9th chap 2 Role Model - Words / Meanings and Summary


Rana Arsalan

English (Compulsory) For Class IX - Unit 2 - Role Model - Words / Meanings and Summary


Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai

Words / Meanings

1.AbundanceA very large quantity
2.AcceptableAble to be agreed on
3.AdmirationRespect and warm approval
4.AncestralBelonging to ancestors.
5.Ancestral rootsPlace where forefathers lived.
7.BankSite of a lake or river
10.CharactersPersons in a novel, play, etc.
11.CommencesBegins, Starts
12.CompileCollect something to make a book, To collect information together.
13.ComposeWrite or create
15.DeadNo longer alive
18.DevoteesPeople who have faith in a particular religion or religious person, Fans, Followers
19.DevotionDedication, Religious Worship
20.DignityPride, Worthy of esteem or respect.
21.DistantFar away
22.Dome CupolaOffspring
23.Domesticrelating to home
24.ElegantGraceful, Attractive.
29.GraveBurial Place
30.ImpressedFeeling or showing admiration.
33.LovinglyWith love
34.MannersPolite social behavior.
35.MausoleumA building housing a tomb.
36.MoundA small hill
37.MysticA person who has spiritual power due to nearness to God, Orphic
38.NavigationDirecting a ship or other vehicle for reaching a place, Seamanship
39.Oral traditionsInformation is passed by word of mouth from one generation to the next.
40.PiousExpress one's respect and gratitude
42.PrayerTo kneel down before God
43.PraiseExpress one's respect and gratitude.
46.ReflectThrow backlight
49.RestlessUneasy, Unable to stay still or be happy where one is.
50.ReverenceA feeling of profound respect, A feeling of great respect and admiration.
51.SaintRighteous person, A person of exceptional holiness
52.SensitiveTouchy, Easily offended, or upset.
54.SpiritualReligious, affecting the human spirit or soul
55TenderShowing gentleness, kindness, and affection. Or Kind, gentle and loving.
57.UniversalApplicable to or done by most people in the world.
59.VoyagesLong journeys by sea.


The great saint Shah Abdul Latif is lovingly called Lal Latif by his devotees. He was born in 1102 Hijra in a small village called " Hala Haveli". According to some historians Shah Abdul Latif's ancestors had migrated to Sindh from Hirat (Afghanistan). His father's name was Syed Habib Shah. His wife died at an early age. He was very sensitive. His heart soon filled with the love of God. The beauty of nature aroused strongly his feelings. His heart turns more and more towards religion and devotion. Shah Latif was a great saintly poet of Sindh.
Shah Latif spent the last part of his life on a Bhit. There was a lake near the Bhit. He spent most of his time there in prayers, devotion, or composing verses in God's praise. In the Sindhi language, "Bhit" means mounds. That's why he is called Abdul Latif Bhitai. Shah Latif was not only a saint or mystic but also a poet and musician. His poetry is simple and moving. The collection of Shah's poetry is called "Shah jo Risalo", which has been translated into many languages.

The message of Shah Latif is love. Shah Bhittai died on the Bhit and was buried there. A shrine was built over his grave by Ghulam Shah Kalhoro. Here his urs is held on 14th Safar every year. People love him and sing his poems even today.


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