9th chap 2 Questions / Answers and Text Book Exercise


English IX - Chapter No.11 - Questions / Answers and Text Book Exercise

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Questions and Answers

Q.1: Why does the poet call the rain beautiful?
Ans: In summer the extreme heat makes every living thing uneasy, the rain washes away the dust as it gushes down the streets and lanes.and brings comfort for them. So the poet calls the rain "beautiful "

Q.2: When it rains?
Ans: It rains after the wind blows and heat increases, as it is a geographical effect that is generally witnessed.

Q.3: Where it rains?
Ans: It rains everywhere, it rains in the broad and fiery streets, narrow lanes,  the fields, and on the houses, it pours water everywhere and makes everything wet.

Q.4: Why the poet says," it clatters along the roof."?
Ans: When it rains the drops of water fall on the roofs and make a peculiar sound made by the hoofs of the horse which the poet says' is" clattering along the roofs."

Q.5: What does the poet mean by saying, "how it gushes and struggles out."?
Ans: When it rains the rainwater begins to flow to the slope rapidly. The poet means the same by saying," How is gushes and struggles out.

Q.6: What does the poet see across the window pane?
Ans: The poet sees rain across the window - pane.  He sees the rainwater pouring into the streets, lanes, fields, and everything.

Q.7: what is there with the rainy water?
Ans: When it rains, the rainwater makes the soil wet and soft, it mixes with the water and flows with it, which the poet calls, a" muddy tide."

Q.8: Why does the gutter roar?
Ans: As it rains heavily, the rain water flow towards the slope. When it comes from all sides together, it makes force and sound and it seems that a river is flowing and roaring.

Q.9: Why is the rain compared to a river?
Ans: The rainwater is compared to a river because rainwater forms a broad and muddy
stream as it flows down the gutter.

Q.10: What is the theme of the poem?
Ans: The theme of the poem is RAIN.

Q.11: Why does the poet say that rain is welcome?
Ans: As the land had been too dry and the weather is too hot due to the summer season. When the rain comes and falls on the window pane, this rainwater filled with mud looks like a river roaring down. He feels overjoyed and welcomes it with open arms.

Q.12: which two words or phrases does the poet use to describe the rain?
Ans: The two phrases are:
How beautiful is the rain!
How it clatters along the roofs!



1. Compare the summer rain in this poem to the summer rain in your native town.
Ans: As the poet said in the poem Summer season is very hot and the lands and streets are fiery. When the rain comes it brings happiness with a fresh breeze and reduces dust and decreases heat. But In our town summer rain is small because processes capable of lifting the air are weak and infrequent.
Secondly the drainage system in our town is not good so it creates problems with rain water standing on the streets and dirt and mud make the environment much messier. Although rain really give beautiful view and comfort in summer.

2. The sound of some of the lines fits the meaning very well. Which lines are they?  Or 
    What is the sound of the rain compared to?
Ans: The sound of the rain is compared to the tramp of hoofs. In the following lines, the poet compares the sounds of the rain on the roof to the noise made by the horse's hoofs.
How is the clatters along the roof
Like the tramp of hoofs!

3. Why is the street called "fiery"?
Ans:  The street describes as "fiery" because in the summer season its surface is very hot and gives feelings of burning. So This burning street needs rain to cool its surface.


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