use of images to decorate and provide greater meaning to their content.
17. HTML elements are the building blocks of HTML pages.
18. Hyperlinks provide means of navigation from one page to another or from one section in a page to another within the same page.
19. HTML tables can be used to display data, information or content in a tabular format.

20. Tables organize the content into rows and columns.
21. HTML Frames can be used to display the entire contents of another web page within a web page.
22. The coordinating place of a row with a column is called a cell.
23. A row is the collection of all horizontal cells of a table.

24. A row is defined by <tr> tag which is placed inside the <table> tag.
25. A column is the collection of all vertical cells of a table.
26. A column is defined by <td> tag which is placed inside the <tr> row tag of the <table> tag.
27. colspan specifies the number of columns a cell should merge into.
28. rowspan sets the number of rows a cell should merge into.
29. Microsoft FrontPage, Coral Draw, Adobe Dreamweaver, Wordpress, Microsoft Visual Studio, Wix, Figma, CoffeeCup HTML Editor, Adobe XD are the examples of website development tools or website designing tools.


  • www: world-wide web
  • HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
  • URL: Uniform Resource Locator
  • RGB: Red, Green and Blue

Refence links Given In Text Book


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