Chapter No.2 - Making Of Pakistan - Short Question Answers - Pakistan Studies For Class X


Chapter No.2 - Making Of Pakistan - Short Question Answers - Pakistan Studies For Class X

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Short Question Answers

Q.1: Write three sentences on Revivalist Movement and who was the founder of the movement?
The movements which were started by a number of Muslims scholars and religions leaders in the sub-continent for the rival of Islamic teachings are called Revivalist movements. Shah Waliullah, Haji Shariatullah and Syed Ahmed Shaheed were the leading scholars who led these movements. Islam was protected and revived in its true shape, due to these movements and Shah Waliullah was the founder of the Revivalist Movement.

Q.2: State three main objectives of Syed Ahmed Shaheed's Movement. Also tell what was the impact of this movement?
Ans. Syed Ahmed Shaheed started Jihad Movement in 1826. Following were the main objectives of his movement.
  1. To Preach Unity of Allah (Tauheed): The main objective of Syed Ahmed Shaheed's movement was to preach Tauheed and Islamic teachings.
  2. To Revive Teaching of Islam: The revival of Islamic teachings was another objective of Syed Ahmed Shaheed's movement.
  3. To Preach Jihad: To preach jihad was another objective of.Syed Ahmed.Shaheed's movement because it was not possible to get freedom without struggle.
Its impact was that the Muslims of Punjab and N.W.F.P. (Khyber P.K.) became very true Muslims.

Q.3: What were the three objectives of Shah Waliullah's movement?
Shah Walliullah started his movement after the death of Auranzeb Alamgir in 1707. Following were the main objectives of his movement:
  1. To Preach Islam: To preach Islam was the main objective of Shah Waliullah's movement because the Muslims of the sub-continent had left Islamic teachings.
  2. To Protect The Muslim From Jats And Maraths: After the death of Aurangzeb Alamgir  in 1707 A.D. Marathas and Jats got power against Muslims, So Shah Waliullah started a movement to protect the Muslims from Maraths and Jats.
  3. Revival of Islam Teachings: His objective was the revival of Islam in its true shape in the Sun-Continent to protect Islam.

Q.4 State three objectives of Faraizi Movement. Also write who was the founder of this movement.
The movement which was started by Haji Shariatullah to revive Islam is called Faraizi Movement. Following were the main objectives of his movement.
  1. To Eliminate The Unislamic Customs: The main objectives of Haji Shariat ullah's movement was to eliminate the un Islamic customs and tradition from Islamic society.
  2. To Help The Muslims To Bring Them On The Right Path: To help the Muslims to bring them on right path was another objective of the movement.
  3. Organization of Muslim Tenants: . Another objective of Faraizi Movement was to organize the Muslim tenants against the Hinds land lords.

Q.5: Write three sentences on Aligarh Movement. Also write what role did this movement play to educate the Muslim of South Asia.
The movement, which was started by Sir Syed Ahmed after the War of Independence in 1860 to education the Muslims of Sub-Continent is called Aligarh Movement. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan tried his level best to form good relations between the. Muslims and the British. He also established schools, colleges and Aligarh University for the Muslim to educate them. He also guided the Muslims of South Asia to protect their civilization and Islamic teachings. This movement played leading role to educate the Muslims of South Asia on modern lines.

Q.6: Write three sentences on "Two Nation Theory". Also write which theory is the base of the creation of the Pakistan.
Two Nation Theory means two different nations are living in the Sub-Continents and they are Hindus and Muslims. Their way of life, language, customs, heroes, culture, way of worship everything are different from the Hindus. This theory was given by Sir Syed Ahmed Khan in the decade of 1860. Two Nation Theory was the base of the creation of Pakistan. Pakistan came into being under an ideology, called Two Nation Theory.

Q.7: State the main aims and objectives of the formation of Muslim League. Also write who gave the concept of the first political party of the Muslims of South Asia?
Muslim League was established in 1906. The concept of the first political party was given by Sir Syed Ahmed Khan. Following were the main objective of the formation of Muslim League.
  1. To Establish Good Friendly Relations between British And The Muslims: The main aim of the formation of Muslim League was to establish good friendly relations between the Muslims and the British.
  2. To Co-Ordinate with Other Nations: It was also the objective of the formation of Muslim League to form Co-Ordination with other nations of India such as Hindus and Sikhs.
  3. To Protect The Rights of the Muslims: To protect the rights of Muslims was another objective of the formation of Muslim League.

Q.8: State any three points of Quaid-e-Azam's fourteen points. Also write what was the impact of these points on the politics of the Muslims South Asia.

Quaid-e-Azam framed his fourteen points in 1928 after rejecting Nehru Report. Three points of Quaid-e-Azam's fourteen points are as under.
  1. Federal Form of Government: Quaid-e-Azam demanded federal form of government for United India.
  2. Separation of Sindh from Bombay: Quaid-e-Azam demanded separation of Sindh from Bombay Presidency.
  3. Religious Liberty for All: Full religious liberty was demanded by Quaid-e-Azam for all the nations of Sub-Continent.
Quaid-e-Azam 14 points played a great role in the attainment of a separate home land for the Muslims of United India.

Q.9: Write three sentences on "Nehru Report".
In 1928, British government called an All Parties Conference of the political parties of United India to frame new constitution for India. An All Parties Conference was held under the president ship of Mr. Moti Lal Nehru. Suggestions were given about the future constitution of India in a report called Nehru Report Which was rejected by the Muslims as no demand was kept in it.

Q.10: Write three sentences in_Allama Iqbal's address of Allahabad 1930.
Allama Iqbal is the National Poet of Pakistan. He gave the idea of a separate homeland the annual meeting of Muslim League held at Allahabad in 1930. He demanded for the first time, in a public meeting a Separate homeland for the Muslims of South Asia. He said future Muslim State will be in Punjab, N.W.F.F. (Khyber. P.K.), Sindh and Balochistan, where Muslims were in majority. Due to this idea of a separate homeland he is called- the "Father of the Ideology of Pakistan".

Q.11: Write three sentences on the Government of India Act, 1935.
In 1935, Government of British introduced a mini constitution in India called Government of India Act 1935. Under this Act elections Were held in 1937 in which Congress got victory and formed the government in India Religious liberty of the Muslims- was reduced. The doors of government jobs were closed on Muslims. Urdu language was replaced by Hindi in schools. Sindh was separated from the Bombay presidency. After this act, Muslims demanded a separate homeland through Lahore Resolution.

Q.12: Write three sentences on Lahore Resolution?
After the elections of 1937, when Congress came in power, it dealt the Muslims very badly. On 23rd March all Muslim political leaders gathered at Minto Park, Lahore in the annual Meeting of Muslim League. Quaid-e-Azam presided over the session and A-K. Fazal-ul-Haq presented Lahore Resolution which was seconded' by Ch-Khaliq-uz-Zaman. Lahore Resolution States that Muslims of United India demand a separate homeland of their own, where they could practice Islam. It was passed unanimously by all Muslims who were present in the meeting.

Q.13: Write three sentences on Simla Conference.
When Lord Wavell became the Viceroy of India the second world war had ended. He called a Conference of leading political parties of India to end the dead lock in United India, at Simla congress. Conference was held on 25th June 1945 and continued for many days. Quaid-e-Azam demanded elections in the country. Due to the negative behaviour of Congress, this was unsuccessful. Muslim League emerged as a complete representative party of Muslims.

Q.14: Write three sentences in 1945-46 Elections.
Ans. ELECTIONS OF 1945-46:
In United India Elections where held in 1945-46 to give due share to the Indians in governments. Congress and Muslim League both participated in these elections. Muslim League emerged as sole representative party of the Muslims by winning all 30 Muslim seats. Congress got 57 seats out of 72 Seats. In the provincial legislature Muslim League 430 seats out of 495 Muslim Seats and formed coalition government with Congress.

Q.15: Write three sentences on 3rd June Plan? Who gave this plan.
The plan of the partition of the sub-continent is called 3rd June plan. This plan was announced by Lord Mount batten on 3rd June 1947. According to the plan power would be given to Pakistan by 14th August 1947. This plan was given according to Independence Bill 1947. According to 3rd June plan separate sessions of Punjab, Bangal and Sindh Assemblies would be held to decide whether their provinces were in favour of the partition or not.

Q.16: Write three sentences on Radcliff Award.
When United India was divided into two countries India and Pakistan, a commission was set up under the chairmanship of Sir Radcliff to demark the boundaries of both the countries. When award was announced by Mr. Radcliff, it was unfair and in favour of Congress and Hindus. Some Muslim majority areas like Ghardaspur, Ferozpur and .Pathankot were given to India to please Congress. Due to unfair and illogical division of United India, Kashmir Issue was created. Its was an unfair award.

Q.17: State role of Punjab in three sentences in the creation of Pakistan.
Punjab was biggest Muslim majority province of United India. People of Punjab had great love for Islam and Muslim League. They whole heartedly participated in the creation of Pakistan. Political leaders like Allama lqbal, Maulana Zafar Ali Khan Mumtaz Mohammad. Khan Daultana, Sardar Sikandar Hayat Khan, Malik Feroz Khan Noon and others arrived for Muslim League. Women, Scholars and student's of Punjab also worked very hard for Pakistan Movement. Pakistan Resolution was also passed in the capital of Punjab Lahore.

Q.18: State the role of Sindh in three sentences in the creation of Pakistan.
Sindh was second biggest Muslim majority province of United India. People of Sindh actively participated in Pakistan Movement. Sindh Assembly was the first assembly of South Asia which passed a resolution in favour of a separate home land Pakistan. Political leaders of sindh like Quaid-e-Azam, Sir Abdulah Haroon, Abdul Majeed Sindhi, and others actively participate in Pakistan movement. Pir Pagara, The famous religious leader of Sindh also worked in Pakistan movement. Women like Fatima Jinnah, Begum Rana Liaquat Ali Khan, Lady Nusrat Haroon and others conveyed the message of Pakistan to women students of Sindh also helped political leaders and women in this struggle.

Q.19: Describe the importance of 14th August 1947 as Independence Day.
Ans. 14th August has great importance in the history of Sub-Continent because Pakistan appeared on the map of the world as an Islamic ideological state on that day- Really. Pakistan came into being by the will and help of Allah as it was 27' Ramadan (Lailat-ul-Qadar) means the Night of Power. It was really a fruit of the long and hard struggle of the Muslims of India.

Q.20: Mention three main responsibilities of citizens in an ideological state.
In an ideological state like Pakistan, following are the three main responsibilities of a citizen.
  1. Islamic Teachings: A citizen must lead his life according to the teachings of the Holy Quran and Sunnah of the Holy Prophet.
  2. Loyal and Patriotic: A citizen of an ideological state must be loyal and patriotic. He must be always ready to sacrifice his life for the state at the time of test.
  3. Co-operation with the Law and order Agencies: The citizen of an ideological state must abide by the laws of the state and co-operate with law enforcing agencies.

Q.21: State three main qualities of the Quaid-e-Azam's personality.
Quaid-e-Azam  is the founder of Pakistan. As Father of the nation he had following qualities.
  1. Man Of Principle: He was a man of principle and acted upon whatever he said or promised to do.
  2. An Intelligent Statesman: He was an intelligent statesman. He had courage, sense of responsibility and dedication to his cause.
  3. Honest and courageous: He was an honest and a courageous person, to speak what he considered was in the interest of the Muslims of sub-continent.

Q.22: Write in three sentences the role of .Quaid-e-Azam as Governor General of Pakistan?
Ans. Quaid-e-Azam, who is the founder of-Pakistan led the whole Pakistan Movement and after creation of Pakistan he became the first governor general of Pakistan. He played excellent role as Governor General. He worked day and night for the unity of People, to solve refugee's problem and worked to bring closer all nations of Pakistan. He made efforts to make Pakistan, a member of United Nations (U.N). He also worked to strengthen the economy of the country. He tried his level best to solve the problems of People of Pakistan with great dedication.

Q.23: Name three political leaders of Punjab who worked in Pakistan Movement.
Three main political leaders of Punjab Who worked in Pakistan Movement were Allama Iqbal, Moulana Zafar Ali Khan'and iftikhar Hussain Mamdot.

Q.24: Name three political leaders of Sindh who worked in Pakistan Movement.
Muslims political leaders participates in Pakistan Movement. Prominent leaders of Sindh were Quaid-e-Azam, Sir Abdullah Haroon and Liaquat Ali Khan who worked very hard for Pakistan.

Q.25: Name three women of Sindh who worked in Pakistan movement.
Like men women of Sindh worked side by side with the men. Among them Bi-Aman, Miss-Fatima Jinnah, Begum Rana Liaquat Ali Khan were very famous ladies.

Q.26: Name three Muslim leaders who attended that meeting, in which Muslim League was formed.
Muslim League was established in 1906 at Dacca. Nawab Wagar-ail-Malik, Zafar Ali Khan and Maulana Muhammad Ali Jouhar were the founder members of Muslim League and they attended that first meeting in which Muslim League was formed.

Q.27: Name three Muslim women of Punjab, who award in Pakistan Movement.
Three Muslim Women of Punjab who award in Pakistan Movement were, Begum Jahan Ara Shahnawaz, Begum Vaqar un Nisa and Begum Iftikhar Hussain Mamdot.

Q.28: Name three Muslim women of Punjab, who worked in Pakistan Movement.
Three Muslim Women of Punjab who worked in Pakistan Movement were, Begum Jahan Ara Shahnawaz, Sughra Aftab and Begum Iftikhar Hussain Mamdot.


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