9th Eng Chap 7 : Life Skills - MCQs and Fill In The Blanks


English (Compulsory) For Class IX - Unit 7 - Life Skills - MCQs and Fill In The Blanks


The Secret Of Success

MCQs and Fill In The Blanks

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Read-the text and tick (✓) OR circle the correct answer:
1. Which one of the following statements best summarizes the story?
(a) The present has all the answers.
(b) The present is not what matters.
(c) The present is the most important time. ✓
(d) The present gives you the most joy.

2. The saint who lived in the jungle was a very:
(a) rich man
(b) poor man
(c) severe man
(d) wise man ✓

3. The king went to see the saint:
(a) all alone ✓
(b) with all his soldiers
(c) along with his family
(d) with all his courtiers

4. Who warned the king that the bearded man was coming?
(a) his soldiers
(b) the saint ✓
(c) his servants
(d) his minister

5. After the bearded man left, the saint told the king that:
(a) he would not answer his questions
(b) his questions were too difficult
(c) the bearded man had answered his questions
(d) all his questions had been answered ✓

6. The king thought if he could find out the answers to three questions, he would never:
(a) lose
(b) fail ✓
(c) win
(d) pass

7. The most important time is the:
(a) present ✓
(b) past
(c) future
(d) none of these

8. The most important work is what we are doing:
(a) in the future
(b) soon
(c) now ✓
(d) none of these

9. The most important person is that one whom we are with at the:
(a) moment ✓
(b) office
(c) meeting
(d) none of these

10. The king announced a reward of:
(a) 2,000 gold coins
(b) 3,000 gold coins
(c) 4,000 gold coins
(d) 5,000 gold coins ✓

11. The king did not approve of their:
(a) logic
(b) answers ✓
(c) explanation
(d) suggestions

12. The saint did not mix with the:
(a) poor people
(b) rich people ✓
(c) foolish people
(d) wise people

13. The king dressed himself in:
(a) rags ✓
(b) uniform
(c) royal dress
(d) fine clothes

14. The bearded man became a bitter enemy of the king out of:
(a) revenge
(b) grief ✓
(c) sorrow
(d) hatred

15. The king found out the answers to his three questions from the:
(a) old man
(b) saint ✓
(c) scholars
(d) learned men


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