Chapter No.5 - Resource Of Pakistan - Text Book Exercise - Pakistan Studies For Class X


Chapter No.5 - Resource Of Pakistan - Text Book Exercise - Pakistan Studies For Class X

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Text Book Exercise

By Ustani G
(YouTube Channel)

Q.1: Describe the importance of resources?
Ans: Importance of Resources:
The countries having plentiful humans and natural resources make great progress. Following are the importance of resources:
  • These resources are the real wealth of nation. However, a wise use of these resources is needed for progress.
  • Human and natural resources make the defense of a country strong. They are the means of a country’s Security and Protection.
  • These resources help make quick progress and development.
  • These resources meet all the material needs of a country including all the amenities, comforts and luxuries of life.
  • These resources provide jobs to people and help in increasing trade and business.

Q.2: Name the different kinds of resources?
Ans: There are two kinds of resources:
  1. human resources
  2. natural resources
a) Human Resources:
The human resources mean capacity and capability of human beings for doing certain tasks. The type of profession differentiates human beings from each other.

b) Natural Resources:
Natural resources are provided by nature. Allah Almighty has given these resources to different countries of the world in the form of minerals, soil, forests, water etc.

Q.3: What are the advantages of forests?
  • Forests make the weather pleasant by moderating temperature.
  • Forests bring rains by increasing the water vapor in the air • Forest keeps the level of Carbon dioxide down by absorbing it.
  • Forest stops quick melting of snow on the mountains.
  • Forests prevent soil erosion as roots of the trees firmly stick to the soil.
  • Forests provide natural herbs which are used as medicines.
  • Forests are natural pastures providing food to animals.
  • Forests protect us from floods.
  • They are the source of growth and breeding of different kinds of animals.
  • Forests provide us timber which is used for construction and making furniture.
  • Forests provide jobs and are important for economy.
  • Forests keep the atmosphere clear by adding oxygen to the air.

Q.4: Name the mineral resources of Pakistan?
There are several mineral resources of Pakistan:
  • Mineral Oil
  • Natural Gas
  • Coal
  • Iron ore
  • Chromites
  • Copper
  • Gypsum
  • Salt
  • Limestone
  • Marble

Q.5: What are the agricultural problems of Pakistan?
Ans: Pakistan is an agriculture country 55% people are related to agriculture. However, the agriculture yield is very low. The reasons for low production are given under:
  • Low literacy rate:
    There is low literacy rate in the country Majority of the farmers is uneducated. Their cultivation is traditional and they don’t know the use of insecticides the selection of standard seeds, and the proper use of artificial fertilizers.

  • Increasing number of farmers:
    The process of bringing more area under cultivation is slow. Therefore the number of people who depend on agriculture is increasing.

  • Soil Erosion:
    Rains, windstorms, snowfall and earthquakes etc cause soil erosion by removing the fertile topmost soil. Soil erosion lowers the yield.

  • Non-mechanized cultivation:
    Our farmers are using non-mechanized cultivation methods. There are many reasons for this: example: lack of financial resources small land holdings and conservative ideas etc.

  • Limit of agricultural land:
    The landlords have vast areas of land but they don’t cultivate themselves so most remains uncultivated and barren.

  • Water logging and salinity:
    Large canal areas of Punjab and Sindh have become barren due to water logging and salinity.

  • Insufficient Means of transport: There are not roads to carry the agricultural production to the market. The crops go waste before reaching the market.

  • Unsuitable conditions: Life is very hard in villages. There are not any medical facilities. The farmers are not healthy so they cannot work hard or produce more.

  • Difficulties in the Marketing crops: Farmers do not get the proper price for their products. The middle men get the maximum profit while the Farmers don’t get.

Q.6: What are the sources of agriculture in Pakistan?
Ans: Pakistan is an agricultural country. A large variety of crops, fruits and vegetable are grow in Pakistan agriculture sector produces about 30% of the total raw materials and is a source of providing Employment to 55% of the population. Agricultural export earns 70% of the foreign exchange. There are two kinds of crops in Pakistan:
  1. Rabi crops:
    The Rabi crops are grown in October and November and are harvested in April and May. Important Rabi crops are wheat, barley, gram, oil, seeds, and tobacco.

  2. Kharif crops:
    The Kharif crops are grown in May June and is harvested in October and November. Important Kharif crops are: rice, maize, cotton sugarcane, sorghum (Jowar) and millet (Bajra). These two crops are further divided into two types:
    (i) Food crop:
    These crops provide food to the people. It includes wheat rice, pulses, maize etc.

    (ii) Cash crop:
    These crops earn foreign exchange for the country. These crops include cotton, sugar, tobacco etc.

Q.7: Write a note on Nuclear Energy in Pakistan?
Ans: In Pakistan there are two atomic power houses are working. One is KANUPP at Karachi which started working in 1971. The second is Chashma Plant (Mianwali), which started working in 2002. It produces 300MW electricity. A third atomic power project is also being constructed at Chashma with the Chinese assistances. Pakistan has become the 7th nuclear power of world. On May 28, 1998, Pakistan made nuclear tests at Chagai. The credit for this goes to team of Pakistani scientists. The government has changed the name of Kahuta research Laboratories as “Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan (A.Q) Research Laboratories.

Q.8: How are human and other resources interdependent?
Ans: Human resources and other resources have their independent and separate value as well as utility. However, these resources are interdependent. The basic necessities of life include food, clothing and shelter. Then there are other necessities which are not included in the basic necessities but they are related with the comforts and luxuries of life. These necessities can be fulfilled with the help of other resources which include the agricultural and mineral resources.

Human efforts play an important role to benefit from these resources. If human knowledge, expertise and labor are excluded the other resources will become useless. The natural resources of oil, gas, gold etc. became wealth because man discovered them and used them for benefits. Thus we can say that human resources and other resources are interdependent.

Q.9: Write a note on moderation in life?
Ans: Moderation in life means to live within the available means. There is a saying “excess of everything is bad”. Moderation is a way of proper thinking, behaviour and actions. Those who do not moderate their lives are exposed to trouble and hardships. Moderation demands reasonable attitude towards actions in all matters economic, social and political. Islam taught moderation in all walks of life and has always stressed on self control.


1) The people involved in a number of tasks are called human resources.
2) The soil formed from the flooded layers of silt and loam is called Khaddar soil.

3) Mountain forests are found in north and northern western areas.
4) The natural gas was first found in Pakistan at a place called Sui Balochistan in 1952.
5) Moderation in life means to live within available means.


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