Chapter No.1 - Ideological Basis Of Pakistan - Text Book Exercise - Pakistan Studies For Class X


Chapter No.1 - Ideological Basis Of Pakistan - Text Book Exercise - Pakistan Studies For Class X

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Text Book Exercise

By Ustani G
(YouTube Channel)

Q.1: What are the sources of an ideology?
Ideology is a French word. It is made up of two parts idea and logy. Ideology is a systematic form of concepts a system of human life whose essential elements are faith, beliefs, and aims of life. There are three main sources of Islamic Ideology:
    Allah has defined all the rules to lead life in the Quran it contains complete guidance relating to peoples social and economic laws.

  2. SUNNAH:
    Sunnah is an Arabic term which means the way to follow the words and deeds of Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) that gives complete explanation of Quran teaching for example Prayer (Salat), Charity (Zakat), Fasting, and Pilgrimage (Hajj) etc.

    The values and tradition such as festivals, gathering and ceremonies are run according to the teaching of Islam.

Q.2: Why is and Ideology important to a nation?
  • It reflects the ideas of people and their attitudes.
  • It is a source of national unity-uniting people on one platform.
  • It gives a motivating force to work for the social welfare.
  • It helps maintaining freedoms, culture, and traditions.
  • It helps mating right decisions especially choosing the right traders.

Q.3: Mention the principles of democracy in Islam?
In Islamic democracy the sovereignty over the whole universe belongs to ALLAH. Therefore ALLAH is the supreme ruler of the whole universe. People’s representatives and legislature assemblies exercise this power within the limits imposed by Islam.
    Justice means to keep the right things at right place. It is the foundation of divine law. Islam emphasized on Justice and a society having justice is peaceful and prosperous.

    Islam rejects the discrimination on the basis of colour, race, language, faith, wealth and poverty. Islam stands for equality among the people. All human being are equal before law.

    It means brotherhood according to the Quran all Muslims are brothers to one another. The people of Medina shared their business and property with the people of Makkah. The prophet (P.B.U.H) said that a Muslim does not cause trouble to Muslim he also told them to exchange gifts as it cause love.

    Tolerance is a great virtue it saves man from hardships and trouble it is a cause of love and avoids conflicts with others. It develops peace. The Prophet (PBUH) has taught tolerance through his word and deeds. An Islamic society honors and protects the right of non-Muslims.

Q.4: What is role of ideology in building National Character?
Habits attitudes and the way of living of an individual collectively make the character of an individual. Ideology also influences character. The elements of national character are given below:
    If a person does not have firm belief in the national ideology he will not work in the national interest. This was people’s firm belief in the ideology of Pakistan that they sacrificed their lives and properties for the achievement of Pakistan.

  • COMMITMENT: Commitment means devotion one who sticks to the national ideology devotes oneself to the nation.

  • HONESTY: Islam stresses on honesty. People worked with honesty at the time of establishment of Pakistan so Pakistan survived and stood on its feet.

  • PATRIOTISM: Love for ones country is an element of religion. At critical times or when their freedom is endangered, people show patriotism.

  • HARD WORK: Nations make progress through hard work it requires sense of duty, commitment to work and honest performance.

  • NATIONAL INTEREST: Personal interests should never be superior to national interests only those nations survive whose people do not compromise on their national interests.

Q.5: Outline the statements of Quaid-e-Azam on the Ideology of Pakistan?
Ans: Quaid-e-Azam frequently emphasized on the ideology of Pakistan at several occasions. Here are some clear views of Quaid-e-Azam on the ideology of Pakistan:
  • Our demand for Pakistan is not for a piece of land but we want to setup a laboratory where we could implement a system based on Islamic principles.
  • Hindu and Islam are not were two religions but they are two separate social systems it would be a dream to think that the Muslims and the Hindus will form a common nation.
  • Both nations belonged to two different civilizations which are opposed to each other Pakistan had come into being the day the first non-Muslim converted to a Muslim in India.

Q.6: Briefly describe Allama Iqbal’s views on the ideology of Pakistan?
Ans: Allama Iqbal was one of those Muslim leaders of the sub-continent who gave the Muslim a concept of separate state. He awakened the Muslims through his poetry and politics. First he was a supporter of Hindu Muslim unity but the narrow-mindedness and prejudice of the Hindus compelled him to think of demanding a separate state for the Muslims. Allama Iqbal demanded for a separate state for the Muslims first of all at the All India Muslims League meeting at Allahabad in 1930. In his presidential speech he said that:

“India is subcontinent and not a country where people belonging to different religions and speaking different Languages live”.
The Muslims have a unique religion and cultural identity so all civilized nations should respect their right of self determination. He suggested uniting Punjab, NWFP, Baluchistan, and Sindh into a Muslims state.

Q.7: Discuss the contents of an Ideology?
Ans: Following are the contents of an ideology:
  • COMMON RELIGION: Religion is a binding force for the nations in the world. Nations in the world are distinctive on the basis of their religion.

  • COMMON CULTURE: Generally the people sharing a common culture follow the similar way of life. Normally they do not compromise on their customs and tradition.

  • COMMON CAUSE: A common cause unites the people for example the achievement of Pakistan was a common cause under the influence of an ideology.

  • DEDICATION: The dedication of the people to some noble cause energizes and enriches an ideology Muslims of South Asia were highly dedicated to the common cause of seeking freedom and establishing a separate Muslim state.

  1. The basis of the ideology of Pakistan is Islam.
  2. Islam is the most democratic System.
  3. To keep the things at their appropriate place is called Justice.
  4. Allama Iqbal stated about the Ideology of Pakistan in his presidential address at Allahabad in 1930.
  5. Quaid-e-Azam said that Islam and Hinduism are the two separate social systems.
  6. The basis of faith is unicity of Allah and Prophet-Hood.
  7. Fraternity means brotherhood.
  8. Character is sum total of habits.
  9. The sources of Islamic ideology are the Quran and the Sunnah.


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