9th Eng Chap : 7 Unit 7.5 (STUDY SKILLS) - Abou Ben Adhem (Poem) - Word / Meanings, Translation, Paraphrasing a Poem And Summary


English (Compulsory) For Class IX - Unit 7.5 (STUDY SKILLS) - Abou Ben Adhem (Poem) - Word / Meanings, Translation, Paraphrasing a Poem And Summary



Abou Ben Adhem (Poem)


1. Accord Agreement
2. Angel An innocent creature
3. Bold Confident and brave.
4. Cheerily Happily
5. Lily a flower
6. Pray Request
7. Presence Attendance
8. Sweet Charming
9. Thee You
10. Vanish Disappear
11. Vision Angel
12. Wakening Dazzling

Abou Ben Adhem (Poem)
(James, Henry Leigh Hunt)

Abou Ben Adhem (May his tribe increase)
Awoke one night from a deep dream of peace,
And saw, within the moonlight in his room,
Making it rich, and like a lily in bloom,
An Angel writing in a book of gold.

Exceeding peace had made Ben Adhem bold,
And to the presence in the room he said,
'What writest thou?' The vision raised its head,
And, with a look made of all sweet accord,
Answered, "The names of those who love the Lord."

"And is mine one?" said Abou. "Nay, not so,"
Replied the Angel. Abou spoke more low,
But cheerily still, and said, "I pray thee, then,
Write me as one that loves his fellow men."

The angel wrote, and vanish'd. The next night
It came again with a great wakening light,
And show'd the names whom love of God had bless'd,
And lo! Ben Adhem's name led all the rest.

ابوؤ بن ادہم
(جیمز ، ہنری لی ہنٹ)
ابو بن ادہم (ان کے قبیلے میں اضافہ ہو)
ایک رات سکون کی گہری نیند سے بیدار ہوۓ ،
اور چاندنی میں اپنے کمرے میں دیکھا ،
جو اسے منور کر رہی تھی ، للی کے تازہ پھولوں کی طرح ،
ایک فرشتہ سونے کی (سنہری) کتاب میں لکھ رہا تھا۔

بڑھتے ہوۓ سکون نے ابوؤ بن ادہم کو بہادر بنا دیا ،
اور کمرے میں موجود ہستی سے اس نے پوخھا ،
'آپ کیا لکھ رہے ہو؟' اس ہستی نے اپنا سر اوپر اٹھایا ،
اور ، ایک دل آویز نظر کے ساتھ ،
جواب دیا ، "ان کے نام جو خدا سے محبت کرتے ہیں۔"
"اور کیا میرا نام ہے؟" ابوؤ نے کہا۔ "نہیں ، ایسا نہیں ،"
فرشتے نے جواب دیا۔ ابوؤ بن ادہم دھیمی آواز سے ،
لیکن زندہ دلی سے بولے، اور کہا ، "تب ، میں آپ سے التجا کرتا ہوں ،
میرا نام ان میں لکھ دیں، جو اس کے بندوں سے محبت کرتا ہے۔ "

فرشتہ نے لکھا ، اور غائب ہوگیا۔ اگلی رات
وہ دوبارہ ایک زبردست بیدار کرنے والی روشنی کے ساتھ آیا ،
اوران لوگوں کے نام دکھائے جن کو خدا کی محبت عطا ہوتی تھی ،
اور دیکھا! بن ادہم کا نام سرفہرست ہے۔

Paraphrasing of Stanzas
One night Abou Ben Adhem woke up from a deep sleep and an angel writing in a book of gold. There was moonlight around him. Abou Ben Adhem asked the angel what he was writing and he told him that he was writing the names of those who love God. Abou asked the angel whether his name was on the list. The angel said no. Then Abou requested the angel to write his name with those who loved His fellow men. The angel wrote his name and disappeared. The next night the angel came again and showed Abou the names of those whom God loved. Abou saw his name at the top of the list.

Reference: The Poem "Abou Ben Adhem" was written by James, Henry Leigh Hunt.
At one night Abou Ben Adhem awoke from a deep sleep. He saw that there was moonlight in his room. He saw also an angel who was writing something in a book of gold. He asked the angel what he was writing. The angel told him that he was writing the names of those people who loved God. Abou asked the angel whether his name was there. The angel said 'No'. Hearing this Abou was sad. He requested the angel to write his name on the list of those who love their fellow men. The angel then disappeared. The next night the angel appeared again and showed him the names of those whom God loved. Abou's name was at the top of the list. He was so pleased.

In the eyes of God, the best is he who loves His fellowmen. Our kind and gentle behavior with other people exalt us in the eyes of God.


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