Chapter No.3 - Constitutional Development in Islamic Republic of Pakistan - Short Question Answers - Pakistan Studies For Class X


Chapter No.3 - Constitutional Development in Islamic Republic of Pakistan - Short Question Answers - Pakistan Studies For Class X

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Short Question Answers

Q.1: What do you mean by a constitution? Answer in three sentences.
  • The supreme law of any country is called the constitution of that country. The basic document of rules and regulations of a state is called a constitution.
  • It means a set of basic laws, rules and regulations which are necessary for running the administration of a state.
  • No country can run the business of the state independently and peacefully without a constitution.

Q.2: Write three sentences on the "Objectives Resolution". What was the impact of this resolution on the constitutions of Pakistan?
  • The Objectives Resolution was passed on 12th March 1949 by the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan.
  • It was a complete guideline for the future constitution of Pakistan.
  • It is completely Islamic and it was prepared by Allama Shabbir Ahmed Usmani and presented in the assembly by Mr. Liaquat Ali Khan, the first Prime Minister of Pakistan.
The Objectives Resolution was a milestone in the constitutional history of Pakistan. All the constitutions of Pakistan were made under the guidance of the Objectives Resolution and they all are completely Islamic.

Q.3: State three main features of the Objectives Resolution?
Following are the three main features of the Objectives Resolution.
  1. Sovereignty of Allah Accepted:
    In the Objectives Resolution, sovereignty of Allah has been accepted. The political power is a sacred trust which shall be exercised by the representatives of the people within the prescribed limits. of Islam.

  2. Democratic System:
    There shall be democratic system in the country. People will elect their representatives, who will rule over the country.

  3. Minorities Rights:
    The rights of the minorities shall be protected by the state. They will have the freedom of worship according to their religion.

Q.4: Name three Constitutions of Pakistan. Which is the present Constitution of Pakistan?
Following are the three constitutions of Pakistan.
  1. 1956 Constitution.
  2. 1962 Constitution.
  3. 1973 Constitution. 1973 Constitution is the present Constitution of Pakistan.

Q.5: State three features of 1956 Constitution.
Following were the three features of 1956 constitution:
  1. Federal Parliamentary System:
    Federal Parliamentary system of government had been given.

  2. Distribution of Powers:
    The powers were distributed between the center and the two provinces of Pakistan namely, the then East Pakistan and West Pakistan.

  3. Pakistan An Islamic Republic:
    For the first time, Pakistan was declared an Islamic Republic.

Q.6: State three features of 1962 constitution.
Following were the three features of 1962 constitution.
  1. Federal Presidential Form of Government:
    For the first time in Pakistan, Federal Presidential system of government was introduced.

  2. New System of Elections:
    A new system of elections, the Basic Democracy system was introduced. It was an indirect mode of elections.

  3. Islamic Laws:
    No law contrary to the principles of Islam was to he enforced. Laws would be made according to Islam.

Q.7: State three features of 1973 Constitution.
Following are the main features of 1973 Constitution.
  1. Federal Parliamentary System of Government:
    Federal Parliamentary system of government was introduced.

  2. Direct Mode of Elections:
    For the first time, direct mode of elections was introduced in Pakistan.

  3. Urdu As National Language:
    Urdu was declared as the national language of the country.

Q.8: Describe three main causes of the separation of East Pakistan.

East Pakistan separated in 1971 from West Pakistan. Following were the main causes of-the-separation of East Pakistan.
  1. Geographical Location of East and West Pakistan:
    One of the main reasons of the separation of East Pakistan was the geographical location of East and West Pakistan. There was nearly 1000 km distance between both parts of Pakistan separated by India.

  2. Results of 1970 Elections:
    In 1970, the first general elections of Pakistan were held In these elections, Sheikh Mujeeb's Awami League got majority seats but the government was not handed over to him.

  3. Indian Propaganda:
    The Indian government propagated against West Pakistan after the elections of 1970. This created hatred in the hearts of Bengali against the government and the people of West Pakistan.

Q.9: Suggest three steps to make Pakistan a prosperous state.
Following steps can be taken to make Pakistan a prosperous state.
  1. Economic Independence:
    We must work hard in all fields to make Pakistan economically independent.

  2. Patriotism:
    All the Pakistanis should love Pakistan and there should be patriotism for Pakistan.

  3. Steps to Vanish Corruption:
    All Pakistanis should co-operate with the government to eradicate corruption from the society. Drastic steps should be taken to uproot it.

Q.10: Name three military rulers of Pakistan.
Following are the military rulers of Pakistan.
  1. General Muhammad Ayub Khan.
  2. General.Muhammad Yahya Khan.
  3. General Muhammad Zia ul Haq.

Q.11: Name three Governors of Sindh and their approximate tenures.
Ans: Three Governors of Sindh:
  1. Dr. Ishrat-ul-Ebad Khan. - (13 years)
  2. Hakeem Muhammad Saeed. - (Two years)
  3. Begum Rana Liaquat Ali Khan. - (Three years)

Q.12: Name three Chief Ministers of Sindh and their approximate tenures.
Ans: Three Chief Ministers of Sindh:
  1. Dr. Arbab Ghulam Rahim. - (Four years)
  2. Syed Abdullah Shah. - (Three years).
  3. Syed Ghous Ali Shah. - (Two years)

Q.13: Name three Presidents of Pakistan and their approximate tenures.
Ans: Three Presidents of Pakistan:
  1. Mr. Z.A. Bhutto. - (Two years)
  2. Gen. M. Zia ul Haq. - (Ten years)
  3. Gen. M. Ayub Khan. - (Ten.years)

Q.14: Name three Prime Ministers of Pakistan and their approximate tenures.
Ans: Three Prime Ministers of Pakistan:
  1. Mr. Z.A. Bhutto. - (Five years)
  2. Mr.Shaukat Aziz. - (Four years)
  3. Mrs. Benazir Bhutto. - (Three years)

Q.15: Write sentences about the / on the second 'Islamic Summit conference held at Lahore.

Ans: The second Islamic Summit conference was held in Pakistan at Lahore on 22nd 1974. More than 40 heads of states of the Islamic word attended that conference. Mr. Z.A. Bhutto the Prime Minister of Pakistan was the Chairman of that conference and Pakistan accepted Bangladesh as independent country.

Q.16: State any three Islamic Provisions of the 1973 Constitution.
Ans: Following are the main Islamic Provisions of the 1973 Constitution.
  1. Formation of Islamic Ideological Council:
    For the first time in Pakistan, an Islamic Ideological Council was set up consisting of leading ulemas and scholars of Islamic teachings to guide the governments.

  2. Islamic Name of the country:
    An Islamic name "Islamic Republic of Pakistan" has been given to the country. Islam is our identity so Islamic name of Pakistan is our recognition.

  3. Objectives Resolution as Preamble:
    Objectives Resolution, which is an Islamic resolution has been written in the preamble of the constitution, means the foundation of the constitution was laid on the Objectives Resolution.


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