Chapter No.1 - Ideological Basis Of Pakistan - Descriptive Question Answers - Pakistan Studies For Class X
Chapter No.1 - Ideological Basis Of Pakistan - Descriptive Question Answers - Pakistan Studies For Class X
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(Descriptive Question Answers)
- Ideology and Sources of Islamic Ideology.
- Importance of Ideology in a Nation.
- The Principles of Democracy in Islam.
- The Role of Ideology in Building National Character.
- Statements of Quaid-e-Azam on the Ideology of Pakistan.
- Allama Iqbal's Views on the Ideology of Pakistan.
- The main Contents of an Ideology.
Q.1: What are the sources of Islamic Ideology.
Ideology is a French word. It is composed of two words "Idea and logy". As far as ideology is concerned, it a systematic body of concepts especially about life or culture. It could be the product of the great and influential minds or It could evolve as a result of Divine guidance.
The word "ideology" was first used by a French philosopher Count Destutt de Tracy in the late 18th century. He defined it as the science of ideas.
Ideology is generally used in wider perspective because human being has a unique way of thinking. It constitutes a system of human life, where the Integral parts are assertions, theories and other activities of human life.
Islamic Ideology is based on Islam. Islamic society is that society, in which people lead their lives according to the teaching of the Holy Quran and Sunnah. Islamic society is unique as compared to the other societies in as much as it drives its sources, principles and theories from the Holy Quran and Sunnah. Islam is a universal Deen i.e. it is a complete way of life. lts teachings are beyond the distinctions of colour and race. This a the reason as to why the thoughts, actions and customs of its individuals have to be in accordance with the principles of Islam. The first Muslim Society was founded by Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) at Madina based on Islamic Ideology.
The promotion of an ideology depends on the extent of people's devotion, dedication and support to it. Muslim have firm faith in the eternal principles of Islam. Following are the main sources of Islamic Ideology.
(1) The Holy Quran:
The Holv Quran is the Book of Allah. It is the permanent basis of Islam. It provides complete guidance to the people concerning social and economic laws to lead a happy and purposeful life. It is the main source of Islamic Ideology.
(2) Sunnah:
The literal meaning of the Sunnah is the "way to follow". The acts and deeds of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) are called Sunnah. Our Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) elaborated the injunction of Islam by his words and deeds. Sunnah is an essential source of Islamic laws and principles. The fundamental principles of Islam like Prayers, Zakat, Fasting and Hajj have been elaborated by the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H).
(3) Traditions and Cultural Values:
The cultural values and traditions, such as festivals, gathering and ceremonies which do not run opposite to the teaching of Islam, are allowed to be followed by the Muslims in their respective regions. These traditions and values of Islam are another source of Islamic Ideology.
The ideas or believes held by a class or group adopted as its constitution is called ideology. Islamic Ideology is based on Islam. In Islam, the main sources of ideology are the Holy Quran, Sunnah and traditional values. We must lead our lives according to Islamic Ideology as it provides the best code of life to spend a happy and purposeful life as the individual and collective levels.
Q.2: Why is an ideology importance to a nation? What are the basis of the ideology of Pakistan:
Ideology is a systematic body of concepts about life or culture. Ideology provides the basis to a society to lead a purposeful life. Ideology provides a target or objective to a nation. All rules and regulations are framed in the light of the ideology of a nation.
Ideology has great significance for a society or a nation. No society can achieve its goal and targets without an ideology. Following are the main features of the significance of ideology
(1) Reflection of the Ideas of the People:
It reflects the ideas of the people and determines theie way of living, thinking and social interaction.
(2) Source of Unity:
It helps people unite on one platform and through their unity, provides a source of the nations strength. In a country like Pakistan, where different races and nations are living, there is a great need of unity. We must promote our ideology for national unity.
(3) Motivating Force for the People:
It is a motivating force for deeds and actions. People may willingly sacrifice any thing for a certain cause under the influence of an ideology.
Pakistan is a developing country so we need great progress in every field. We must promote our ideology to motivate the people for national development.
(4) A Source of Struggle:
It is the source of struggle for achieving the divine objectives and serves as a motivational force for the progress and prosperity of a society under a popular and truthful leadership.
(5) Provision Of A Insight For the Choice of the Leadership:
Ideology provides an insight in making the choice of the leaders. It helps in making the right decisions.
Pakistan lacks sincere and honest leadership. Here, people need an 'insight for the choice of sincere and honest leadership for a strong and great Pakistan. Ideology should be promoted for such leadership.
(6) Preserves The Freedom, Culture and Traditions:
Ideology is very helpful to preserve the freedom, culture and traditions of a nation. We have rich cultural tradition. We must promote them for our unity and recognition in the world. Only ideology can secure our culture and traditions.
Pakistan is an ideological state and the basis of the ideology of Pakistan is Islam. The constituent components of Islamic Ideology are as under:
(1) Doctrine of Faith:
The ideology of Pakistan is characterized by the doctrine of faith in Allah, prophet hood, angels, the Day of Judgement and all the revealed books of Allah. The most essential element of this belief of the Muslim are the oneness of Allah and complete faith in the Prophet hood of Muhammad (P.B.U.H) as the last Prophet. The Holy Quran, the last book of Allah, revealed to the Holy Prophet (P.B.U,H) bit by bit over a period of twenty three years, is sufficient for the guidance of all the people.
(2) Social Dealing:
Mutual dealings on interactions occupy an important place in the social system. Justice and equity are the main characteristics of the social system of Islam. In Islam there is no discrimination on the basis of caste, colour or creed.
Ideology has great significance for any nation. It unites the people on one platform for a common struggle. It is also very helpful to choose the leadership of the country. The ideology behind the creation of Pakistan was Islam and the social system of Islam ts based on justice and equity.
Q.3: Mention the principles of democracy In Islam.
People's government is called democracy.
The word "DEMOCRACY" is a Greek word in origin. It is made up of two components, namely 'demo' and 'cracy'. It means people's government by the people, for the people. Democracy is that system of government in which major share of the government belongs to the people.
(1) Western Concept of Democracy:
In the western states the concept of democracy is different from the one prevailing in Islam. Sovereignty lies with people in the western concept of democracy because they elect their representatives and executives. They also have the power to remove their executives. Allama Iqbal has rightly said shout western democracy.
جمہوریت ایک طرز حکومت ہے کہ جس میں
بندوں کو گنا کرتے ہیں تولا نہیں کرتے
بندوں کو گنا کرتے ہیں تولا نہیں کرتے
(2) Islamic Concept of Democracy:
Islam is a complete code of life. It deals all affairs of life so it gives the complete pattern of government called Islamic Democracy.
Islamic concept of democracy it entirely different from the western concept of democracy. The Islamic society firmly believes that sovereignty over the entire universe belongs to Almighty Allah. The power is to be excused by the representatives of the people within the limits prescribed by Islam. The government as well as the legislative assemblies do not enjoy unlimited powers. However, the people are at liberty to elect the God-fearing persons as Caliphs to run the business of the state. The Righteous Caliph of Islam runs the affairs of the state through his advisors or "Shura" (the panel of advisors). The Caliph gets his guidance from the Holy Quran and Sunnah.
Our Holy Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) established the first Islamic State at Medina according to the Islamic concept of democracy 1442 years ago.
Islam is a complete code of life. The main principles of democracy in Islam are as under:
(a) Justice:
The literal meaning of justice is to keep the right things at their right places. It is the fundamental Divine Law. No aspect of life can be completed without justice. It is justice which makes any society peaceful and prosperous, the character formation of an individual and the collective public good are possible only under a justice system. The society in which justice is supreme will always have unity, love and peace. Our Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) emphasized upon the establishment of justice.
According to the Holy Quran:- "Justice is the main pillar of Islamic society"
(b) Equality:
Islam is the torch bearer of the equality of human beings. Islam rejects all kinds of discrimination on the basis of race, language, colour, culture and wealth. The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) established such a socio-economic system that removed distinction between the rich and the poor. In Islam, wealth is not in the hands of few people, that is why Zakat has been imposed in Islam. In Islam, all the members of the society are equal. Islam has abolished the supremacy of the rich over poor. As regards legal equality, Shariat (code of Islamic Laws) provides legal protection and justice to all members of the society.
The Holy Quran says:- "All human beings are equal before law."
(c) Fraternity (Brotherhood):
It means brotherhood. In the words of Holy Quran "all believers are brothers to each other". The principle of brotherhood is an important aspect of Islamic society. The feeling of brotherhood promotes affection, mutual cooperation, selfless service and sacrifice. In this way, a society becomes peaceful and a place of comfort for all. It is the wording of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) that a Muslim is a brother to another Muslim. Islam does not allow conspiracy or evil-will towards Non-Muslims.
(d) Tolerance:
Tolerance has great values in Islamic teachings. It promotes love for others. The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) preached tolerance through his words and deeds. The best way to develop social relations is to spread tolerance. The Islamic Society honours and protects the due rights of the non-Muslims through tolerance. We must show tolerance towards non-Muslims.
In Islam, the concept of democracy is different from the concept of democracy in the west. The Islamic concept of democracy has been taken from the Islamic concept of sovereignty. The main Islamic principles of democracy are justice, equality, brotherhood and tolerance.
Pakistan came into being to implement the Islamic concept of democracy but nowadays, there is western concept of democracy in Pakistan which must be abolished and replaced by Islamic Democracy.
Q.4: What is the role of ideology in building National Character?
Ideology reflects the ideas of the people and determines their way of living, thinking and social interaction, while character is sum of habits, attitudes and the way of living of an individual. It is influenced by the ideology of an individual. Here, we are discussing the main elements that shape the national character.
Honesty, commitment, hard work and patriotism are the main qualities of a great and a strong nation. National character is built by these qualities and ideology plays a great role for building national character. Without national character, no nation can achieve glory and prosperity.
Following are the main elements of notional character.
(a) Firm Believe in the Ideology:
Character is made up of habits. attitudes and the way of living of an individual. An individual's ideology affects him too much. A firm belief in national Ideology, has a positive effect on the development of a Muslim's character, any action of the individual shall not be against the national interest. The origin of our ideology has its roots in Islam. So obviously our character should be built in the light of Islamic way of life.
(b) Commitment:
Commitment means devotion with a sense of duty and responsibility. Anyone, who acts with a sense of national ideology, devotes himself Or herself to the cause of the nation. Each and every action of ours should reflect the highest values of Islam. A very good example of national character was seen during the war of 1965, when each Pakistani stood like a rock against the threat of India.
(c) Honesty:
Honesty is a virtue that is appreciated in all societies. It is expected from an individual that he should be honest in all his deeds and words. The best national honesty can he shown in all fields of life. Islam has emphasized upon the honesty of an individual. The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) said:
"A Muslims is always very honest in dealing."
(d) Hard Work:
A nation's Progress is Conditioned with the hard work of individuals. But it all depends upon the sense of responsibility to work and honest performance. All the advanced nations of he world have attained this level of advancement by showing the character of hardworking individuals.
(e) Patriotism:
Patriotism is an expression of love sacrifice for one's country. The test of patriotism is the time when the freedom of the nation is endangered. Without patriotism there is no concept of national character.
Men of character are the need of every strong nation. Without patriots no nation can achieve glory and honour.
(f) National Interest:
National interest of the nation must be the priority of an individual and it must not be compromised at all in any case. Honesty, dedication and commitment all are required to safeguard the national interest. Nations can never survive if the individuals of the nations do not value the national interest. Specially, the rulers must keep national interest foremost in their thoughts and deeds.
Ideology plays a vital role in building the character of an individual. The actions, words, commitment to the cause of the nation. honesty and patriotism are the main elements which make a person of fine character. All these things can be acquired only by following the Islamic way of life and an individual should get the guidance from the Holy Quran and Sunnah of Rasool (P.B.U.H.) to build the national character.
Pakistan is an Islamic ideological state. We can not achieve the goal of the creation of Pakistan without National Character.
Q.5: Outline the statements of Quaid-e-Azam on the ideology of Pakistan.
The Muslims of United India worked very hard to get a separate homeland under the great leadership of Quaid-e Azam. He rendered great services for the Muslims of South Asia. As Pakistan is the only Islamic state which came into being under an ideology called Islam. Quiad-e-Azam's statements about the ideology of Pakistan are very important as he led the whole struggle of Pakistan.
Quaid-e-Azam (1876-1948) had minutely observed the religious, political and social situation of the sub-continent and reached the conclusion that the Muslims and Hindus could not live together. A separate homeland for the Muslims was essential. In many of his statements and addresses, he emphasized and elaborated the Ideology of Pakistan.
Quaid-e-Azam had great love for students. He was very anxious about the future of the Muslims of Untied India. Quaid-e- Azam's views on the ideology of Pakistan were very clear. When he visited Islamia College Peshawar, he explained his views about the ideology of Pakistan, He said:
"Our demand for Pakistan is not for a piece of land, instead we want to establish an experimental laboratory, where we could practice a system based on the Islamic principle."
In the address in the meeting of the Muslim League on 23rd March. 1940 at Lahore, in which Pakistan Resolution was passed.
The Quaid-e-Azam explained the ideology of Pakistan. He stated as follows:
"Hinduism and Islam are not merely two religions, but they are two separate social systems. It would be a dream to think that Hindus and Muslims will form a common nation. I want to make it clear that both the nations belong to two different nations and civilizations and the foundation of these two civilizations is on such philosophic which are opposed to each other."
Quaid-e-Azam elaborated the separate status of the Muslim Nation by saying that:
"India had never been a single country of a nation. The issue of sub-continent is international. The difference on culture, social and economic values are of ideological nature."
The following words of Quaid-e-Azam summed up the ideology of Pakistan."Pakistan had come into being the day, the first non-Muslim was converted into a Muslim in India."
When Quaid-e-Azam became the first Governor General Of Pakistan after the partition of the Sub-continent, he spoke to the nation on 14th August 1447. He clearly explained the Ideology of Pakistan in these words:
"Pakistan has been created to practice Islamic Principles, Islamic economic system must be adopted in the country to give equal rights to all the citizens of Pakistan belonging to any religion."
The Muslims of South Asia worked very hard to achieve a separate homeland for the Muslims of Indta under the ideology of Islam. Quaid-e-Azam emerged as great devoted and selfless leader of the Muslims of South Asia. He explained the ideology of Pakistan from time to time on his speeches and statements, which are very important for the study of the Ideology of Pakistan as he was leading the whole struggle of Pakistan.
Q.6: Describe Allama Iqbal's views on the Ideology of Pakistan.
The Muslims of South Asia launched a great movement to get a separate homeland for the Muslims of India. Pakistan came into existence on the basis of the ideology of Islam. Allama Iqbal (1877-1938), who is called "The Father of the Ideology of Pakistan". explained many times the ideology of Pakistan in his statements, views, poetry and speeches.
Allama Iqbal is the National Poet of Pakistan. He was the first, who pave the idea of a separate home land for the Muslims of South Asia. From time to time, he explained the ideology of Pakistan in his statements and views. Here, we are discussing the views of Allama Iqbal on the ideology of Pakistan.
(a) Allama Iqbal's Poetry:
Allama lqbal is the National Poet of Pakistan. He was a great thinker, philosopher and great political leader of the Muslims of South Asia.
He wrote poetry in Urdu and Persian to bring the Muslims and Hindus closer but he soon realized that the Muslim and Hindus were two separate nations. Then he wrote his poetry only to guide the Muslim to achieve a separate homeland according so the teachings of Islam. In his poetry, he explained the ideology of Pakistan with reference to Islam.
کی محمد سے وفا تو نے تو ہم تیرے ہیں
یہ جہاں چیز ہے کیا لوح و قلم تیرے ہیں
یہ جہاں چیز ہے کیا لوح و قلم تیرے ہیں
(b) Statement of Allama Iqbal On Ideology of Pakistan:
Statement at Annual Meeting of Muslim League, 1930:
Allama Iqbal Was a real thinker. poet, philosopher and Muslim leader. He delivered an excellent speech in the annual meeting of the Muslim League held at Allahabad U.P. In his speech, he gave the idea of a separate homeland and explained the ideology of Pakistan.
He said that it should be acknowledged that the sub-continent is inhabited by people speaking different languages, practicing different religions and cultures. The Muslim nation possesses different religion, language and culture. India is a sub-continent, not a country. The Muslim nation has its unique religious and cultural identity. All civilized nations must respect religious principles, cultural and social values of the Muslims. He further said:
"I would like to see the Punjab, the N.W.F.P., Sindh and Baluchistan united into a single state. Formation of a consolidated North-West Muslim State appears to be the final destiny of Muslims.
Allama Iqbal was a great Muslim leader as well as a great poet and philosopher. He rendered great services for Muslims of united India. He was the first to present the idea of a separate homeland for the Muslims of South Asia. He explained the ideology of Pakistan excellently in his statements and poetry.
Q.7: Discuss the contents of an ideology.
Ideology is significant for any nation because it reflects the ideas of the people and determines their way Of living. It is a motivating force for deeds and actions of the people. Here, we are discussing the contents Of ideology.
Ideology is a binding force to unite the people of a state. It is a source of straggle for achieving the Divine objectives.
Following are the main :contents of an ideology.
1. Common Religion:
Religion is a binding force for the nations in the world. Nations in the world are distinctive on the basis of their religion. Religion is necessary for the unity of the people. Islam is the common religion of the people of Pakistan who belong to different races and culture. They are under the the flag of Islam.
2. Common Culture:
Generally, the people sharing a common culture follow the similar way of life. `Normally, they do not compromise on their customs and traditions.
The people of Pakistan have four different provincial cultures, languages, dresses, and way of life, but with the combination of all fur cultures, we have produced a new culture called "Pakistani Culture" which is called our common culture. Urdu language is the main part of our culture.
3. Common Cause:
A common cause unites the people. For example, the achievement of Pakistan was due to a common cause under the influence of ideology. Muslim of South Asia struggled day in and day out for the common cause of a separate homeland according to Islam.
It was common cause which provided energy and strength to the Muslims to fight against the British for their liberty.
4. Dedication:
The dedication of the people to some noble cause energizes and enriches an ideology. The Muslims of South Asia were highly dedicated to their common cause for seeking the freedom and establishment of a Muslim state under the leadership of a dedicated leader, the Quaid-e-Azam.
The doctrine, opinion or way of thinking of a nation is called its ideology. Common religion, culture, cause and dedication are the main contents of an ideology. Ideology provides an insight in making the correct decision. So, it has great value in our daily life.
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