Chapter No.5 - Resource Of Pakistan - Descriptive Question Answers - Pakistan Studies For Class X


Chapter No.5 - Resource Of Pakistan - Descriptive Question Answers - Pakistan Studies For Class X

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Descriptive Question Answers


  • Importance of Resources.
  • Kinds of Resources.
  • Main Advantages of Forests.
  • Mineral Resources of Pakistan.
  • Agricultural Problems of Pakistan.
  • Sources of Agriculture in Pakistan.
  • Nuclear Energy in Pakistan.
  • Interdependence of Human and other Resources.
  • Importance of Moderation in Life,

Q.1: Describe the importance of resources?
A natural resource is anything produced naturally and needed by a group or organization.
There are various kinds of natural resources. Among them, soil, forests and Minerals are foremost. It is necessary that all natural resources are fully and properly utilized for the development of the country.
Resources are of two types.

1) Natural Resources:
All types of resources, such as soil, forests, minerals, fresh water which are given by Almighty Allah are called natural resources of a country. These resources are the free gift from Allah. Man can explore them and get benefit out of these natural resources. Important natural resources are soil, forests, minerals and fresh Water.
The development and progress of a country and nation depends upon the fact that how many people get benefits from these natural resources.

2) Human Resources:
Human resource means the capacity and capability of human beings for doing certain work. The types of professions differentiate the human beings from each other.
People busy in various professions performing different types of works, are called human resources. The human resources are also called manpower of a country. The manpower has been categorized in different employments. Pakistan's man-power is associated with different professions and occupations, like agriculture, mining, architecture, business communication, government services and other types of paid work.

The resources of a country have great importance in that country. Following are the main features of the resources for national development.

1) Role of Natural Resources in the National Development:
Natural resources play great role in the national development. They are the real wealth of a country. All the developed and prosperous states of the world achieved development by utilizing their natural resources. Natural resources must be used with sound planning for the development of a country.

2) Used in The Strong Defence of the Country:
For a strong and developed nation, strong defence is needed. Natural resources are used for building and maintaining a strong army.

3) Source of High Prestige for a Country:
Natural resources are a big source of high prestige for a country. The development of the western countries is only due to their proper use of natural resources. Their development is an attraction for the people of developing countries.

4) Provision of Necessities, Comforts and Luxuries:
As far as the requirements of the country, such as necessities, comforts and luxuries are concerned, these are provided by natural resources which are used in different industries.

5) Helpful in Flourishing Trade and Commerce:
Trade and commerce activities are flourished due to proper use of natural resources. Rich countries have captured world trade by their sound economy due to the nourishment of trade and commerce.

6) Reduces Unemployment:
By utilizing natural resources of the country, new industries are set up in which people work and in this way, employment opportunities are created. Western countries have better employment opportunities by utilizing their natural and human resources.

7) Rapid Progress of the Country:
A country can get rapid progress with the help of natural resources by establishing new industries. Rapid progress will remain a dream without utilization of natural resources.

8) Helpful in Building National Institutions:
Natural resources are very useful in building important institutions of a country which are necessary for a stable state. Judiciary, army, police and educational institutions are built by the help of natural resources.

9) Provision of Food Facilities:
Agriculture is a very important sector of any country. With the help of natural resources, agriculture of the country is flourished and food, which is the basic need of man, is provided to the people.

10) Uplifts Living Standard of the People:
When natural resources are utilized, more and more facilities are provided to the people. In this way, their living standard is uplifted in a proper way.

Natural resources mean God-gifted resources of any country. They play a very important role in the development and progress of any country. All the developed nations of the west are developed by utilizing their natural resources properly. We must utilize our natural and human resources properly for a strong Pakistan.
Soil, forest, minerals and fresh water are the Main natural resources.

Q.2: Name different kinds of resources.
Natural resources mean everything which is produced naturally and God-gifted. Natural resources play leading role in the development of any state. Countries, desirous of progress, utilize their natural resources fully and properly.
Following are the main kinds of resources.

Nature has blessed Pakistan with plenty of natural resources. These God-gifted resources play an important role in the development of the country so they must be utilized fully and largely.
The main natural resources are as under.
1) Soil:
Land is a gift of nature as agriculture depends on it. The upper layer of land which supports the growth of plants is called soil. The soil which is carried or shifted from one place to another is called transported soil.

2) Indus Basin Soil:
The Indus Basin soil is created by depositing the alluvium by the river Indus. It is the most fertile soil of Pakistan and most of the agriculture of Pakistan is carved out in the plains of Indus. This soil is a great gift of nature due to which we earn most of our national income.

3) Forests:
The natural vegetation of any place comprising trees, shrubs, grasses and herbs is called forest. Pakistan is not an area of very high rainfall that is Pakistan has little forest area. It is a very important natural resource which is largely used in different industries and it has also many advantages. Forest wood is one of the main needs of the people as it is used largely for different purposes.

4) Minerals:
The valuable commodities which are buried under the earth, and used as raw material in different industries are called minerals.
Minerals play very important role in the development of a country because they provide raw material for different industries. Rapid progress is impossible without the establishment of new industries. New industries make different items of export, which are important source of earning foreign exchange and through industries, jobs are also provided to the people.

Allah Almighty has blessed Pakistan with natural gas, mineral oil, coal, iron ore, salt, chromite, gypsum, copper, limestone, marble, sulphur and so many other minerals. It is our national duty to utilize these minerals for the progress of the country.


1) Agricultural Crops:
Another natural resource is the fertile lands, which Pakistan possesses. We are cultivating all types of crops in Pakistan, which are the main source of our national income. Cotton, wheat, rice, maize (corn), pulses, barley, vegetables, tobacco and fruits are the main crops of Pakistan.

2) Irrigation Resources:
Pakistan is an agriculture country. Its 73% area is under cultivation. Our economy is Mostly based on agriculture and agriculture needs water. Allah Almighty has blessed Pakistan with many rivers, canals and lakes. The rivers, which flow in Pakistan, are playing very important role in the agriculture of Pakistan. Many canals are also built to water the lands. All these rivers and canals are the irrigation resources of the country.
  1. Canals:
    The most important irrigation resource are the canals. Pakistan has the world's biggest and most modern canal system in the Upper and Lower plains of Indus.

  2. Dams:
    The walls which are constructed in the mid of the rivers to stop the water of the rivers to make electricity and to irrigate the lands are called dams. Tarbela, Mangla, Warsak and Ghazi Brotha are the main dams of Pakistan.

  3. Barrages:
    Many barrages have been constructed to irrigate the lands of Pakistan. Sukkhur Barrage, Kotri Barrage, Chashma Barrage, Jinnah Barrage and Guddu Barrage are the main barrages of Pakistan.

3) Power Resources:
Power resources means, such resources which provide energy. Pakistan is world's sixth most populous country, that is why there is great demand of power resources such as coal, mineral oil, natural gas, nuclear energy, wind power and solar energy. In Pakistan, energy is produced by different sources. The electricity which is produced by water is called hydro electricity and the electricity which is produced by coal, oil and gas is called thermal electricity. All these energy-producing sources are the power resources of our country.

4) Human Resources:
Pakistan is the sixth most populous country of the world and its population has reached, more than 150 million. The working part of the population is called the human resource of the country. The economic, social and political advancement of the country depends upon human resource.
Human resource is an important factor for development, but more important is the physical health, mental health education and skillfulness of this human resource. We must raise the standard of living of the people for an advanced Pakistan.

Natural resources are those resources, which are God-gifted. These are very important for the progress and development of any country. Soil, minerals, forests, agriculture, crops and irrigation resources are the main natural resources. Human resources also play a great role in the development of any country. Natural resources must be utilized fully and only for the good of the country.

Q.3: What are the advantages of forests?
All types of herbs, shurbs and trees are called forest. Trees or forest are very important for any country because there are many benefits and advantages of forests. They play very important role in the economy of the country. 25% to 30% land should be covered with forest, but in Pakistan only 4.5% area is covered with forest. We are cutting our forests very rapidly for lodging purpose. Forest area must be increased.

Following are the main kinds of forests.

1) Mountainous Forests:
The forest area, which is in the North and North-Western mountains is called the mountainous forests. Here, they grow at the height of 1000 to 4000 metres above sea level. It is the most important forest area of Pakistan.

2) Sub-Mountainous Forests:
This type of forest area is present in Gujrat; Jhelum, Rawalpindi, Attock and Mardan districts. They grow at a height of 1000 metres above sea level.

3) Dry Western Mountainous Forests:
In this region, there is arid climate and there are no green forests. Only thorny bushes grow here. In Quetta, Kalat and Ziarat, such forests are found.

4) Riverine Forests:
The forests which are located along the Indus River and its eastern tributaries are called riverine forests. Mostly, they are in the canal area of Punjab and Sindh.

5) Canal Forests:
These types of forests are in those areas of Sindh and Punjab where canal water is available. Most of the trees are grown on the banks of canals.

6) Tidal Forests:
Tidal forests are also called coastal forests. In the south of Sindh, near the coastal area of Arabian Sea, such forests are available. Here, trees are of small height.

Following are the main advantages of forests.

1) Provision of Wood:
Forests are the main source of provision of wood, which is largely used for different requirements of the people. Wood is used for furniture and construction purpose. Good quality wood is found in Pakistan.

2) Helpful in Reducing Water Logging and Salinity:
Forests play an important role in reducing water logging and salinity. They are helpful in restoring the fertility of soil in such areas.

3) Decreasing Intensity of Heat:
Forests decrease the intensity of heat. They moderate the climate and make the weather pleasant.

4) Use of Herbs for Medicines:
Forests provide herbs which are used in the preparation of different medicines.

5) Protection from Cold Winds:
Forests, specially of Northern Areas, protect the people and animals from cold winds as there are very long trees in this region.

6) Maintain the Flow of Rivers:
Forests are very helpful for maintaining the flow of water in the rivers.

7) Source of Fuel:
Forests are the main source of firewood, which is used in rural areas.

8) Source of Wild Life:
Forests are the main source of wild life. A number of wild animals are found in the forests. Mostly, wild animals are found in the thick forests of northern areas.

9) Source of Food for Animals:
Forests are natural pastures. Animals like goats, sheep and camels get their food from forests. Some kinds of fruits are also grown in forests.

10) Stop Quick Melting of Snow:
Forests stop quick melting of snow on the mountains. They check soil erosion. In this way, they are very helpful to stop floods in the plain areas of Pakistan.

11) Provision of Raw Material for Paper Match Sticks, Furniture and Sports Goods:
Forest wood is used as raw material for paper, matches, furniture and sports goods industries.

12) Source of Recreation for the People:
Forests provide recreation for the people through their beautiful scenes.

13) Play a Role in Balancing Atmosphere:
Forests are very important for a balanced atmosphere. Forests do not allow excess of Carbon dioxide gas in the air because they need this gas to take in and release Oxygen.

14) Add Beauty to the Country:
Forests add beauty to the country.

15) Provide Shade to the People:
Big trees like Neem tree provide shade to the people specially in summers.

Forests are very important part of our natural resources. Forests are the main source of provision of wood, which is largely used by the people and as raw material in different industries. Countries having big forest area are considered developed countries because they play great role in the economy of any country. Someone has rightly said:

"A country can do without gold and silver,
but not without forests and timber"

Q.4: Name the mineral resources of Pakistan.
The valuable commodities burned under the earth, which are used as raw material in different industries are called minerals. Mineral resources means the minerals found in any country by nature. Development of the countries depends on their exports, and exports depend on industries running in a country. For better economy, minerals must be explored for the provision of raw material.
In Pakistan, minerals are found in the northern areas and Baluchistan province. Specially, Baluchistan is rich in mineral resources.

Following are the mineral resources of Pakistan.

Mineral oil has a very significant value in this age of industry. It is a big source of generating energy. Its refined form is called petrol. The by-products are Kerosene-oil, Diesel, Plastic, Candle wax, Vaseline etc.
  1. Areas Where Mineral Oil is Found:
    The resources of oil are located in Potwar Plateau, Khor, Mayyal, Sharang, Attock district, Dhodak, Badin, Hyderabad, Sanghar and Dadu.

  2. Deposits of Mineral Oil:
    In Pakistan, mineral oil is found in few areas and our country produces about 15% of the total requirements of the country. Remaining 85% oil is imported from other countries by spending foreign exchange.

  3. Uses of Mineral Oil:
    It is used as fuel in different vehicles and in different industries. Electricity is also produced with the help of mineral oil.

In 1952, natural gas was discovered at Sui, Baluchistan. It is a very important Mineral and used as fuel.
  1. Areas Where Natural Gas is found:
    It is found at Sui, Khairpur, Sandak, Dhodak, Pirkoh, Badin and Dhullian.
  2. Deposits of Natural Gas:
    Pakistan has rich deposits of natural gas. Pakistan meets 35% of her energy needs from natural gas.

  3. Uses of Natural Gas:
    It is used as fuel for domestic purpose. It is also used in iron-melting, fertilizers and cement industries. It is used as fuel in vehicles and electricity is also produced with the help of natural gas.

3) COAL:
Coal has been discovered at several places but is not of good quality. It is used as fuel.
  1. Areas Where Coal is found:
    The biggest coal mine is in the Salt Range at Makarwal. It is also dug from Sharang, Khost, Harnai, Degari, Ghionpir and Lakhra. There is a big mine in Tharparkar (Sindh).

  2. Deposits of Coal:
    Coal found in Pakistan is neither of good quality nor does it meet the needs of the country. Only 11 % of coal requirements are produced.
  3. Uses of Coal:
    In some areas, it is used as fuel. It is largely used in iron melting industry. Thermal electricity is also produced with the help of coal.

It is one of the most important minerals. It is used in many industries as raw material and to make steel.
  1. Areas Where Iron is found:
    Iron deposits are in Kala .Bagh, Makarwal, Chitral lIazara, Muslim Bagh and Chaghai.

  2. Deposits of iron:
    In Pakistan, the iron found is not of good quality and it meets only 16% of our requirements. Remaining iron is imported from other countries.
  3. Uses of Iron Ore:
    It is used to make steel, which is used to prepare different machines and tools. It is also used for construction purpose.

It is a white coloured mineral which is used in making steel. It is found in our country at many places.
  1. Areas Where Chromite is found:
    It is found in Muslim Bagh, Chaghi, Kharan, Malakand and North Waziristan.

  2. Deposits of Chromite:
    In Pakistan, there are the largest reserves of chromite in the world. Pakistan is number one exporter of chromite in the world. Large amount of foreign exchange is earned by its export.

  3. Uses of Chromite:
    It is used for making steel, aeroplanes, dyes and photography items.

It is also an important mineral which is used in different industries.
  1. Areas Where Copper is found:
    Its deposits are found in Balochistan. Sainclak and Chaghai are the main districts where copper is found.

  2. Deposits of Copper:
    In Pakistan, there is sufficient deposits of copper.

  3. Uses of Copper:
    It is used in the manufacture of electric; wire and electrical goods. It is also used to make coins and utensils.

It is a white coloured shining stone, which is used in many industries.
  1. Areas Where Gypsum is found:
    It is found in Jhelum, Mianwali, Dera Ghazi Khan, Kohat, Rohri and Quetta.

  2. Deposit of Gypsum:
    Pakistan is self-sufficient in the deposits of gypsum.

  3. Uses of Gypsum:
     It is used as a raw material in cement and fertilizer industries. It is also used to make plaster of Paris and different chemicals.

8) SALT:
It is a very important mineral used in many industries for different purposes.
  1. Areas Where Salt is found:
    Pakistan has the world's largest salt mine. It is found in the salt range and the salt is of fine quality. This mine is at Jhelum district called Khewra. it is also found in Khushab, Kala Bagh, Bahadur Khel.
    Salt is also obtained from sea water near Mauripur.

  2. Deposits of Salt:
    Pakistan has the world's biggest deposits of salt. We are self-sufficient in its production.

  3. Uses of Salt:
    It is used in meals for taste. It is used in different chemical industries, medicine leather and colour manufacturing industries.

Limestone is an important mineral. It is used as raw material in different industries.
  1. Areas Where Limestone is found:
    Limestone is found in Dandot, Dera Ghazi Khan, Hyderabad, Manghopir, Kot Digi and Ranipur (Sindh).

  2. Deposits of Lime Stone:
    Pakistan is self-sufficient in the production of limestone. In many areas, it is found that is why many cement plants have been set up in the Country.
  3. Uses of Lime Stone:
    Limestone is used largely as raw material in the cement industry. Sanitary items and building materials are prepared from limestone. It is used in paper and chemical industries also. Glass making industries also depend on it.

Marble is found in rocks in many areas. It is of different colour and used largely nowadays.
  1. Areas Where Marble is found:
    Both green and white marble is found in many areas of Pakistan. It is found in Chaghai, Mardan, Swat and Khyber Agency.

  2. Deposits of Marble:
    In Pakistan, green and white marbles are found in abundance and we are self sufficient in its deposits. Its quality is one of the best in the world.

  3. Uses of Marble:
    It is used for flooring and for making decoration pieces. It is an export item and Pakistan earns a lot of foreign exchange by exporting it.

Pakistan is rich in mineral resources. Many minerals are found in many parts of the country. These minerals are very useful for the economy of the country because they provide raw material for different industries. Industries are important for any country, as they are a great source of earning foreign exchange. More and more minerals should be explored for rapid progress of the country.

Q.5: What are the agricultural problems of Pakistan?
Agriculture is the backbone of the economy of Pakistan. It is the main source of our national income. More than 70% of the total population is attached to agriculture. Pakistan has fertile lands and many crops are grown in Pakistan but agriculture in Pakistan is facing many problems, due to which our agricultural output is not increasing.
Here, we are discussing the main agricultural problems of Pakistan.

Following are the main agricultural problems of Pakistan:

1) Lack of Capital:
Pakistan is not a rich country. People are very poor, so our farmers are also poor and they do not have enough money to purchase modern machinery, quality seeds and fertilizers.

2) Low Literacy Rate:
In Pakistan, education is not common. Literacy rate is low, so our farmers are also uneducated and have no knowledge about modern ways of farming, exact use of water, selection of seeds and use of insecticides. They believe in old ways of farming.

3) Increasing Number of Farmers:
As population of the country has increased, the number of people depending on agriculture is increasing but the process of bringing more area under cultivation is very slow. That is why agricultural output has decreased.

4) Shortage of Water and Irrigation Resources:
In spite of the world's biggest canal system present in Pakistan, there are many areas where water is not available to irrigate the land. There is shortage of water and irrigation resources.

5) Non-Mechanized Cultivation:
Due to lack of education, our farmers still employ old methods of farming and use of modern machinery is very rare. Non-mechanized cultivation is a great problem.

6) Small Land Holders:
Most of our farmers are poor. They have small lands where agricultural machinery cannot work, so they cannot use modern machinery on their lands.

7) Water Logging and Salinity:
Water logging and salinity is a kind of soil disease. Due to water logging and salinity large canal areas in Punjab and Sindh have been affected. The loss of fertile land causes serious setback to the fertile lands.

8) Use of Poor Fertilizers, Seeds and Insecticides:
Due to poverty and illiteracy, our farmers use poor quality seeds, fertilizers and insecticides and in this way, agricultural output is very low in our country.

9) Insufficient Means of Transport:
Means of transport play a great role in agricultural development but in our villages where most of the agricultural lands are situated, the roads are not in good shape and in some areas even roads are not available. Farmers cannot reach the markets safely with their produce.

10) Non-Availability of Medical Facilities for Farmers:
The Government of Pakistan has very limited resources that is why medical facilities are not provided to the farmers in country area. Health of farmers and their families is affected. Their strength for more production is minimized.

11 ) Harmful Insects and Crops Diseases:
Crop diseases and harmful insects greatly affect the crops of poor farmers. Our farmers are not educated and have little knowledge about the use of insecticides, with the result that they get low yield from their land. They ignore the advice of the experts.

12) Shifting of Farmers Towards Cities:
Many farmers are shifting towards the cities to settle there to earn more.

The Government of Pakistan has taken the following steps to overcome the agricultural problems of Pakistan.

1) Provision of Capital through A.D.B.P:
The Government of Pakistan has established the Agricultural Development Bank of Pakistan which provides loan facilities to the farmers for the purchase of agricultural machinery, quality seeds, fertilizers and pesticides.

2) Provision of Education:
As our farmers are not educated, the Government of Pakistan has established thousands of schools and colleges to educate the farmers and their children.

3) Establishment of Agricultural Universities:
To guide the farmers about modern agriculture, seven agricultural universities have been established. The biggest among them is the Agricultural University Faisalabad.

4) Separate Ministry:
Due to the great importance of agriculture, the Government of Pakistan has established agricultural ministers to guide the government about agriculture.

5 ) Provision of Land through Agricultural Reforms:
Through land reforms, more agricultural land has been distributed among the farmers so that they can use agricultural machinery.

6) Provision of Good Quality Seeds, Fertilizers and Pesticides:
Good quality seeds, fertilizers and pesticides have been provided for better production.

7) Quick Means of Transport:
Quick means of transport are very important for the agricultural development. Many new roads, highways and now motorways have been built for the provision of quick means of transport.

8) Steps to Save the Lands from Water logging and Salinity:
To overcome the great problem of water logging and salinity, the government has taken many steps. Tube wells have been installed to keep down the level of underground water down.

9) Steps to Stop Shifting of Farmers:
Now, small industries have been established to stop the shifting of farmers towards cities. Such industries have been established near the fields where farmers work in their spare time.

10) Provision of Guidance for the Market:
Full guidance has been provided by the government for marketing of different crops to the farmers. In this way, better price of their crops is earned.

11) Provision of New Water Resources:
New water resources have been provided to the farmers to meet the need for water. New canals have been built. A new dam Ghazi Brotha dam has been built to water the lands.

12) Government's Help for the Export of Cotton, Rice and Fruits:
Government of Pakistan is providing all possible facilities for the export of cotton, rice and fruits, because we earn the major part of our foreign exchange by exporting these commodities.

Agriculture is the most important profession of the country. It has great importance is our economy. This sector is facing many problems, due to this our agricultural output is very low. Now, the Government of Pakistan has taken many positive steps to overcome all agricultural problems. In future, we hope our agriculture will be on modern lines.

Q.6: What are the sources of agriculture in Pakistan?
Agriculture sector has great importance in Pakistan because the economy of the country is based on it. Allah Almighty has blessed Pakistan with fertile lands where almost all main crops grow. All the fertile lands of Pakistan and the crops grown on these lands are called agricultural resources of Pakistan.


Pakistan is an agricultural country and the major part of our national income is earned through agriculture. The Upper and Lower plains of Indus are the main fertile lands of Pakistan. Our crop system depends on the canal system of Punjab and Sindh.

a) Crop Seasons of Pakistan:
There are two main crop seasons in Pakistan.
  1. Rabi Crop Season:
    The crop grown in October and November is called Rabi crop. It is harvested in April and May. Wheat, barley, gram and oil seeds are Rabi crops.

  2.  Kharif Crop Season:
    Kharif is crop grown in the month of May and June and harvested in September and October. Kharif crop includes rice, maize, cotton, sugarcane, sorghum (jowar) and millet (bajra).

b) Kinds of Crops:
There are two main kinds of crops.
  1. Food Crops:
    The crops which are generally part of our food are called food crops such as wheat, rice, maize (corn), pulses, barley, vegetables and fruits.

  2. Cash Crops:
    The crops which are source of earning foreign exchange are called cash crops such as cotton, sugarcane, tobacco and oil seeds.


a) Wheat:
Wheat is the most important food crop of Pakistan. It is a Rabi crop and by acreage and yield, it is the biggest crop of Pakistan. It is grown in all the four provinces but Punjab is called the "Home of wheat". Sindh also produces plenty of wheat.
  • Production:
    Pakistan is self-sufficient in the production of wheat but its production depends on the availability of water. In the years 2004, a large quantity of wheat was imported.

b) Rice:
It is the second most important food crop of Pakistan. It is Kharif crop. Pakistan is producing the best quality rice in the world. It grows in Punjab and Sindh.
  • Production:
    Pakistan is not only self-sufficient in the production of rice, it also exports rice largely to other countries and earns considerable foreign exchange, Rice of Pakistan is considered the best in the world.

c) Maize (Corn):
It is a part of food of the people living in rural areas. It is also used as animal food. It is grown in Khyber Pakhtoon Khwa and Punjab. Pakistan is self-sufficient in its production, but it is not an export item.

d) Barley:
It is not grown in large area. It is grown in limited areas in less fertile lands. It is a part of food of very poor people and is also used as animal food.
  • Production:
    It is not popular in the country.

e) Pulses:
In Pakistan, different varieties of pulses are grown. Gram is the most important among all pulses. Mianwali and Sargodha are the main centers for the production of pulses. In Punjab, Lathyrus (Moong) Lentil (Masoor) and Vetchling (Mash) are largely grown.
  • Production:
    There is great need of pulses in our country but our production is not matching our needs. To match the needs, we import more than 20% of pulses from other countries by spending foreign exchange.

f) Fruits and Vegetables:
In Pakistan, different varieties of vegetables are grown in all parts of the country. Potato, spinach, onion, pumpkin, tomato, brinjal, radish, beet, cabbage, carrot and peas are grown all over the country. Pakistan also produces different types of fruits. Khyber Pakhtoon Khwa and Balochistan are the main fruit-growing areas. Here grapes, apples, pomegranates plums, apricots, cherry are the main fruits. In Sindh, bananas and mangoes are largely grown.
  • Production:
    Pakistan is self-sufficient in the production of vegetables and fruits. Pakistan earns foreign exchange by exporting fruits.

g) Sorghum and Millet (Jowar and Bajra):
Sorghum and Millet are cultivated to yield food grains and also for green or dried grass to feed mainly milch cattle. These are winter (Kharif) crops, which can be cultivated, even in the area where soil is poor and prone to drought. Its cultivation is confined to Punjab and Sindh.
In the Punjab, Attock, Gujrat, Sialkot and Sargodha districts grow millets. In Sindh, Tharparkar, Umerkot and Mirpurkhas districts lead Pakistan in the production of millet, Sorghum is also cultivated in Nothern districts of Punjab i.e. Attock, Rawalpindi, Jhelum, and Sargodha. In Sindh, Sukkur, Khairpur, Nawabshah, Naushahro Feroze, Sanghar and Dadu districts are thr main areas of its cultivation.


a) Cotton:
It is the most important cash crop of Pakistan. It is Kharif crop and it is also called "Silver Fiber" of Pakistan. Sindh is called the "Home of Cotton" but it is sown in Punjab, Khyber Pakhtoon Khwa and Baluchistan also. In Pakistan, cotton grows is of different qualities. Its well known quality is called American Cotton.
  • Production:
    Pakistan is self-sufficient in the production of cotton and it is the biggest export of Pakistan. Pakistan earns appreciable foreign exchange by exporting cotton. Due to great production of cotton, many cotton mills have been set up in the country.

b) Sugarcane:
It is another cash crop of Pakistan. It is grown in all four provinces of Pakistan. Mainly it is sown in N.W.F.P. As sugar is made with the help of sugar-cane so it is very important crop.
  • Production:
    Pakistan is self sufficient in its production. Sometime we export sugar also. Due to great production of sugarcane many sugar mills have been setup in all four provinces.

c) Tobacco:
It is an important cash crop of Pakistan. It is mainly produced in Peshawar and Mardan in Khyber Pakhtoon Khwa. It is used for preparing cigarettes. It is also used in cigars. A few cigarette manufacturing factories are working in Pakistan
  • Production:
    In Pakistan, tobacco is largely cultivated. Tobacco and its products are exported to other countries and foreign exchange is earned.

d) Oil Seeds:
Oil seeds are grown in the irrigated areas of Pakistan like Punjab and Sindh. The cultivation of oil seed is very important from nutritional point of view. Mustard (Sarsoon, Rai), Rape seed (Toria) and sunflower seeds (Sooraj Mukhi) are important oil seeds which provide oil, which is used in oil and ghee mills.
  • Production:
    Due to shortage of water oil seeds are not grown in all parts of Pakistan. On the whole, the production of oil seeds has not matched with the national needs, Hence, foreign exchange, is being spent on the import of oil seeds.

Livestock is an important part of our agricultural resources. Livestock includes cattle, buffaloes, sheep, goats, camels, horses, donkeys, mules and poultry. It is a source of foreign exchange earning for Pakistan. Milk, beef, mutton, poultry meat, wool, hair, fats, blood, hides and skins are the main livestock products. Fish is also an important export item of Pakistan.

Pakistan is an agricultural Country. All types of crops are grown in our country. Pakistan is self-sufficient in the production of cotton, wheat, rice, tobacco and fruits. We earn considerable of foreign exchange by exporting cotton, rice, tobacco and fruits. We are not self-sufficient in the production of oil seeds and pulses. So, we import these items by spending foreign exchange. Livestock is an important part of our agricultural resources.

Q.7: Write a note on Nuclear Energy in Pakistan.
Pakistan is an atomic power. Pakistan's nuclear programme is for peaceful purpose. Our nuclear programme is only for the development of agricultural and industrial sectors and for the development of medical techniques. Atomic energy has great importance in the whole world now-a-days to produce electricity.

Pakistan is a nuclear power. Pakistan wants to use nuclear power for peaceful purpose and only for the development of the country.

There is less water in the rivers of Pakistan and country has not many dams to generate hydro electricity. Nuclear energy is must to meet the needs and requirements of electricity in Pakistan. In Pakistan, there is great consumption of energy and our conventional energy resources are very limited. In future, with the increase of population the energy consumption will also enhanced. There is a great need of use of nuclear energy in Pakistan.

i) Karachi Nuclear Power Plant (Kanupp):
To meet the needs and requirements of energy consumption in Pakistan first nuclear power plant of the country was established at Karachi in 1972 called Karachi Nuclear Power Plant (KANUPP). In this plant first time nuclear energy was used for power production.

ii) Nuclear Power Plant Chashma (Mianwali):
With the technical help of China the second Nuclear Power Plant of the country has been set up at Chashma near Mianwali.
It started production in 2002. Its production capacity is 300 MW. The third Nuclear Power Plant is under construction again at Chashma.

Nuclear power Energy is being used in other fields also they are as under.

1) Strengthening Industrial Base:
With the help of nuclear energy different industrial projects base has been strengthened. Facilities for preparing special material and alloys have been developed. The standard of mechanical and chemical engineering has been improved.

2) Increasing Agricultural Production:
Nuclear energy is used for agricultural research. For this purpose three centers at Faisalabad (Punjab) Peshawar (N.W.F.P) Tando Jam (Sindh) have been setup for agricultural and food research specially on seeds for their good quality. This research has increased the out put of the agricultural sector.

3) Helpful For Medical Treatment:
Atomic energy is used for the treatment of cancer. In Peshawar, Lahore, Karachi, Islamabad and at some other parts of the country, such institutions are working.

Nuclear energy is very important form of energy. It is used to generate electricity on cheap rates. It is also used for the development of industrial, agricultural and medical sectors.
A country like Pakistan, where there is great energy problem the use of nuclear energy is necessary to overcome energy problems. New atomic plants to produce electricity should he built in the country.

Q.8: How many human and other resources are interdependent?
Human resources mean the manpower of a country. The capability, capacity and skill of the people combinedly called the human resource. Every citizen of more than ten years, who works for himself or for country is called employed person.
Human and other resources have a lose link. Both human and other resources depend on each other.

1) Human Resources:
Pakistan is a populous country. It ranks sixth among the most populous countries of the world. It is also the second most populous country of the Muslim world. The population of our country is increasing very rapidly. Nearly 30% of the total population is involved in active work. About 40% of the total population is associated with agriculture, 18% with industries and 40% are employed in other sectors. This working population is a great resource of Pakistan and is very important for national progress.

2) Role of Human Resource for the National Development:
Human resource and development of a country has very close link. It is an important factor for development. Following are the main features of the role of human resources for the development of the country.
  1. Educated People:
    Educated people are an asset of any state because they play great role for the development of the country.

  2. Skillful People:
    Skilled workers of any country play leading role for the industrial development of that country so more and more skillful people should be prepared for industrial development.

Human resource play leading role in the national development but other resources have their separate and independent value as well as utility. But these resources are interdependent. Along with food, clothing and shelter man has many other needs also which can be fulfilled only by other, resources. In these resources agricultural and mineral resources are the most important. Human efforts play an important role to discover and obtain benefit from these resources. Without human knowledge, skill and ability the fruits of other resources cannot be obtained.
Man has given value to mineral oil, gas and gold because they are discovered by man. Life would have been charmless without these resources. So the human resource and other resources are interdependent.

The manpower of a country is called its human resource. Pakistan's manpower is associated with different professions and occupations like agriculture, mining, business communication government service and other types of work. Human resources and other resources have their independent value as well as utility. But these resources are interdependent. Human life with other resources would have been charmless. Both have great relation.

Q.9: Write a note on moderation in life.
Pakistan is a country of very limited resources and its growth rate of population is very high. We need moderation in our daily life. Moderation in life means to live within the available means. There is an old saying that "Cut your coat according to your cloth". A person is called moderate who manages his living according to his means. Pakistan is not a rich country. We also manage our living according to our resources, which are very limited for a huge population. Islam also teaches us moderation in life.

Following are the main benefits of moderation in life.

1) Economic Progress:
The economy of our country is not sound. Considerable of progress has been done in agricultural and industrial sectors, but still our economy is not on sound basis. Moderation is very helpful for a strong economy. We must utilize national resources very carefully.

2) Social Development:
Social development means development of society. People are the most important asset of any state. Without social development, the progress of the state is not possible. Moderation demands reasonable attitude towards society.

3) Moderation Brings Peace And Prosperity:
All the nations of the world, which utilize their resources carefully and there is moderation in their attitude, are called prosper nations. For peace and prosperity, the resources of the country must be used carefully and we must unite ourselves to our resources. Excess of everything is bad.

4) Source of a Comfortable Life:
Overambitious are the source of all evils of society. By following a moderate life, one would lead a comfortable life.

5) Educational Development:
One of the main benefits of moderation is the educational development of a country because without education, no nation can get progress.

6) Living Standard Up Lifted:
By moderation, the living standard of the people is uplifted.

It is a well known notion that excess of everything is bad. Islam is a complete code of life, it also teaches us moderation in our daily life. Pakistan is a poor country in which economic conditions are not good because of our limited resources. So there is great need of moderation in life. Economic and social progress, peaceful and prosperous life would remain a dream if all the resources of the country are not used carefully and with moderation. Specially in a country like Pakistan there should be moderation in very walk of life.


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