Chapter No.1 - Ideological Basis Of Pakistan - Short Questions and Answer - Pakistan Studies For Class X


Chapter No.1 - Ideological Basis Of Pakistan - Short Questions and Answer - Pakistan Studies For Class X

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(Short Question Answers)

Q.1: Define ideology in three sentences. Also tell what is the basis of the Ideology of Pakistan.
  • The word ideology is french in origin and it is composed of two words "Idea" and "logy".
  • Ideology is a systematic body of concepts especially about life and Culture.
  • Ideology constitutes a system or human life whose integral parts are assertions, theories and objectives of human life.
The basis of the ideology of the Pakistan is Islam.

Q.2: What do you mean by Islamic Ideology? Answer in three sentences.
  • The ideology which is based on Islam and Islamic teaching is called Islamic ideology.
  • Islamic society is unique as compared to other societies in as much as it drives its sources, principles and theories from the Holy Quran and Sunnah.
  • The first Islamic State under the ideology of Islam was established by our Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) at Medina, fourteen hundred years ago.

Q.3: Write three sentences on the significance of ideology.
  • Ideology has great importance for any society because it reflects the ideas of the people and helps the people to unite on one platform.
  • It is significant because it motivates the people for the struggle and hard work It encourages the people for their deeds and actions.
  • It is a great source to preserve the freedom, culture and traditions of a nation and Ideology Provides an insight of making the choice of the leaders of the nation.

Q.4: State three main sources of Islamic Ideology. Which Is the biggest source of Islamic Ideology?
Following are the three main sources of Islamic Ideology.

i) The Holy Quran:
The Holy Quran is the permanent basis of Islam. It provides detailed guidance to the people concerning social and economic laws. The Holy Quran is the biggest source of Islamic Ideology.

ii) Sunnah:
The acts and deeds of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) are called Sunnah. He did not do any deed against the teachings of Islam, that is why we must follow Sunnah as a source of Islamic Ideology.

iii) Traditions and Cultural Values:
The cultural values and traditions such as festivals. gathering and ceremonies which do not run opposite in the teachings of Islam are the third source of Islamic Ideology.

Q.5: Describe three contents of ideology.
Following are the main contents of ideology.

i) Common Religion:
Religion is a binding force for the nation in the world. Nations in the world are distinctive on the basis of their religion.

ii) Common Cause:
A common cause unites the people. The achievement of Pakistan was a common cause under the influence ideology.

iii) Common Culture:
Generally, the people sharing a common culture follow similar way of life. Normally, they do not compromise on their customs and traditions.

Q.6: Write three sentences on the Ideology of Pakistan. Who is called the Father of The Ideology of Pakistan?
  • The base of the ideology of Pakistan is Islam.
  • The ideology of Islam is characterized by the doctrine of the faith in Allah, Prophet hood, Angels, the day Judgement and the Revealed Books of Allah.
  • The moat essential elements of the ideology of Pakistan are oneness of Allah and complete faith in the Prophet hood of Muhammad (P.B.U.H.).
Allama Iqbal is called the Father of the Ideology of Pakistan.

Q.7: What is the western concept of Democracy? Also tell which system of democracy is there in Pakistan nowadays.
The western concept of democracy is entirely different from the Islamic concept of democracy. In the West, people elect their representatives and executives As far as democracy is concerned, the authority to remove the governments is in the hands of the people. The western concepts of democracy is prevalent in Pakistan nowadays.

Q.8: What is the Islamic Concept of Democracy? Also tell which was the first society according to the Islamic concept of Democracy.
The concept of democracy in Islam is different from the one prevailing in the rest of the world. The Islamic society firmly believes that the sovereignty over the entire universe belongs to Almighty Allah. The power is to be exercised by the representatives of the people within the framework of Islam. The Government as well as the Legislative Assemblies do not enjoy unlimited power. The Righteous Caliphs of Islam rule the state according to the Holy Quran and Sunnah along with a Shura (the panel of advisors). For the first time, the Islamic concept of democracy was practiced by the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) at Medina.

Q.9: State three principles of democracy in Islam. Also write which is the moat important principle of Islamic Democracy.
Following are the three principles of democracy in Islam.

i) Justice:
Justice means to keep right things in their right places. It is the foundation of divine law. There is no concept of democracy in Islam without justice. There should be legal and social justice in society under the Islamic concept of democracy. Justice is the most important principle of Islamic Democracy.

ii) Equality:
Islam is the torch-bearer of equality among the human beings. Islam rejects all kinds of discrimination on the basis of race, language, caste, colour or wealth. Equality is one of the main principles of Islamic democracy.

iii) Brotherhood:
There is no concept of Islamic democracy without brotherhood. In the words of the Holy Quran, all Muslims are brothers to each other. All Muslims share the problems and happiness of each other.

Q.10: Define Ideology of Pakistan in three sentences in the light of statements of Qsaid-e-Azam.
  • Quaid-e-Azam is the founder of Pakistan. He explained the Ideology of Pakistan in his different speeches and statements.
  • He said. 'Our demand for Pakistan is not for a piece of land, instead we want to establish an experimental laboratory where we could practice Islamic principles."
  • It means that the Ideology of the Pakistan is only based on Islam.

Q.11: Define Ideology of Pakistan in three sentences in the light of the statement of Allama lqbal.
  • Allama Iqbal was a great thinker, philosopher and poet of Islam.
  • He explained the ideology of Pakistan as "the Sub-continent is inhabited by people speaking different languages, practicing different religions and customs representing various cultures.
  • The Muslim nation possesses separate religious and cultural identity He said "India is a sub-continent and not a country."

Q.12: State any three elements of national character.
Following are the three elements of national character.

i) Firm Belief in the Ideology:
Firm belief in the ideology is the main element of national character. It contributes positively towards the development of Muslim character into national spirit.

ii) Commitment:
Commitment means devotions with a sense of duty and responsibility. A person. who acts in conformity with the national ideology, fully devotes himself to the cause of the nation.

iii) Patriotism:
Patriotism is an eternal virtue. we should always be ready to lay down our lives for the good of our country. It is an expression of love and sacrifice for one's country.


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