9th Eng Chap 6: Gender Equity - Text Book Exercise 6.1 - 6.3


English (Compulsory) For Class IX - Unit 6 - Gender Equity - Text Book Exercise 6.1 - 6.3


The Role Of Women In Pakistan's Creation And Development

Text Book Exercise 6.1 - 6.3


Pre- Reading
Discuss the following questions with the students:
1. The title of the text is The Role of Women in Pakistan's Creation and Development. What do you think the lesson will be about?
Ans: The title of the text shows that It is about those women who have worked hard in the establishment of Pakistan and about those women who are working and serving for the betterment of the people of Pakistan.

2. Can you think of names of some famous women in Pakistan's history?
Ans: Yes, Some known women in Pakistan history were:
  • Madr-e-Millat Mohtarma Fatima Jinnah
  • Begum Ra'ana Liaquat Ali Khan
  • Bi Amman etc.

3. Can you think of some names of women who have recently achieved fame in Pakistan?
Ans: Yes: Bilquis Edhi, wife of Late Abdul Sattar Edhi.

4. Read the names of the women given in the table below and tick the smiling face ( :) ) column if you have heard of them or the sad face ( :( ) column if you don't know about them.

S.NO.No. Famous Women of Pakistan:):(
1.Fatima Jinnah:)
2.Lady Sughra Hidayatullah:(
3.Lady Nusrat Haroon:(
4.Anita Ghulam Ali:)
5.Samina Baig:(
6.Bilquis Edhi:)
7.Bequm Jahan Ara Shahnawaz:)
8.Begum Ra'ana Liaquat Ali Khan:)
9.Bi Amman:)
10.Rosheen Khan:(

Note for teachers: Explain the importance of National Guards. National guards are a reserved paramilitary force, prepared to safeguard the nation.

While Reading
Exercise 1:
Write the answers to the following questions in your notebook:
Q.1: How many students were there in Sana's group? Write their names.

Ans: There are 6 students in Sana's group. They are:
  1. Sana
  2. Aliya
  3. Sameer
  4. Razia
  5. Hania
  6. Ahmed

Q.2: How many famous women of Pakistan are mentioned in the text? Write their names in the order of appearance in the text.
Ans: Five famous women of Pakistan are mentioned in the text. In the order of appearance in the text, they are:
  1. Motharma Fatima Jinnah
  2. Begum Ra'ana Liaquat Ali Khan
  3. Begum Jahan Ara Shahnawaz
  4. Professor Anita Ghulam Ali
  5. Bilquis Edhi

Q.3: How many students shared their dreams at the end of the presentations? Write their names.
Ans: Four students shared their dreams at the end of the presentations. They are:
  1. Sadia
  2. Maryam
  3. Hira
  4. Daniyal

Exercise 2:
Work in pairs, find the following words in the text and underline them. Now, try and guess the meanings of these words. Write down the meanings in your note book and check from the glossary given at the end of the book.

Words / Meanings

1.AccessApproach or enter OR Be within reach for use.
3.EnthusiasmEagerness OR A strong feeling of excitement.
4.InspiredGive an idea or feeling OR To develop a feeling or aim in someone for doing something.
5.OpinionA belief or View OR Thoughts and ideas
6.PhilanthropistA person who seeks to promote the welfare of others OR A person who supports good causes, especially by giving money.
8.RehearseTo practise OR To practise privately what one is going to say or do.
10.SimultaneouslyAt the same time
11.TirelessShowing great effort or energy OR Working without showing any signs of being tired.


1.AccessThe software enables you to access the Internet in seconds. OR The only access to the city is across the bridge.
2.ContributionHe was awarded a prize for his contribution to world peace.
3.EnthusiasmA man can succeed at almost anything for which he has unlimited enthusiasm.
4.InspiredHis words inspired confidence in me.
5.OpinionHe asked his father's opinion about his plans.
6.PhilanthropistHis father was a philanthropist.
7.RecognitionHe has achieved recognition and respect as a scientist.
8.RehearseWe were given only two weeks to rehearse a drama.
9.RenownedAllama Iqbal / Mirza Galib is a renowned poet of a south Asis
10.SimultaneouslyThe Windows allows a computer user to execute multiple programs simultaneously.
11.TirelessAll success comes from tireless effort and pursuit.

Exercise 3:
Do the following exercise in your notebook. Fill in the blanks using all the words given in exercise 2. You can use each word only once. The first one has been done as an example.
1. My brother decided to become a soldier because he was inspired by my uncle's disciplined way of life
2. There are many charitable institutions in Pakistan that are funded by philanthropists.
3. The whole class simultaneously said 'Yes' when the teacher asked if they wanted to go for a picnic.
4. Every year, the government awards titles to people in recognition of their services in different fields.
5. My father always asks for our opinions before buying any new furniture or other household things.
6. Our principal praised all the students for their contribution to the flood relief fund.
7. Everyone clapped with enthusiasm when the small children ran in the race.
8. Our group rehearsed many times before the finals of the folk song competition.
9. Pakistan was created through the tireless efforts of many Muslims working under the leadership of Quaid-e-Azam.
10. All the children in Pakistan should have access to quality education.
11. Allama Iqbal is a renowned poet of the sub-continent.

Exercise 4:
Do you remember what each letter stands for in the IDEAL problem-solving tool and what it means? Read the text and complete the following statements. Write all five complete statements in your notebook. The first one has been done as an example.
  • I stands for Identify. Here we identify what the problem is.
  • D stands for Define. Here we define what exactly we want to do to solve the problem.
  • E stands for Explore. Here we try and find out as much as we can about how to solve it.
  • A stands for Action. Here we take the best possible action to try and solve it.
  • L stands for Look back. Here we look back to see whether the problem has been solved or not.

Exercise 5:
Read the text and tick the correct answer.
1. Which of the following sources of information were not used by the students?
a) Laptop and internet
b) Newspapers and magazines
c) Books and smart phone
d) Radio and television (TV) ✓

2. Madr-e-Millat means:
a) Leader of Asia
b) Leader of the nation
c) Mother of the nation ✓
d) Pride of the nation

3. The first woman who represented the Muslim women in three round table conferences in London was:
a) Begum Jahan Ara Shahnawaz ✓
b) Bilquis Edhi
c) Fatima Jinnah
d) Begum Ra'ana Liaquat Ali Khan

4. Bilquis Edhi was awarded:
a) Hilal-e-Imtiaz ✓
b) Nishan-e-Haider
c) Sitara-e-lmtiaz
d) Sitara-e-Jura'at

5. Professor Anita Ghulam Ali was appointed twice as a minister of:
a) Culture
b) Education ✓
c) Science and Technology
d) Youth and Sports

Post Reading
Exercise 6:
Work in pairs and find out two things or achievements about each of the following famous women. Once you have orally discussed, write the two things/ achievements of each of these women in your notebooks.

1. Fatima Jinnah
  • She left dentistry to live with her brother, Quaid-e-Azam and support him.
  • She helped Quaid-Azam in the struggle for the establishment of Pakistan for about 28 years.

2. Begum Ra'ana Liaquat Ali Khan
  • She organized Muslim voluntary service, and later, the women's National Guards.
  • She is also the founder of the All Pakistan Women Association (APWA).

3. Begum Jahan Ara Shahnawaz
  • She represented the Muslim women at the three Round Table Conferences.
  • She was the first woman to make a speech in London's Guild Hall.

4. Professor Anita Ghulam Ali
  • She was well known teacher. She wrote many articles and books.
  • She was founding manager of the Sindh Education Foundation.

5. Bilquis Edhi
  • She is philanthropist who is also trained a professional nurse.
  • She now heads the Edhi Foundation.

Exercise 7:
Read the the text and fill in the following table. First fill in the years of birth and death and the put chronological order (chronological order means the order in which things happened). Finally, write their main contribution. After you have completed, discuss your answers with your partner.

order by year
of birth
order by year
of death
for Pakistan
 Fatima Jinnah1893196913 Help her brother, Quaid-e-Azam, in the struggle for the establishment of Pakistan.
 Bilquis Bano Edhi1947Still alive55 Social worker and head of Edhi Foundation
 Anita Ghulam1934201444 Worked for education. Founded Sindh Education Foundation.
 Begum Jahan Ara Shahnawaz1896197922 Made speeches and explained to the people of other countries, why the Muslims in India wanted a separate state.
 Ra'ana Liaquat Ali Khan1905199033 Founded Women's National Guards and All Pakistan Women Association.

Exercise 8:
Work in pairs and orally complete the following statements by giving reasons. After you have discussed all the statements, write the complete sentences in your notebook. The first one has been done as an example.
1. Sana was worried because she did not have a computer for gathering information.
2. Aliya suggested that they use the IDEAL tool because it was a tool for solving problems.

3. The Muslim women benefitted from Fatima Jmnah's support because the Muslim women of the sub-continent were able to interview Quaid-e-Azam and seek his guidance.
4. Begum Rana Liaquat All worked as a secretary because at that time the Muslim League could not afford the salary of a secretary.
5. Begum Jahan Ara could explain Muslims' point of view to people in many countries because she wanted the world to know why the Muslims of India wanted a separate state.
6. Professor Anita Ghulam Ali was awarded the Pride of Performance and Sitara-e-lmtiaz because she had tremendous contribution to the cause of education.
7. Bilquis Edhi has received the Hilal-e-lmtiaz award because she has tireless efforts for the betterment of society.
8. Maryam said that she wanted to be an educationist because she wanted to work for the improvement of female education.
9. Daniyal said that he wanted to be like Abdul Sattar Edhi because he would like to help all human beings in trouble.

Exercise 9:
Work in groups of three. Think of one thing that you can do during the summer vacations that will help people or improve things in the area where you live.
Use the IDEAL tool to help you identify the problem and find the solution.
Identify — what is the problem that you want to address.
Define — what do you want to do.
Explore — find details about the problem.
Action — what steps will you take to address the problem.
Look back — how will you check to see that you have done your task.
Next, decide
  • Who will do what
  • What are some of the things that you will need
  • By what time will you do the different things
  • When will you complete the task
  • Each group will then come and share their plans with the rest of the class.



Focus: Asking for and expressing preferences, by giving reasons.
Exercise 1:
Work in groups of four. Each one of you can take on the of one character.
Role play scene
It's time to go on study leave. You and your friends are discussing how to plan your studies in a way that you can revise all the subjects effectively and efficiently and be well prepared for the exams. You all want independent study time and also some group study time. Discuss your schedule. Remember to disagree politely. You may use your own names.

For example:
Tariq: I don't understand why you want to study so early in the morning. I find it very hard to do so.
Saira: One reason is that I'm quite used to waking up early for school as it is. So, I want to continue the same routine during the study holidays. What do you think, Adnan
Adnan: Yes, that's the time the mind is fresh after a good night's sleep. What about you, Zohair?
Zohair: Well, I

Continue with the above dialogue by expressing your preference of time and place, and the subject that you would like to revise first, by giving reasons. Use a variety of sentences.
  • I prefer studying after lunch — reason
  • I like studying at night — reason
  • I think we should then reason



A synonym is a word or phrase that means almost or nearly the same as another word or phrase in the same language, for example, shut is a synonym of close. Though synonyms can sometimes replace each other but many times they cannot, depending on the context of their use.

Exercise 1:
Do the following exercise in your notebook. Rewrite the sentences by replacing the synonym given in bold with an appropriate synonym from the four given options.

1. He is a brilliant carpenter. He has made a doll house with miniature furniture for every room.
a) pretty
b) tiny
c) fresh
d) tall
Ans: He is a brilliant carpenter. He has made a doll house with tiny furniture for every room.

2. Mrs Amjad gave the class a difficult assignment for chemistry.
a) free
b) easy
c) caring
d) hard
Ans: Mrs Amjad gave the class a hard assignment for chemistry.

3. My grandmother is old. She is about 90 years old.
a) elderly
b) crazy
c) charming
d) friendly
Ans: My grandmother is elderly. She is about 90 years old.

4. Our principal is very smart and slim.
a) tall
b) thin
c) charming
d) strict
Ans: Our principal is very smart and thin.

5. A stable government ensures that a nation will progress.
a) friendly
b) steady
c) strong
d) outgoing
Ans: A steady government ensures that a nation will progress.

6. Farzana is always ready to help the people in her neighbourhood.
a) teach
b) guide
c) assist
d) train
Ans: Farzana is always ready to assist the people in her neighbourhood.

7. I feel drowsy after having rice for lunch.
a) lazy
b) active
c) happy
d) sleepy
Ans: I feel sleepy after having rice for lunch.

8. The house next door has been vacant for two years.
a) dirty
b) empty
c) robbed
d) painted
Ans: The house next door has been empty for two years.

Exercise 2:
Work with a partner and select the most appropriate synonym to complete the following sentences. Three synonyms are given in brackets at the end of each sentence but only one is appropriate in the given context. Remember to use the full stop at the end of the sentence.
a) This cup of tea tastes like tea flavored water. It is very weak. (weak, frail, fragile)
b) If one wants to succeed in the exams, it is important to study regularly. (primary, important, significant)
c) During the monsoon rains the water in the rivers becomes very rough. (disordered, violent, rough)
d) The ruins of Moen-jo-Daro are old. (old, past, aged)
e) Pakistan is rich in minerals. (rich, wealthy, affluent)
f) My mother has to go to the NADRA office because her ID card is no longer valid. (valid, authorized, legitimate)
g) The bangles her grandmother gave her are made of real gold. (true, correct, real)
h) The teacher asked the students to remain quiet as the class next door was doing a test. (still, quiet, noiseless)
i) This perfume has a lovely fragrance. (odour, smell, fragrance)
j) The entire staff in the office was full of appreciation for the new manager. (appreciation, admiration, praise)

Exercise 3:
Four words in the following set of five words are synonyms; one word is different. Circle the word that you think is different. After completing the exercise share your work with your partner.


Exercise 4:
Work with a partner, select any six groups in Exercise 3. Next, pick two synonyms from each of the selected group and use both these synonyms in your own sentences. Do this work on a piece of paper.
After you have completed, exchange your paper with another pair. Read each other's work and give useful feedback.
According to the feedback received, make changes, where necessary, and write the sentences in your notebooks.

1. Friendly Ahmed is very friendly to everyone in the class.
2. Agreeable Sana was always cheerful and agreeable. OR My parents are quite agreeable to my studying abroad.
3. Pleasant Weather turns pleasant after rain.
4. decent He is an educated, amiable and decent man.
5. Amicable She helps everyone and very amicable in nature.
6. Option Customers have the option to change the product within 15 days, after purchasing.
7. Nice They have a nice garden in their backyard
8. Choice The boutique has a wide choice of wedding dresses.
9. Possibility The forecast has predicted that there's a possibility of heavy rainfall tonight.
10. Alternative The road was blocked, so we went by an alternative route to the market.
11. Reasonable They sell a wide range of different products at a very reasonable price.
12. Rude He is so rude that nobody can tolerate him.
13. Impolite  She is impolite in nature and misbehaved every one in the party.
14. Cheeky He is cheeky to his aunt.
15. Disrespectful Children who replied to their parents are regarded as disrespectful.
16. Severe Severe earthquake has destructed the whole city.
17. Serious He is suffering from a serious illness.
18. Harsh The weather grew harsh, chilly and unpredictable.
19. Stable The patient's condition is stable, after a major operation.
20. Stern The teacher's stern look reduced him to silence.
21. Huge He bought a huge house to accommodate his library.
22. Large He was the manager of a large multinationalcompany.
23. Enormous He earns enormous sums of money
24. Mammoth Cleaning up the city-wide mess is going to be a mammoth task.
25. Many Many great men have arisen from humble beginnings.
26. Rubbish Some people just throw their rubbish on the street rather to throw it into dustbin.
27. Garbage Garbage pollutes our rivers and streams.
28. Garden Lahore is a city of beautiful parks and historical gardens.
29. Trash The garbage man collects trash from each house daily to keep area clean.
30. Refuse They asked her to help but she refused.
31. Polite He is always polite to everyone.
32. Intelligent Saad is an intelligent and well educated man.
33. Smart Mark is a smart businessman.
34. Clever Lucy is quite clever and does well at school.
35. Bright Ahmed is a bright student in the class.
36. Position The front of the super market occupies a very prominent position on the main street. Or She worked very hard and finally achieved first position in her school exams.
37. Vacancy There is a computer programmer vacany in a company with a handsome salary package.
38. Opening Every year, the Olympics games begin and ends with the celebrations of opening ceremony and closing ceremony by the host country .
39. Clean If each would sweep before his own door, we should have a clean city
40. Post He was appointed to the post of a computer programmer just a month ago.
41. Mistake She put salt into her coffee by mistake.
42. Correct She wore a brace to correct her gappy teeth. Or The sentence is grammatically correct, but doesn't sound natural.
43. Error "He made a major error on the test. Or She made an embarrassing error in front of her boss.
44. Inaccuracy Due to inaccuracy in the equipment, it gives incorrect results.
45. Slip  She slipped on the ice and hurt her head.
46. Disease She suffered from a deadly disease.
47. Ailment Colds, flu or any ailment that reduces vocal stamina and luster are potentially dangerous.
48. Wound He could barely walk because of his wounds on the foot.
49. Illness Deficiency in vitamins can lead to illness. Or She is still weak after her illness.
50. Disorder He suffers from a rare disorder of the liver.

Revision: Use of since and for:
Since and for are two words that are used for similar, but not exactly the same, purposes.
  • It gives the starting point of actions, events or states, continuing until the present.
  • It refers to when things began.
  • It can only be used with the perfect tenses.
Since + a point in time (in the past) until now.
  • I've been waiting since 7 o'clock.
  • I have known him since January.
  • I have been here since 5 o'clock and I am getting tired.
  • It has been three years since the last earthquake.

  • We use For when we measure the duration
  • When we say how long something lasts.
  • We can use all verb tenses with For.

For + a period of time.
  • I have known her for a long time.
  • I lived here for ten years and then moved to another place.
  • They are exercising for three hours today.

For vs. Since
Knowing when to use FOR and when to use SINCE is important.

 FOR is used to mention a specific period (or duration) of time SINCE is used to mention the starting point of a period of time (continues to now)
 I have been a doctor for fifteen years. (duration = 15 years) I have been a doctor since 1992. (starting point = 1992)

Exercise 5:
Work with a partner and discuss which blanks in the following text will have since and which ones will have for. After discussing, write the complete paragraph in your notebooks.
My father is a remarkable man. He has been working since he was 15 years old. He has been working since he was at school. He used to work for four hours every day and on weekends. He has now worked in the same factory for 25 years. Since he started working at the factory, he has been promoted many times. He was initially hired for a period of three months but he has been working there ever since. He was hired as a peon with the responsibility of making tea and delivering parcels and documents as required. He started working for Rs 25/- a day.

If he fell ill or if he was absent he did not get paid for that day. But my father was a good and committed worker. He only took off for serious emergencies, like illness and death. In fact, there were periods when he didn't take a single holiday for many months at a time. He soon earned the respect of his co-workers and boss, and since then, he has risen higher and higher. He has now worked for the same factory for 25 years. He was offered retirement when he completed 25 years, but he said that he would like to work for a few more years. He hopes he will save enough to start a small manufacturing unit of his own, in a few years' time.

Exercise 6:
Write a paragraph explaining what your three favourite hobbies or free time activities are/ were. Make sure you explain why you started, how long you have done them for, when did you start them, do you still do them, and why you like them so much.
Remember to use for and since in your sentences.

Here is an example:
One thing I like doing during my free time is reading. I have been reading story books since I was ten years old. So, I have been reading story books for nearly six years now. Although I have been reading since I was ten years old, I think I will do it for many more years; in fact, I think I will do it for the rest of my life.
Another thing ................
Yet another thing that I did was ...............

Another thing I love doing in my free time is writing stories. I have been writing stories since I was 14 years old. I have been writing stories for more than two years now. I have read so many stories that I have many plots of stories in my mind. I have planned to write all those ideas in the form of stories. I don't know how long it will take to write all those ideas in written form but since I have decided, I am going to do it.

Yet another thing that I did was collecting stamps. I was doing it since I was nine years old because I liked the colorful stamps at that time. But I stopped collecting stamps when I was eleven years old. I did that hobby for nearly two years. I stopped doing that because I need money to buy it.


Apart from having a lot of interests and activities in life, one thing I like to do during my free time is gardening. I have been gardening since I was nine years old. So, I have been planted more than 100 different kinds of plants in my backyard garden for nearly six years now. Although I have been gardening since I was nine years old, I think I will do it for many more years; in fact, I think I will do it for the rest of my life.

Another thing I love doing in my free time is painting. It has been with me since my childhood when I used to make random pictures, portraits with colors randomly. I have been painting for more than four years now. I am deeply inspired by the life and works of the world’s famous painters including Leanardo, Pablo Piccaso and Gul jee. There are deep lessons from their lives and work for me to learn. Although I have been gold medalist in annual inter-schools drawing and art competitions for last three years. I have been trying to create some unique painting, since I have decided, I am going to do it.

Yet another thing that I did was playing cricket. I was doing it since I was seven years old because it was a healthy exercise and good physical activity, but I stopped playing cricket when I was 14 years old. I continued that hobby for nearly seven years. I have left playing cricket, since I was in class ix because I want to work hard to become a doctor now.


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