9th Eng Chap 4 : The Great Visionaries - Text Book Exercise


English (Compulsory) For Class IX - Unit 4 - The Great Visionaries - Text Book Exercise


The Great Visionaries

Text Book Exercise

A visionary is a person who can think about or plan the future with imagination and/ or wisdom.

1. What qualities does a visionary have? Work in groups of three and decide which of the quality given in the web below is the most important for a visionary leader to have and which is the least important. Add one more quality that is not given. Number all the listed qualities in order of priority, with 1 being the most important and 13 being the least important.
Ans: Visionary have the following qualities:
1. Clear goal: this is the most important quality for a visionary leader.
2. Vision
3. Integrity
4. Clear communication
5. Interest and need
6. Focus on team
7. Encouragement
8. Support
9. Stimulating work
10. Expects the best
11. Risk-taking
12. Inspiration
13. Recognition
14. Good example: is the least important quality for a visionary leader.

2. Fill the first two columns of the following table about Quaid-e-Azam and Allama Iqbal. After you have filled the two columns, share them with your partner.

What I think I knowWhat I want to knowWhat I learned
PersonalityPersonal lifePersonality and achievements
True leadersAs a visionary leaderPolitical Acumen and contributions
Struggled for PakistanTheir sacrificesGreat visionary leaders
Quaid-e-Azam Father of the nation and Allama Iqbal A national poet and a great leaderTheir achievementsAspiration For Muslims
Achieved PakistanThe quality then help them to achieve PakistanQuaid e Azam - founder of Pakistan and Allama Iqbal - Demand separate state for Muslims of India first

While Reading
Exercise 1:
Complete the table given in task 2 of the Pre-Reading section: What did you learn after reading the text? Share your table with your partner.
Ans: Check the above table.

Exercise 2:
Read the text and find out the names of the students who collected information on the following topics. Write the answers in your notebook.
a. Personality and achievements of the Quaid
Ans: Tahira

b. Political acumen and contribution of Allama Iqbal
Ans: Farheen

c. The Quaid's aspirations for the Muslims
Ans: Huma

d. Allama lqbal's aspirations for the Muslims
Ans: Tahira

e. Personality and achievements of Allama lqbal
Ans: Lubna

f. The Quaid's political acumen and contribution
Ans: Tahira

Exercise 3:
Read the text. Find the following words and underline them. Work with your partner and guess the meanings of these words. Then check the meanings given in the glossary at the end of the book to see if you have guessed correctly.

1.AccomplishmentsSuccessful achievements
2.AcumenThe ability to make good judgments and take quick decisions, The ability to understand things quickly and clearly.
3.AspirationA hope or ambition, Strong desires.
4.CulminatingResulting in achieving what is wanted.
5.DiscriminationThe unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people, Different treatment for different people.
6.DistinctionExcellence or eminence, Difference.
7.DynamicCharacterized by forcefulness of personality, Having a lot of energy.
8.EnvisionedVisualized, Imagined as a future possibility.
9.Guiding principlesA standard by which something is evaluated or measured, Rules that take the direction one takes.
10.HomageSpecial honour or respect shown publicly, Something said or done to show great respect.
11.ImpartialityEqual treatment, Not favouring any one person.
12.ImplementPut into effect
13.PluralisticRelating to or advocating a system in which two or more states, groups, principles, sources of authority, etc., coexist, Different groups of people living together in peace.
14.PolarizationDivision into two sharply prevail contrasting groups or sets' of opinions or beliefs, Separation into two opposite groups.
15.PrevailTo be widespread
16.ProponentOne who argue in support of something, A person who supports a cause.
17.QuestA long or arduous search
19.SteadfastnessLoyalty in the face of trouble and difficulty, Firmly staying on one path.
20.TransformChange or alter in form or Change into something else.
21.UndesiredNot wanted, Unacceptable/ unwelcome.
22.UnparalleledExceptional, So great that there is nothing else like it.
23.VersatileHaving great diversity, Moving easily from one subject, skill, or occupation to another.
24.VictimizationTo make a victim of, Unfair suffering.

Exercise 4:
Work in groups of four. Each student should write six sentences in their notebook. Follow the steps given below: Give a number from 1-4 to each member of the group. Next each member of the group should use six of these words in their own sentences, as follows:
  • Student No. 1 should use word numbers 1, 5, 9, 13, 17, 21
  • Student No. 2 should use word numbers 2, 6, 10, 14, 18, 22
  • Student No. 3 should use word numbers 3, 7, 11, 15, 19, 23
  • Student No. 4 should use word numbers 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24

1.AccomplishmentsDiscipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment. or Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try.
2.AcumenAhmed's prosperity was built on business acumen and new industries. or He has the acumen to make sound business decisions.
3.AspirationShe was filled with the aspiration to succeed in life. or Although Sara has the aspiration of going to medical school, but she isn’t making efforts needed to achieve her aim.
4.CulminatingThe sun reaches the culminating point at noon. or Her hard working culminated when she won the first position in class.
5.DiscriminationThe law prohibits discrimination against the disabled people.
6.DistinctionShe passed the exam with distinction in all subjects. or There is no appreciable distinction between the twins.
7.DynamicA dynamic government is necessary to meet the demands of a changing society. or He was a dynamic personality in the business world.
8.EnvisionedAs a brilliant boy, Zain envisioned him a successful doctor.
9.Guiding principlesQuran and hadiths are the guiding principle for every Muslim of the world. or We must set some guiding principles for the way in which we live better life.
10.HomageThe gift is an homage of the heart for a person. or Every year on Defence day, all Pakistani pay homage to martyrs.
11.ImpartialityImpartiality is essential for the justice.
12.ImplementThe best implement for digging a garden is a spade. or He failed to implement the plan.
13.PluralisticWe need to take a pluralistic approach to education.
14.PolarizationThe polarization of society into rich and poor can clearly be seen in society.
15.PrevailThe human spirit has prevailed over technology in 21st century.
16.ProponentHassan was identified as a leading proponent of the values of progressive education.
17.QuestHe travelled across continents in his quest for adventure.
18.RecallHe tried to recall the layout of the farmhouse.
19.SteadfastnessSoldiers are the lessons of steadfastness and trust, honor and humor and, above all, grace under pressure.
20.TransformThere is no magic formula that will transform sorrow into happiness.
21.UndesiredInflation is considered to be undesirable because of its adverse effects on income distribution.
22.UnparalleledThe new telescope offers an unparalleled opportunity to conduct research.
23.VersatileHe's a versatile actor who has played a wide variety of parts.
24.VictimizationThey are using e - mail , text messaging and social networking sites in new forms of victimization.

Exercise 5:
Tick the correct column for the statements given in the table.:

1.Jinnah wanted Muslims to have more rights in Pakistan.False
2.Zoya and Amber offered to find information about Allama lqbal.False
3.Quaid-e-Azam first joined the Congress and then the Muslim League.True
4.Both Quaid-e-Azam and Allama lqbal were barristers.True
5.AIlama lqbal wrote two letters to Quaid-e-zam in 1938.False
6.In his letters he said that Muslims should demand a separate state.False

Exercise 6:
The following tables have quotes from the speeches of Quaid-e-Azam and Allama lqbal. The first part of each quote is in table A and the second part in table B. Work in pairs and complete the quotes. Write the alphabet in the Answer Column in Table A.
Now work in pairs and find out who said these words. Write 'Q' for Quaid-e-Azam and 'A' for Allama lqbal in the 'Person' column in Table B.

Table A
S.NO.Quote part 1Answer
1.You are free; you are free to go to your temples,d
2.To me he was a friend, guide and philosopher,f
3.The Muslim demand to create a Muslim India within Indiaa
4.At difficult moments in their history, it is Islame
5.My guiding principle will bec
6.I am sure that with your support and cooperation, I can look forwardg
7.We are all citizensb

Table B
S.NO.Quote part 2Person
a.is in no way without justice.A
b.and equal citizens of on state.Q
c.justice and complete impartiality.Q
d.you are free to go to your mosques or to any other place of worship in this state of Pakistan.Q
e.that has saved Muslims and not Muslims that have saved Islam.A
f.and during the darkest moments through which the Muslim League had to go, he stood like a rock.Q
g.to Pakistan becoming one of the greatest nations of the world.Q

Exercise 7:
Go back to exercise 6 and find out when and where these words spoken. After this write seven complete sentences in your notebook like this:
  1. On August, 1947, in the Constitution Assembly of Pakistan, the Quaid-e-Azam said these words.
  2. In 1938, in a message on Allama lqbal's death, the Quaid-e-Azam said these words.
  3. In 1930, at the Allahabad meeting of All-India Muslim League, Allama lqbal said these words in his address.
  4. Quaid-e-Azam said these words.
  5. Quaid-e-Azam said these words.
  6. On August, 1947, in the Constitution Assembly of Pakistan, the Quaid-e-Azam said these words.
  7. On August, 1947, in the Constitution Assembly of Pakistan, the Quaid-e-Azam said these words.

Exercise 8:
Work in pairs and orally discuss the reasons for the following statements. After you have discussed the reasons, rewrite the following statements in your notebooks by stating the reasons. The first one has been done as an example.
1. Jinnah's achievement is unparalleled in recent history

Ans: because, unlike most other leaders who only freed their countries from foreign rule, he not only got freedom but also managed to create a new state for the Muslims.

2. The Quaid was greatly respected by the people of all faiths
Ans: due to his tolerance and acceptance of all faith and religions. He was very clear in his vision that he did not want non- Muslims in Pakistan to suffer as the Muslim minority suffered in India.
He knew that breaking nation into groups and circles based on cast or religion. So, he demanded a progressive, democratic and tolerant society that retained its Muslim character and give equal rights, equal opportunities, and equal respect to its non-Muslim citizens.
In the flag of Pakistan, white colour along with green show the world that this new state wholeheartedly considers non-Muslim as equal citizens of the state with their rights.

3. Quaid-e-Azam left the Indian National Congress.
Ans: because as an outstanding political leader, he very soon realized that the Indian National Congress was leading the Hindus of the sub-continent towards Hindu-Muslim polarization. This would result in political and economic victimization of the Muslims in the region. Therefore, he decided to leave the Congress and join the Muslim League.

4. Despite strong opposition by the British and the Hindus, Quaid-e-Azam succeeded in creating Pakistan.

Ans: because he was very intelligent and understood that Hindu as a majority did not give religion's rights to Muslims in sub-continent. They are two different nation, so he demanded separate homeland for Muslims and fought and struggled relentlessly to achieve his goal.

5. Allama lqbal could point out some of the defects in the philosophical systems of the West.
Ans: Allama Iqbal is well-versed in philosophy, both Eastern and Western. He pointed out some of the defects in the philosophical systems of the West. He also got a doctorate degree from Munich University for his work on Persian philosophy. After observing injustice behavior of India with Indian Muslims, he also put forward the philosophy of Pakistan and asked Quaid-e-Azam to make it a reality.

(Note: Allama Iqbal pointed out some of the defects in the philosophical system of the West, as:
Dr. lqbal said, "India is a continent of human groups belonging to different races, speaking different languages, and believing in different religions. Their behave is not governed by a common race feelings. The philosophy of western democracy could not be applied to India without recognizing the fact of different groups. The Muslim demand to create a Muslim India within India is in no way without justice. For my part I would like to go one step further; I would like to see the Punjab, North West Frontier Province, Sindh and Baluchistan unite under a single Muslim State". This demand shocked both the Hindus and the British alike and they both opposed it.)

6. Dr. lqbal did not seek re-election to the Punjab Legislative Council.
Ans: Allama lqbal took an active part in politics and worked for the cause of the Muslims of South Asia. He was elected as a member of the Punjab Legislative Council in 1926, a post he held till 1929. By then, he had become deeply involved with the Muslim League activities. Due to his commitment to the cause of Muslim rights in India, he was soon elected as the President of the Punjab branch of the All India Muslim League, a post he held till the time of his death.

7. One of lqbal's biggest political contributions is his Allahabad address.
Ans: which he delivered in 1930, when he presided over the Allahabad meeting of the All-India Muslim League. It was on this historic occasion that he made a definite demand for a separate Muslim State in South Asia.
Dr. lqbal said, "India is a continent of human groups belonging to different races, speaking different languages, and believing in different religions..... The Muslim demand to create a Muslim India within India is in no way without justice. For my part I would like to go one step further; I would like to see the Punjab, North West Frontier Province, Sindh and Baluchistan unite under a single Muslim State".

8. Allama lqbal wanted the Muslims to put their faith in Islam.
Ans: In his Allahabad address he said: "I have learned one lesson from the history of Muslims. At difficult moments in their history, it is Islam that has saved Muslims and not Muslims that have saved Islam. If, today, you put your faith in Islam, you will become strong and united once again and save yourself from complete destruction."

Exercise 9: Work in groups of three and make mind-maps on the following aspects of both these great personalities.
(1) Quaid - e - Azam
  • Qualities as a person
  • Vision for Pakistan
  • What should we do to make Pakistan great

(2) Allama Iqbal
  • Academic achievements
  • Dream about Pakistan
  • Advice to Muslims

Ans: Quaid - e - Azam

Qualities as a person
  • Quaid-i-Azam Mohammed Ali Jinnah was a great human and the great visionary and outstanding political leader of the Pakistan Movement.
  • The personality of Quaid-e-Azam has very simple but graceful. He was one of the most dynamic personalities of South Asia.
  • He was a man of word who had changed the map of the world and established a new state. He is the real hero for the nation.
  • Quaid-e-Azam was a devoted person and had soft and kind hearted personality. He was known as the best Ambassador of Hindu Muslim Unity, due to his tolerance and acceptance of all faiths
  • He was a role model and aspiration for a whole nation and an important figure in any standard of living, his versatile personality achieved many successes in many walks of life.
  • He was very intelligent and succeeded in getting Pakistan, despite strong opposition from the two big power players in British India; the ruling British and the majority Hindus.
  • He has a principle-liking personality and was the man having discipline and tolerance. He has the real feelings of sympathy to the Muslims of Subcontinent.
  • The special quality of Quaid-e-Azam’s personality is that he was the honest person. He was the loyal and always tried to solve the matters with honesty. His decision was depended on truth.

Vision for Pakistan
  • Quaid-i-Azam envisioned Pakistan, as a 'nation state' ensuring equal rights for all citizens of Pakistan.
  • He also wanted Pakistan to be a state where justice and merit prevailed.
  • He wanted the people of Pakistan to be united and to work towards making this new country, an exemplary state.
  • He said:
    "My guiding principle will be justice and complete impartiality and I am sure that with your support and cooperation, I can look forward to Pakistan becoming one of the greatest nations of the world."

What should we do to make Pakistan great
  • We should follow the guiding principle of Quaid e Azam to make Pakistan great.
  • It is now our responsibility to set the future directions for this great country by implementing the Quaid's vision of Pakistan.
  • If we truly want to pay homage to our great Quaid, we should try and do the things he wanted us to do and not merely praise what he did.
  • On every Independence Day, we should think of what we need to do to take Pakistan forward on the way to peace a prosperity.

Allama Iqbal

Academic achievements
  • Allama Muhammad lqbal, the poet of the East was, no doubt, a great poet and a philospher.
  • He began his professional career as a Professor of Arabic at the Oriental College, Lahore, after doing his M.A., in 1899.
  • In 1905, he went to London to study law and received a law degree. He thus became a barrister by profession.
  • This versatile person continued his quest for knowledge in various fields.
  • In 1908, he was awarded a Ph.D. degree by the Munich University, in Germany, for his work on Persian philosophy. That is why he is also known as Dr. Muhammad lqbal.

Dream about Pakistan
  • Allama Muhammad Iqbal is the spiritual and intellectual founder of Pakistan. He dream is an independent Muslim state Pakistan.
  • One of lqbal's biggest political contributions is his Allahabad address, which he delivered in 1930. It was on this historic occasion in which he expressed his dreams and demand for a separate Muslim State in South Asia.
  • In his presidential address, Dr. lqbal said:
    "India is a continent of human groups belonging to different races, speaking different languages, and believing in different religions."
  • He further said:
    "The Muslim demand to create a Muslim India within India is in no way without justice. For my part I would like to go one step further; I would like to see the Punjab, North West Frontier Province, Sindh and Baluchistan unite under a single Muslim State".
  • Iqbal's dream took such firm root that at meeting in Lahore, on March 23, 1940, the Muslim League passed a resolution demanding a separate state for the Muslims of India. This resolution is known as the Pakistan Resolution.
  • From this point onward, after his death all efforts were directed to achieved his dream, which was come true on August 14, 1947, the creation of independent Muslim country Pakistan.

Advice to Muslims
  • Allama lqbal had a great love for Islam; he always advised the Muslims to remain true to their faith, and to practice it in letter and spirit.
  • In his Allahabad address he said:
    "I have learned one lesson from the history of Muslims. At difficult moments in their history, it is Islam that has saved Muslims and not Muslims that have saved Islam. If, today, you put your faith in Islam, you will become strong and united once again and save yourself from complete destruction."

Focus: Asking and responding to questions of academic nature
Work in groups of eight/ ten students. A press conference will be conducted by each group of ten students. Three/ four of the students in each group will be representing one ministry while five/ six will be reporters from the media (both press and television). Each group will represent one of the following ministries:
  • Ministry of Health
  • Ministry of Power
  • Ministry of Water
  • Ministry of Sanitation
  • Ministry of Education

The students representing the ministry will all say one thing that their ministry is doing or plans to do.Each reporter will then ask the panelists at least two questions and they will have to answer their questions.
Each group should brainstorm and decide what the panelists will say, what questions the reporters will ask. and what answers will be given. Practice the dialogues in your groups.
Once the groups are ready, each group will come up and role play their press Conference. Students from the other groups will be the audience and they can also ask questions from the panelists.

Ans: Press Conference
Topic: COVID-19 
answer will upload soon

Fluency practice for changing the voice in sentences
Exercise 1:
Change the voice of the sentence without changing the meaning.
  • Divide the class into 2 groups. Group A and Group B
  • Each group must write up a list of 8-10 sentences.
  • The list should contain active voice sentences and passive voice sentences.
  • Group A will say a sentence
  • Group B must change the voice of the sentence and say it out loud.
  • Next it is group B's turn to call out a sentence and Group A must change it.
For example:
Group A : Aliya ate the grapes
Group B: The grapes were eaten by Aliya

  • passive verb = be + passive participle e.g. is cleaned, were given (Pattern = Simple Present and Past Tense)
  • future = will + be + passive participle e.g. will be given, will be told (Pattern = Simple Future Tense)

 Present simple give is given
 Present continuous is giving  is being given
 Present perfect has given has been given
 Past simple gave was given
 Past continuous was giving was being given
 Past perfect had given had been given

Ans: For Active And Passive Voice Practice Click Below Link:

Exercise 2:
Work in pairs and complete the following news report using the correct form of the passive, using the verbs given in brackets. Write the correct news report in your notebook.
The northern part of the country was hit (hit) by a massive earthquake this morning. The entire infrastructure ______ (damage) very badly. The roads ______ (break). The telephone lines ______ (destroy), and the mobile services ______ (disrupt). The people _____ (scare) as many aftershocks _____ (expect). Food, water and medical aid _____ (rush) to the area. An appeal ______ (make) by the government asking people not to panic. Work _____ (do) by the army to enable reaching of aid to the remote areas. Funds _____ (release) by the government to help people in this hour of grief.

Ans: The northern part of the country was hit by a massive earthquake this morning. The entire infrastructure had been damaged very badly. The roads had been broken. The telephone lines had been destroyed, and the mobile services had been disrupted. The people were scared as many aftershocks were expected. Food, water and medical aid were being rushed to the area. An appeal was made by the government asking people not to panic. Work was being done by the army to enable reaching of aid to the remote areas. Funds were being released by the government to help people in this hour of grief.

Exercise 3:
Read the following story. Then, work with a partner and orally complete Samina's report to the police, using the passive form. Use the verbs from the story. Write the complete report in your notebook.
Samina hired a new servant. She asked her to submit a copy of her identity card. The servant gave her a copy. She gave her someone else's card. Unfortunately, Samina did not check all the details.
After a few days the servant asked for a loan. Samina refused to give her a loan. The following week, the servant told her a sad story and again asked for some money. She told the servant not to come to work from the next day. When Samina went to her room after a couple of hours, she found it in a mess, with all her things on the floor. The servant had emptied her cupboard. She had taken away all the money and the jewellery.

This is what Samina said to the police when they asked her for details:
A new servant was hired by me. She ____ to submit a copy of her identity card. A copy _____ by her. I _____ someone else's card to me by her. Unfortunately, the details ______ by me.
After a few days, I ______ by the servant for a loan. The loan _____ by me. The following week, I ____ told a sad story by the servant and again I _____ for some money. The servant ______ not to come to work from the next day. When I went to my room, after a couple of hours it _____ in a mess, with all the things on the floor. The cupboard ______ by her. All the money and the jewellery ______ by her.

Ans: A new servant was hired by me. She was asked to submit a copy of her identity card. A copy was given by her. I was given someone else's card by her. Unfortunately, the details were not checked by me.
After a few days, I was asked by the servant for a loan. The loan was refused to give by me. The following week, I was told a sad story by the servant and again I was asked for some money. The servant was told not to come to work from the next day. When I went to my room, after a couple of hours it was found in a mess, with all the things on the floor. The cupboard had been emptied by her. All the money and the jewellery had been taken by her.

We sometimes add a pair or group of alphabets at the beginning of a word to add something to the meaning of a word. These are called prefixes.
  • re+try = retry
  • re+group = regroup
  • mis+spell = misspell
  • mis+trust = mistrust

We can also use a prefix to form the opposite of a word.
  • dis+join = disjoin
  • dis+allow = disallow
  • un+tidy = untidy
  • un+clear = unclear

Exercise 4:
A. Fill the blanks in the following exercise by using the prefix 're' with the appropriate given words. One has been done as an example.
tell, do, claim, apply, print, arrange

1. The government is trying to reclaim land from the sea in Karachi.
2. The company had to reprint this book three times.
3. I advised my friend to reapply for a teaching position in our school.
4. My father likes to retell his childhood stories to his grandchildren.
5. Saira and Khalida decided to rearrange the furniture in their room.
6. The teacher told the class to redo the exercise.

B. Fill the blanks in the following exercise by using the prefix 'mis' with the appropriate given words.
treat, match, behave, understand, place

1. When children misbehave they are often punished by their parents.
2. My brothers always misplace their mobile phones.
3. There is a mismatch between their income and expenditure.
4. Many people misunderstand their leader's message.
5. It is not right to mistreat servants.

C. Fill the blanks in the following exercise by using the prefix 'inter' with the appropriate given words.
national, faith, personal, city, dependent

1. The intercity bus service is very good in some countries.
2. There is more international travel today than about fifty years ago.
3. For success in any work good interpersonal skills are needed.
4. The quality of goods and their price are interdependent.
5. Interfaith understanding is very important for peace in the world.


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