9th Eng Chap 7 : Questions / Answers And Text Book Exercise


English IX - Chapter No.19 - Questions / Answers And Text Book Exercise

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Abou Ben Adhem (Poem)

Questions And Answers

Q.1: Who was Abou Ben Adhem? What did Abou Ben Adhem see in the room when he awoke from deep sleep?
What was the angel doing when Abou Ben Adhem saw him? OR When did Abou Ben Adhem wake up? What was the angel doing? (KHI* Board General 2012)
Ans: Abou Ben Adhem was a holy man. He saw an angel in the room when he awoke from a deep sleep. There was moonlight and peace in his room. An angel was writing something in a book of gold.

Q.2: Who was Abou ben adhem? What did Abou ask the angel first time? What was angel's reply?
What made Abou Ben Adhem so bold? What did he ask the angel and what was his reply.(KHI* Board Science 2007, 12, 16) 
Ans: Abou Ben Adhem was the ruler of Balkh and a holy man. Abou was having a deep sleep in his room. Suddenly, he woke up and saw an angel in the room. Exceeding peace made him bold. He asked the angel what he was writing in the book. The angel said that he was writing the names of those people who loved God.

Q.3: What did Abou Ben Adhem ask the angel second time? What was his reply?
Ans. Abou Ben Adhem asked the angel if his name was there on the list of the lovers of God. The angel looked at him with a smiling face. Then he answered in negative.

Q.4: "Nay, not so".Who said these words and what did Abou Ben Adhem request from him? (KHI* Board Science 2015) 
Ans: The angel said these words. Abou Ben Adhem requested the angel to write also his name among those people who loved their fellow men.

Q.5: Who was Abou Ben Adhem? What request did he make to the angel?
Ans: Abou Ben Adhem was a holy man. He requested the angel to write his name on the list of those who loved their fellow men. The angel wrote his name and disappeared.

Q.6: What did, the angel showed to Abou when he came the second time? OR What did the angel show Abou when he came the second night?
Ans: The angel came the next night again. He showed Abou the names of those whom God had blessed with his love. Abou Ben Adhem's name was at the top of the list.

Q.7: Why did Abou Ben Adhem receive Lord's blessing?  (KHI* Board Science 2013) 
Ans: "God loves those who love their fellowmen."  Abou Ben Adhem's name was on top of the list because he loved his fellowmen very much. In this way, he received Lord's blessing.

Q.8: Which poem was written by J.H.Leigh Hunt? What is the moral/central idea of the poem "Abou Ben Adhem"? 
Ans: INTRODUCTION: The poem "Abou Ben Adhem" is written by J.H.Leigh. Hunt. He was. an English poet. He was not only a poet but also a journalist and an essayist.
The moral/central idea of the poem is that we should love God's creatures, especially mankind. It pleases God very much. Man is the most beloved creature of God.
"God loves those who love their fellowmen." This is the message of this poem. Abou Ben Adhem was a holy man. He loved his fellow human beings. So God blessed him. His love and his name were at the top of the list.

Q.9: Write in simple words what do you know about the famous poet J.H.Leigh Hunt?
Ans: The poem "Abou Ben Adhem" was written by the English poet James Henry Leigh Hunt. He was born in 1784 and educated at a famous charity school called Christ's Hospital. He was not only a poet but also a journalist and an essayist. He was sent to prison for two years because he had criticized the Prince Regent in his weekly paper "The Examiner". He continued to edit this paper while in jail. Many poets visited him there. He influenced and encouraged young writers of his time. He died in 1859.

Text Book Exercise
Difficult Words:

1.Lily in bloom As white  and bright as a full-gown lily flower. 
2.Exceeding peaceGreat peace around him. 
3.Presence The angel who was present. 
4.Vision Angel. 
5.Sweet accord Sweet and smiling face. 
6.Pray thee  Request you. 
7.Vanished  Disappeared 
8.Wakening light Brilliant light which awakened him. 
9.Led all the rest Was on top of the list, 


Q.1: Where was Abou Bin Adhem? 
Ans: Abou Bin Adhem was in his room.

Q.2: What was he doing?
Ans: He was enjoying a sound sleep.

Q.3: What did he see in the room? 
Ans: He saw an angel in the room.

Q.4: What was the angel doing? 
Ans: The angel was writing in a golden book the names of those who loved God.

Q.5: What did Abou Ben Adhem ask the angel?
Ans: Abou Bin Adhem asked the angel what he was writing.

Q.6: What did he ask the angel the second time?
Ans: Abou Ben Adhem asked the angel second time whether his name was in the list of those who loved God?

Q.7: Was Abou Ben Adhem sorry to hear the reply of the angel? 
Ans: No, he was not sorry but he was hopeful.

Q.8: What did he say to the angel the third time? 
Ans: Abou Ben Adhem requested the angel the third time to write his name among those people who loved their fellow men.

Q.9: When the angel came the second time, what did he show Abou Ben Adhem?
Ans: When the angel came the second time, he (angel) showed him the names of those persons whom God loved. Abou's name was at the top of the list. He was so pleased.

Q.10: Why was Abou Ben Adhem’s name on the top of the list?
Ans: Abou Ben Adhem’s name was on the top of the list of those whom the love of God had blessed, because; God loves those who love and serve mankind at large.


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