Chapter No.12 - Protection Of Human Rights - Descriptive Question Answers - Pakistan Studies For Class X


Chapter No.12 - Protection Of Human Rights - Descriptive Question Answers - Pakistan Studies For Class X

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Protection Of Human Rights


By Mrs. Ayesha Arif
(Jauhar Progressive School)

Q.1: Define human rights?
Ans: Human Rights:
Human rights are all those the fundamental rights which are essential for the protection and maintenance of the dignity of individuals and to create conditions in which every human being can develop his personality.
According to Black's Law Dictionary,
human rights can be described as the freedoms, immunities and benefits that all human beings should be able to claim as a matter of right in the society in which they live".
They are also known as natural or basic rights. They are based on mankind's increasing demand for civilized life. Human rights are fundamental to our very existence, without which, we cannot live in as human being. Life would be meaningless if individuals are unable to practice their natural rights.

Q.2: State the obligations or duties of citizens in Pakistan?
Ans: Obligations of Citizens in Pakistan:
  1. As a responsible citizen of Pakistan we need to follow certain obligation. These include:
  2. Defend the country.
  3. Participate in local community development positively and clean our neighbourhood.
  4. Respect and obey federal, provincial, and local laws.
  5. Respect honourable courts.
  6. Caste vote during elections.
  7. Respect the rights, norms, beliefs, social and cultural values, and respect diversity of opinions.
  8. Save Water and Electricity.
  9. Promote Pakistan in a positive way.
  10. Support plantation drive.
  11. Respect senior citizens.
  12. Promote dignity of teachers.
  13. Respect rule of law.

Q.3: What do you know about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)?
Ans: Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)
UDHR stands for Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The development of the idea of human rights was started in the eighteenth century. However, the concept of human rights acquired significance in the wake of second world war.
 It is a historic document which outlined the rights and freedoms everyone is entitled to. It was the first international agreement on the basic principles of human rights.
The modern concept of human rights was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 10th December 1948. This document is considered a milestone in the history of human rights.
According to UDHR
all people and all nations must aim to achieve certain goals and the same standards exist for all human beings across globe“.

Q.4: Describe the development of an understanding of human rights at the International level?
Ans : Developing An Understanding Of Human Rights At The International Level:

The development of understanding the human rights at the international level is being done by the United Nations. The United Nations (UN) is a world organization. This organization aims to maintain peace and stability in the world. It also works for the betterment of human beings. It has a mandate to investigates the violations of human rights.
The Human Rights Council is a subsidiary body of the General Assembly and reports directly to it. It ranks below the Security Council, which isa the final authority for the interpretation of UN's Charter.
47 out of total number of members can deliberate on the issues in the council. The Council is based in Geneva. It meets three times a year with additional meetings to respond to urgent situations.

Q.5: Describe the development of an understanding of human rights at the national level?
Ans: Developing An Understanding Of Human Rights At The National Level:
The Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan obligates the State of Pakistan to protect and promote the human rights of all its citizens without any discrimination. Furthermore, Pakistan being a responsible member of the international community has to honour its obligations.
Pakistan, as a signatory to the core international human rights conventions, is committed to uphold the universal human rights standards and to implement them at the national level.


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