Chapter No.7 - The Population of Pakistan - Descriptive Question Answers - Pakistan Studies For Class X


Chapter No.7 - The Population of Pakistan - Descriptive Question Answers - Pakistan Studies For Class X

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Descriptive Question Answers

By Ustani G
(YouTube Channel)

Q.1: Describe the size and composition of the population of Pakistan?
Ans: The study of the changing numbers of births and deaths in a society over a specified period of time is called demography. Pakistan is a densely populated country, with a density of 166 people per square kilometer. In Punjab 358, in Sindh 218, in KPK 238, in Balochistan.

Q.2: What is the literacy rate in Pakistan? How does it affect national development?
Ans: Literacy Rate: Literacy rate in Pakistan remains quite low because of slow economic progress; the literacy rate of Pakistan is 54% in 2014. Literacy Rate affects National Development:
If a society has a high literacy rate, it can make progress fast. A good literacy rate is a sign of good standard of living. The development of a country depends on the educational skills and scientific and technical expertise and know-how. Singapore has total population 3.5 million, its exports are 150 billion dollars worth annually. Pakistan’s population now is 151 million but its exports are worth 12 billion dollars per annual.

Q.3: How does the growth and migration of population affect the country’s development?
Ans: Pakistan is a densely populated country. Its total resources are not increasing in proportion with the rate of growth of population. The rate at which the population is increasing has caused a population explosion. It has resulted in the rise of unemployment, and a decrease in the facilities of sanitation, health and education. It is necessary to reduce the rate of population growth and to increase the national resources.

The majority of the Pakistanis live in rural areas. As a result of fast increase in population and less chances of employment in the villages, people have started moving to the cities. In spite of employment, there are other attractions for people in cities, e.g., better opportunities of education and health, cultural activities and recreational facilities. Therefore, people’s trend to migrate to cities from villages is increasing day by day.

Q.4: What are the causes of growth of population in Pakistan?
Following are the causes of growth of population in Pakistan:
  • Social factor: Majority of the people believe that ALLAH is the sustainer and provider. Many people think that having a large family is a source of strength.
  • No to family planning: People do not think and take interest in family planning.
  • Poverty: Poverty is yet another reason. People think that they get rid of poverty by having a large family.
  • Early marriages: Early marriages also added to the growth of children.
  • Lack of education: The low literacy rate also contributes to the higher population growth.
  • Desire: The desire for a male results in producing more children.

Q.5: How can a balance be maintained between the growing population and the national resources?
Ans: There must be a balance between national resources and population for the economic and social progress and development. In case of low population, natural resources cannot be exploited. If the population is high and growth rate is also high, undue pressure falls on the natural resources and prosperity cannot be maintained.

Steps That Might Reduce Pressure of Population on Resources:
  • A balance must be maintained between population and resources. It is possible by decreasing the population growth rate and increasing the national resources.
  • The productive resources should be developed at a fast rate including industry, handicrafts, cottage industry, agriculture and trade.
  • Technical education and training should be encouraged. There is a shortage of skilled people in the country.
  • New land should be brought under cultivation.

Q.6: Describe the effects of growing population on health and education?
Ans: We have a lack of government hospitals and health facilities. People have more health problems in villages than in cities. Our doctors do not want to work in villages. The villagers are, therefore, bound to go to the quacks for treatment. In cities, people are having difficulties in connection with treatment facilities because private doctors charge very high fees. Private hospitals and clinics also charge a lot of fees while the condition of government hospitals beyond description.

Effect of Growing Population on Health:
The government’s efforts to promote primary education have failed and the literacy rate is still low. The standard of primary education is very low. The standard of education at all level is low. The reasons for that are low standard of academic programs, old methods of exams, lack of schools and teachers in rural areas etc. These trends are lowering our level of education day by day. The fast population growth rate is also hindering the elimination of illiteracy and non standard education. Government should raised the budget to Rs. 5 billion for the promotion of science and technology in the country.


1) The last Census of Pakistan was held in the year March 2017.
2) The density of population in Sindh is 218 persons per Square Kilometers.
3) Total population of Karachi according to the 1998 Census is 10 million.
4) The majority of Pakistanis lives in rural areas.
5) The female literacy rate in Pakistan is 36% according to 1998 Census.
6) Population growth is the main problem of Pakistan.
7) Urdu is the common language of understanding throughout Pakistan.


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