9th Eng Chap 7: Life Skills - Words / Meanings and Summary


English (Compulsory) For Class IX - Unit 7 - Life Skills - Words / Meanings and Summary


The Secret Of Success

Words / Meanings and Summary

Words Meanings

1.AnnounceMake a formal public statement
2.ArgueGiving opposite views in anger
3.BeardedHaving a beard
4.BeddingBed sheets
5.BitterResentful OR Feeling great dislike or anger.
6.Break of dayDawn
7.ConsultSeek advice, Go to someone for advice
8.Count on meRely on me, Depend on/ consider me
9.CourtiersPersons who attend a royal court
10.DebatedArgued about
12.DestituteExtremely poor OR Very poor/ not having any money
13.DeterminedHaving made a firm decision
14.DisappointedSad or Displeased
15.DiscoverFind - located OR Find out.
16.EvadeEscape or avoid
17.EvadedDid not come within reach.
18.FadeBecoming less bright
19.FaintedBecame unconscious
20.FameBeing known
22.FrequentlyRepeatedly OR Very often.
23.GlancedTook a brief look OR Gave a quick look.
24.GriefSorrow OR Deep sadness.
26.HospitalityGenerous reception OR Treating guests in a generous and welcoming manner.
28.MeaningfulHaving meaning
29.MinistersCabinet members
30.MomentInstant - time
31.MotivatedInspired - stimulated
33.PatienceAbility to wait
34.PonderedThought carefully OR Think carefully for a long time before deciding
35.RagsTorn clothes
37.SaintA very virtuous, Holy person
38.SpadeA digging tool
39.StraightawayImmediate OR Immediately.
40.StrangerUnfamiliar person


A long time ago there was king who that was searching for the secret of success. He thought that if he could answer three questions, he would find the secret of success. The questions were: What is the most important time to start some work? What is the most important work to do? Who is the most important person? The king asked his ministers, courtiers, and the wise and learned people, but no one could answer. The king announced the prize, but no one could answer.
To find answers of the questions, the king disguised himself as a poor man and went to a saint. The king placed his questions before him, and asked for their answers but the saint kept quiet. The king spent the whole day with him. In meantime, a wounded and breaded man came there and collapsed. The king dressed his wounds. The man was his enemy. The treatment and behavior of the king changed his mind and he became his faithful servant. The saint then told the king the answers. The most important time to start some work is present, the most important work is what we are doing now and the most important person is that man with whom we are at the moment.


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