9th Eng Chap 5 : Healthy Life Style - Text Book Exercise


English (Compulsory) For Class IX - Unit 5 - Healthy Life Style - Text Book Exercise


Health Problems Caused by Mosquitoes

Text Book Exercise

Work in groups of three and write down at least three health-related problems that people in your area face. Also, list down what steps should the people take to protect themselves from some of these problems. Write these in your notebook in the format given below.


Problem 1. Cold

People who are sick with cold often feel some or all of these symptoms:
  • Low grade fever
  • Mild cough
  • Sore throat
  • Runny or stuffy nose (Congestion)
  • Mild fatigue (tiredness)
  • Sneezing
  • Watery eyes
  • Itching eyes, Nose or throat
  • Mild headache and muscle aches

Steps for Protection:
  • Drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration.
  • Get plenty of bed rest.
  • Wash hands
  • Cover your cough
  • Avoid close contact with people especially who have a cold.
  • Disinfect and wipe contaminated objects, toys and surfaces.
  • Avoid touching your face, especially eyes, nose and mouth.
  • Use honey, Joshanda and Vitamin C rich diet.

Problem 2. Type 2 Diabetes

The most common symptoms of type 2 diabetes include:
  • Polyuria
  • Excessive thirst
  • Extreme Fatigue
  • Excessive hunger
  • Numbness, tingling or feeling of pins and needle.
  • Slow healing of wounds
  • Vision changes.

Steps for Protection:
  • Lose weight
  • Take balanced diet with low carbohydrates
  • Take low and healthy fats
  • Eat non starchy vegetables
  • Daily exercise
  • Give up smoking

Problem 3. Obesity

The primary symptom of obesity is an excessive or abnormal amount of body fat, that can lead to other symptoms and concerns, including:
  • Bulging tummy
  • Extra weight
  • Feeling out of breath
  • Increased sweating
  • Snoring
  • Fatigue
  • Back and joint pain
  • Low confidence and self-esteem
  • Feelings of isolation
  • Depression
In addition, obesity can lead to other health problems including: 11. hypertension
  • High cholesterol level
  • Type 2 diabetes, and stroke.

Steps for Protection:
1. Weight loss is the primary objective of obesity treatment.
2. The first line of treatment for obesity daily exercise. 3. Following a balanced
4. Eat more vegetables
5. Take low cholesterol and low carbohydrate diet.
6. Sleep Well

While Reading
Exercise 1:
Tick the right answer. The text is about:
a) The life cycle of a mosquito
b) Different kinds of dangerous mosquitoes
c) Diseases caused by mosquitoes ✓
d) Use of pesticides for mosquito control

Exercise 2:
Circle the diseases mentioned in the text
tuberculosisdiphtheriacholera>yellow fever
hepatitisdengueinfluenzacerebral malaria

Exercise 3
Read the text. Find the following words and underline them. Next, work with a partner and try to guess their meaning from the context. After you have discussed the meanings of all these words, check your answers from the glossary given at the end of this book.

1.Antibodies Proteins normally present in the body or produced in response to an antigen which it neutralizes, thus producing an immune response. OR Substances in the blood that fight against diseases.
2.Chills Feeling of coldness during high fever
3.Clot A thick mass of coagulated liquid, especially blood. OR A lump formed in the blood, which stops or disturbs the flow of blood.
4.Constipation A condition in which there is difficulty in emptying the bowels, usually with hardened feces. or Not able to discharge solid waste from the body.
5.Contagious Transmissible by contact. OR A disease that can spread by touch.
6.Disorientation Loss of sense of direction
7.Display To present to view. OR To put up something in a place where people can see it easily.
8.Dysfunction Abnormal function of a - body organ or system, OR Problem in the working of some part of the body.
9.Fatal Causing death OR ending in death,
10.Immune Having resistance to pathogen. OR Cannot be harmed by a disease because the body has developed the ability to fight it.
11.Inflammation Swelling. OR A condition in which a part of the body is red, swollen and sore.
12.IntenseVery great or severe.
13.Nausea A feeling of sickness with an inclination to vomit. OR A feeling of wanting to be sick.
14.Parasite An organism that lives in or on an organism of another species. OR An animal or plant that lives on or in another and gets its food from it.
15.Pronounced Strongly marked; distinct. OR Very noticeable
16.Respiratory Relating to or affecting respiration. Breathing related.
17.Saliva Watery liquid secreted into mouth by glands. OR Liquid produced in the mouth that helps one swallow and digest food.
18.Stagnant Not flowing. OR Standing in one place, not flowing or moving.
19.Transfusion Transfer of blood. Putting of one person's blood into another person's body.
20.Transmit Pass on. OR To pass something from one person, place or thing to another.

Exercise 4
Work in pairs and see how many of these words you can use in your own sentences. The pair that will make the most correct sentences will be the winner.

1.AntibodiesAntibodies fight off infections and viruses. Or The body makes a specific antibody for each disease we encounter.
2.ChillsShe got a fever with chills. OR The wind really chills me to the bone. OR The longer this salad chills, the better the flavour.
3.ClotHe underwent surgery to remove a blood clot on the brain.
4.ConstipationA recent study links childhood constipation with low fiber in the diet.
5.ContagiousNot all the infectious diseases are contagious.
6.DisorientationThe hospital environment can bring anxiety and disorientation to patients. OR Symptoms may include fatigue, headaches, fever, memory loss, disorientation, insomnia, and loss of coordination.
7.DisplayThose books were on display in the window. OR The display of fireworks on New Year's Eve is a fine spectacle.
8.DysfunctionYour screen is still frozen, blank, or dysfunctional in some way. OR The major cause of the renal dysfunction are kidney infections and high blood pressure.
9.FatalThe slightest mistake may lead to a fatal disaster. OR Hepatitis is a potentially fatal disease.
10.ImmuneEverybody is immune to smallpox nowadays. OR The immune system is our body's shield against infection.
11.InflammationAn extreme allergic reaction causes rapid inflammation. OR SElf medication can cause inflammation of the liver.
12.IntenseHe shielded his eyes from the intense flash of light. OR He was sweating from the intense heat.
13.NauseaSome people experience nausea when flying. OR He experienced nausea after over eating.
14.ParasiteMany diseases are caused by parasites.
15.PronouncedShe speaks with a pronounced French accent.
16.RespiratorySmoking can cause respiratory diseases.
17.SalivaSaliva dribbled from the baby's mouth.
18.StagnantFew fish survive in the stagnant waters of the lake.
19.TransfusionWithout a blood transfusion her chances of survival were very less. OR She soon came to her senses after a blood transfusion.
20.TransmitThe information is transmitted electronically to the central computer. OR The speed with which digital cameras can take, process and transmit an image is phenomenal.

Exercise 5
Read the text and select the correct answer from the options given.
1. It is important to find out what the exact disease is so that
a. the patient can rest
b. we can tell everyone about it
c. it can be treated properly ✓
d. the patient can decide what to do

2. The malaria parasite attacks the
(a) white blood cells
(b) brain
(c) stomach
(d) red blood cells ✓

3. Once the dengue virus enters the system it affects the
(a) immune system ✓
(b) digestive system
(c) circulatory system
(d) nervous system

4. In severe cases of dengue, bleeding may occur in the
(a) eyes and ears
(b) brain
(c) stomach and intestine
(d) gums and nose ✓

5. Chikungunya patients usually have fever with
(a) shivering
(b) rashes ✓
(c) bleeding
(d) chills

Post Reading
Exercise 6
Read the text and complete the following table in your notebooks.

DiseaseSource(s) of
Organs / cells
Malaria Infected mosquitoes Red blood cells, liver, brain High fever with chills, sweating
Dengue Infected mosquitoes
blood transfusion
mother to child
 White blood cells, immune system High fever with body pain, Pain behind eyes, Respiratory difficulties, Headaches, skin rashes, Bleeding form gums and nose
Chikungunya Infected mosquitoes Muscles, joints, skin, connective tissue, nervous system Fever with skin rashes, Headache, nausea and vomiting, severe joint pain, loss of taste

Exercise 7
Discuss the following questions with your partner and write down the answers in your notebook.
Q.1: What are the most common diseases caused by mosquito bites?
Ans: The most common diseases caused by mosquito bites are malaria, dengue and chikungunya.

Q.2: Which specific part of the body becomes highly infected in Cerebral Malaria?
Ans: Brain becomes highly infected in Cerebral Malaria.

Q.3: What can lead to severe liver infection when one has malaria?
Ans: The malaria parasite infects the red blood cells until they burst. Then, the newly developed plasmodium from the burst red blood cells spreads and infects more red blood cells throughout the body, thus killing all the cells. This can lead to severe liver infection.

Q.4: How is the immune system affected through dengue?
Ans: Once the dengue virus enters the body it circulates around the body, attacking white blood cells and other antibodies, thus affecting the immune system.

Q.5: How often can one get infected with chikungunya? Why?
Ans: One can get infected with chikungunya only one time. Once one recovers from this infection, one is immune to it for the rest of one's life.

Q.6: Which two of the three diseases have similar symptoms? What are these?
Ans: Both chikungunya and dengue have almost identical symptoms and disease processes. The symptomms of these disease are fever, skin rashes, body pain, and headaches.

Q.7: How often does one have fever and chills when one has malaria?
Ans: After one has infected from malaria, these symptoms i.e. fever and chills usually occur every two days.

Q.8: How do all these diseases affect our life?
Ans: All these diseases affect a person's health. They affect the quality of one's work because it takes some time to recover from the weakness caused by them.

Q.9: How can we protect ourselves from these three diseases?
Ans: There are no vaccines or medical ways to prevent these diseases, we can protect ourselves from these diseases by taking precaution.
  • Wear clothes that will keep you fully covered.
  • Use net coverings.
  • Live in hygienic surroundings.
  • Ensure that there is no stagnant water, whether clean or dirty, in your locality, not even in uncovered buckets, pots, cans, or other things.
  • Apply good quality mosquito repellent lotion or any one of the natural repellant products.
  • Take extra precaution from dawn to dusk.
  • Seek medical help as soon as possible.

Q.10: What should we do if we want to recover quickly from these diseases?
Ans: If we want to recover quickly from these diseases, we should seek immediate medical help when we observe symptoms of these diseases because the earlier they are treated the quicker is the recovery.

Exercise 8
You have heard on the news about the spread of malaria, dengue and chikungunya in the nearby villages. You talk to your classmates and all of you decide to launch a campaign in your area to create awareness about these diseases. What will you do? Work in groups of three. Each group should develop a flow chart of one disease: malarial chikungunya/ dengue that will help you create awareness amongst your friends and neighbours about the diseases. You can follow the flow chart given below.

Malaria Flow Chart


  • Malaria is caused by Plasmodium, a single-celled parasite,
  • Often transmitted by infected mosquitoes.

  • Wear clothes that will keep you fully covered.
  • Use net coverings.
  • Live in hygienic surroundings.
  • Ensure that there is no stagnant water, whether clean or dirty, in your locality, not even in uncovered buckets, pots, cans or other things.
  • Apply good quality mosquito repellent lotion or and any one of the natural repellent products.

  • High fever (102 °F - 104 °F) with chills / shivering, sweating,
  • Patients may also suffer from constipation, kidney dysfunction and disorientation.

  • This disease is preventable and curable.
  • It is important that we take all possible steps to protect ourselves and our family from these diseases.
  • Take extra precaution from dawn to dusk.
  • Seek medical help as soon as possible, if we observe symptoms of these diseases because the earlier they are treated the quicker is the recovery.

Dengue Flow Chart


  • Infected mosquitoes
  • Blood transfusion
  • Organ donation
  • Mother to the child

  • Wear clothes that will keep you fully covered.
  • Use net coverings.
  • Live in hygienic surroundings.
  • Ensure that there is no stagnant water, whether clean or dirty, in your locality, not even in uncovered buckets, pots, cans or other things.
  • Apply good quality mosquito repellent lotion or and any one of the natural repellent products.

  • High fever with body pain
  • Pain behind eyes.
  • Decrease urine output
  • Respiratory difficulties
  • Headaches
  • Skin rashes
  • Bleeding form gums and nose

  • Virus of this disease attacks on white blood cells, thus affecting immune system.
  • But this disease is preventable and curable.
  • It is important that we take all possible steps to protect ourselves and our family from these diseases.
  • Take extra precaution from dawn to dusk.
  • Seek medical help as soon as possible, if we observe symptoms of these diseases because the earlier they are treated the quicker is the recovery.

Chikungunya Flow Chart


  • Infected mosquitoes
  • Non contagious

  • Wear clothes that will keep you fully covered.
  • Use net coverings.
  • Live in hygienic surroundings.
  • Ensure that there is no stagnant water, whether clean or dirty, in your locality, not even in uncovered buckets, pots, cans or other things.
  • Apply good quality mosquito repellent lotion or and any one of the natural repellent products.

  • Fever with skin rashes
  • Headache, nausea and vomiting
  • Muscles weakness
  • Severe joint pain
  • Loss of taste

  • This disease affected Muscles, joints, skin, connective tissue, nervous system
  • This disease is preventable and curable.
  • It is important that we take all possible steps to protect ourselves and our family from these diseases.
  • Take extra precaution from dawn to dusk.
  • Seek medical help as soon as possible, if we observe symptoms of these diseases because the earlier they are treated the quicker is the recovery.

Focus: Express satisfaction/ dissatisfaction (fully and partially) politely
Exercise 1:
Work in pairs. One student should take the role of Shama and the other that of Ahmer. Practise the dialogue given below orally; do not read it. After practising it two to three times, switch roles and practice again. Add one more dialogue of your own.
Ahmer: Are you satisfied with the way the teacher explained the poem today?

Shama: Well, to tell you the truth, I didn't really understand what he explained. I still have a number of things to ask him. What about you?
Ahmer: No, I'm dissatisfied. I don't think the teacher was prepared. But yesterday he explained the vocabulary very well. What do you say?
Shama: You're right. The class was fun. I loved the way he made us all get up and move around to find the right meanings.
Ahmer: Yes, it was fun. But again I have problem to solve questions and answers of the poem. specially I do not understand the moral and central idea of the poem, which he has given us in homework today. Do you understand it?

Shama: Yes , I have fairly understood it and when he was explaining, I copied it in my notebook too. But we will ask teacher to explain this poem again, in our tomorrow class.

Expressing satisfactionExpressing dissatisfaction
 I'm/ I was extremely happy with......... I'm not/ I wasn't happy with.........
 I really enjoyed........ I am/ was very disappointed with......
 I loved the way in which.........  I don't/ didn't like the way........
 I am / was very satisfied with........ I am/ was very dissatisfied with .........

Exercise 2:
Work in pairs. Use one of the contexts below to practise expressing both satisfaction and dissatisfaction. Discuss what each one of you will say and practise dialogue. Each pair will be asked to role play their dialogue in front of the class. Each one of you should speak 3-4 sentences.
You may use the phrases given in the boxes or use any other expressions to show your satisfaction/ dissatisfaction. Both of you should express your views.

1) Sharif and Rayan took a train to Multan. They had reserved seats in the air conditioned compartment. Mostly, things were very good and the seats were comfortable. However, when the train started, they found that the air conditioning wasn't working. They called the caretaker and told him about their satisfaction with some of the things and expressed dissatisfaction with the air conditioning.

2) The power supply system in your area is generally good. When you have a problem and complain, the issue is solved in a timely manner. However, there has been a power breakdown around your neighbourhood for 48 hours and the problem has not been solved in spite of repeated complaints. You and a group of neighbours go to the electricity department to complain. A spokesman has been identified from your group for talking to the person at the complaint centre. Remember to express satisfaction with things generally and dissatisfaction currently.

3) You are a teacher in the school. Your student, Khalid, usually does very well in all the tests. But in the last couple of tests his performance has been unsatisfactory. Call him and express your satisfaction with his work generally and dissatisfaction with the way he has been performing lately. Ask him how he feels about his own progress.

Exercise 5:
The following exercise has some statements, exclamations, wishes, hopes and promises in direct speech. Change them from direct to indirect speech and write them in your notebooks. Once you have completed, discuss your answers with your partner.
1. "I have many friends and I have to invite all of them tomorrow," said Abid.
Ans: Abid said that he had many friends and I had to invite all of them the next day.

2. Reshma said, "I hope I will get admission in the medical college this year."
Ans: Reshma hoped that she would get admission in the medical college that year.

3. "I wish I had ten hands and a hundred fingers to do all this work," said Feroza.
Ans: Feroza wished that she had ten hands and a hundred fingers to do all that work.

4. The student said, "I promise I will do my homework regularly from today."
Ans: The student promised that he would do his homework regularly from that day.

5. 'They want to buy a new car," said the lawyer, "but they don't have any money."
Ans: The lawyer said that they wanted to buy a new car but they did not have any money.

6. 'We hope we will be able to get permission from our parents," said the children.
Ans: The children hoped that they would be able to get permission from their parents.

7. "I never thought that a son of mine would get such bad marks!" said his father.
Ans: His father exclaimed with sorrow that he had never thought that a son of him would get such bad marks.

8. The blind boy said, "I wish I could see this interesting match on the television."
Ans: The blind wished that he could see that interesting match on the television.

9. "Next week, we promise, we will clean the whole house," the children said to their parents.
Ans: The children promised their parents that they would clean the whole house the following week.

10."Our team has won the champion's trophy here for the first time!" said the coach.
Ans: The coach exclaimed with joy that their team had won the champion's trophy there for the first time.

Exercise 6:
Work in pairs, read the following story and put all the direct speech sentences into indirect speech. The story has statements, exclamations, wishes, promises and hopes. Make sure you follow the rules related to changing these different types of sentences.

Avoiding Criticism

Nasrudin and his son were travelling with their donkey. Nasrudin preferred to walk while his son rode the donkey. Soon they passed a group of bystanders, and one of them said, "This boy is so selfish. He is riding on a donkey while his poor old father is forced to walk alongside."
"This is so disrespectful," said another man. "What a horrible and spoiled child!"

Nasrudin and his son felt embarrassed, so they changed places — this time Nasrudin rode the donkey while his son walked. "I hope I am doing the right thing now," he said to himself.
Soon they passed another group of people. Seeing them, one of them exclaimed, "The poor young boy has to walk while his selfish father is riding the donkey! He is a heartless parent!"
Nasrudin was upset to hear this. "I wish people would mind their own business," he said.
Since he wanted to avoid any further comments, he decided that both he and his son would ride the donkey at the same time. As they both rode, they passed another group of people. "That man and his son are so cruel," one bystander commented. "They are forcing that poor donkey to bear the weight of two people. They should be put in jail for this act."
Nasrudin heard this and told his son, "The only way we can avoid people's comments is that we both walk."
"I suppose you are right," the son replied.
"I promise, nobody will be able to say anything to us as we are doing the right thing this time," said Nasrudin happily.

So they got off the donkey and continued on foot. But as they passed another group of people, they heard them laughing. "These people are so stupid that both of them are walking in this heat and neither of them is riding the donkey," they said. 'What foolish people they are!"

Ans: Nasrudin and his son were travelling with their donkey. Nasrudin preferred to walk while his son rode the donkey. Soon they passed a group of bystanders, and one of them said that the boy was so selfish. He was riding on a donkey while his poor old father wass forced to walk alongside.
Another man exclaimed that was so disrespectful and he was a horrible and spoiled child.

Nasrudin and his son felt embarrassed, so they changed places — this time Nasrudin rode the donkey while his son walked. he said and hoped that he was doing the right thing then.
Soon they passed another group of people. Seeing them, one of them exclaimed that the poor young boy had to walk while his selfish father was riding the donkey. He was a heartless parent.
Nasrudin was upset to hear this. He wished that people would mind their own business.
Since he wanted to avoid any further comments, he decided that both he and his son would ride the donkey at the same time. As they both rode, they passed another group of people. One bystander commented that man and his son were so cruel. they were forcing that poor donkey to bear the weight of two people. They should be put in jail for that act.
Nasrudin heard this and told his son that the only way they could avoid people's comments was that they both walked.
The son replied hopefully that he was right.
Nasrudin happily promised that nobody would be able to say anything to them as they were doing the right thing that time.

So they got off the donkey and continued on foot. But as they passed another group of people, they heard them laughing. They said that those people were so stupid that both of them were walking in that heat and neither of them was riding the donkey. They exclaimed that they were foolish people.


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