Chapter No.1 - Ideological Basis Of Pakistan - Fill In The Blanks and MCQs - Pakistan Studies For Class X


Chapter No.1 - Ideological Basis Of Pakistan - Fill In The Blanks and MCQs - Pakistan Studies For Class X

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(Fill In The Blanks)

  1. The basis of the ideology of Pakistan is Islam.
  2. Islam is the most democratic system
  3. To keep the things at their appropriate place is called justice.
  4. Allama Iqbal stated about the ideology of Pakistan in his presidential address at Allahabad in 1930.
  5. Quaid.e-Azam said that Islam and Hindusism were the two separate social systems.
  6. The basis of faith is unicitv of God and Prophet hood
  7. Fraternity means brotherhood.
  8. Character is sum  total of habits
  9. The sources of  Islamic ideology are the Quran and the Sunnah.

Q. Choose The Correct Answers.

Select the best answer from the given options:

1. Ideology is a/an _____ word in origin.
a) English
b) French
c) Greek
d) Arabic

2. Islamic Society is ________ as compared to other societies.
a) Different
b) Matchless
c) Unique
d) Local

3. The first Islamic society was established by Mohammad (P.B.U.H) at _______.
a) Mecca
b) Madina
c) Hijaz
d) Taif

4. _______ is / are a biggest source of Islamic Ideology.
a) Holy Quran
b) Sunnah
c) Tradition
d) Cultural Values

5. _____ is the first principle of Islamic democracy.
a) Equality
b) Tolerance
c) Justice
d) Brotherhood

6. Islam is a complete _______ of life.
a) Way
b) System
c) Setup
d) Code

7. "Sunnah" is the ________ source of Islamic Ideology.
a) First
b) Second
c) Third
d) Forth

8. ________ is a universal Deen.
a) Hinduism
b) Islam
c) Judaism
d) christianity

9. Quaid-e-Azam was born in the year _______.
a) 1870
b) 1875
c) 1876
d) 1877

10. Allama Iqbal delivered an important speech at
a) Karachi
b) Lahore
c) Allahabad
d) Aligarh

11. Allama Iqbal was born in the year ________.
a) 1777
b) 1778
c) 1876
d) 1877

12. Common ______ unites the people.
a) Law
b) Base system
c) Way
d) Cause

13. Common __________ is the binding force for the nations in the world.
a) Law
b) Religion
c) System
d) way

14. The Lahore resolution was passed on 23rd March 1940 at _________.
a) Delhi
b) Lahore
c) Karachi
d) Bombay

15. In the war of __________, the people of Pakistan stood like a rock against enemy.
a) 1948
b) 1965
c) 1971
d) 1999

16. The word ideology was introduced in the ___________ century.
a) 15th
b) 16th
c) 17th
d) 18th

17. Democracy is a /an _______ word.
a) Arabic
b) English
c) Greek
d) French

18. Fraternity means ________.
a) Justice
b) Equality
c) Brotherhood
d) Tolerance

19. The ruler of an Islamic State is Called the _______.
a) King
b) President
c) Prime Minister
d) Caliph

20. _______ is called the Father of the ideology of Pakistan.
a) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
b) Quaid-e-Azam
c) Allama Iqbal
d) Ch. Rehmat Ali

21. __________ was the First Governor General of Pakistan.
a) Liaquat Ali Khan
b) Ayub Khan
c) Ghulam Muhammad
d) Quaid-e-Azam

22. Allama Iqbal died in _________ A.D.
a) 1928
b) 1930
c) 1938
d) 1948

23. Islam is the most ________ religion of the world.
a) Important
b) Democratic
c) Progressive
d) Modern

24. At Islamia College Peshawar the Quaid-e-Azam called Pakistan an experimental __________.
a) Country
b) State
c) laboratory
d) Society

25. Caliph takes guidance from the __________.
a) Sunnah
b) Holy Quran
c) Constitutions
d) Law


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