10th English Unit-1 - Contributions Of Notable Leaders - Reading Comprehension - The Wise Caliph - Words/Meaning and Summary


Unit-1 - Contributions Of Notable Leaders - Reading Comprehension - The Wise Caliph - Words/Meaning and Summary

Sir Rana Arsalan

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Unit-1 - Contributions Of Notable Leaders
Reading Comprehension
The Wise Caliph
English For Class X (2022 and Onward

Words/Meaning and Summary

Words / Meaning

1. Afford Able to buy, Have the financial means
2. Astonish Amaze
3. Approach To come near
4. Be off Go away
5. Beg Request
6. Beggar One who begs
7. Caliph A Muslim ruler
8. Caught red-handed In the act of committing a crime.
9. Certain Sure
10. Claim Demand, An assertion of a right
11. Close Near
12. Cling Stick
13. Cruelty Brutality, Ruthlessness, Heartlessness
14. Decision Resolution
15. Deserve Worthy of something
16. Disguise Change the appearance, hide
17. Dismount Get down, Get off
18. Dispute Quarrel
19. Faithful Loyal
20. First-hand Direct
21. Forgive Pardon
22. Forgiveness Willingness to forgive
23. Generous Willing to give
24. Gently In a gentle manner
25. Get off To come down
26. Grateful Feeling or showing gratitude
27. Guardian A person who cares
28. Handful In a small quantity or number
29. Hinted Suggest or indicate something indirectly
30. Honourable Deserving honour oe respect
31. Hoofs Feel of an ungulate mammal
32. Hurry Speed up
33. Injustice Unfairness, Being unjust or unfair
34. Instead In place of
35. Just Right, correct
36. Justice Fairness
37. Lame A person who limps, Unable to walk
38. Liar A person who tells a lie
39. Limp Walk lamely, Hobble, Walk with difficultly
40. Lend Loan, grant to (someone) the use of (something)
41. Master Owner
42. Mention Inform
43. Merciful Kind, Showing mercy
44. Mighty Have great strength
45. Mingle Mix
46. Motion Move, to signal
47. Noble Gentle
48. Noticed Observed
49. Neigh Horse's noise, A characteristic high whinnying sound made by a horse, Horse's sound
50. Obvious Clear
51. PityThe feeling of sorrow, Regret, Sadness, Sympathy
52. Popular Liked or admired by many people
53. Pronounce Declare-announce
54. Puzzled Confused, Unable to understand
55. Rags Old and torn clothes
56. Readily Easily, Without hesitation
57. Refuse Deny
58. Reins Guiding straps of a horse, Rope for controlling an animal Or Long, narrow straps attached at one end to a horse's bit
59. Resolve Find a solution to
60. Respect Regard
61. Respectable Worthy of reapect
62. Restore Reclaim
63. Rob Steal, Take something away by force
64. Settle Solve, End a dispute
65. Severe Serious, stern
66. Snort Make a nasal sound, Throw out the air violently from nose
67. Swear Take oath, Assert, Declare under oath
68. Shiver Tremble
69. Stiffen Harden
70. Utterly Completely
71. Welfare Well-being
72. Well-to-do Rich
73. Wicked Evil-mannered or Morally wrong
74. Wince Shrink back, Withdraw oneself, Make a face indicating disgust or dislike
75. Wisdom Intelligence, Being wise
76. Wise Clever

Short note Or Summary on The Wise Caliph

Caliph Haroon-ur-Rasheed was a wise Muslim king of Baghdad. He was famous for his justice and wisdom. One day Qazi of the city brought a disputed case before him, which he could not settle.Two men claimed ownership of a same horse. One man was rich and the other man was beggar.
Caliph Haroon-ur-Rasheed heard both the rich and the beggar.

The Caliph Haroon-ur-Rasheed asked both of them to touch the horse, one by one. At first the beggar touched the horse. On his touch the horse winced, as it did not like his touching. the horse expressed its pleasure by neighing when the rich man touches it. The caliph gave his decision that horse belonged to rich man. He forgave the beggar. The rich man also forgave the beggar and gave him a handful gold coins.


Caliph Haroon-ur-Rasheed was known and respected for his justice and wisdom. He would disguise himself as a common man, and go through the streets of Baghdad. He would mingle with the common people in order to gain first-hand knowledge of their difficulties and problems.
One day when he was holding the court, the Qazi brought before him dispute which he could not settle.

The dispute was between two men over a beautiful horse. Each of them claimed that the horse belonged to him. One was a well-dressed man, he was a rich man while the other was a beggar.

The rich man had let him a ride his horse but the beggar was a dishonest man so when they reached the city gate he refused to get down the horse and claimed that the horse belonged to him.
The Caliph ordered the beggar to touch the horse. When he touched, it winced as if it did not like the touch of his hand. But at the touch of the rich man's hand, the horse snorted and neighed with pleasure. The Caliph discovered that who was the real master of the horse. He pronounced "Give the horse to its master". Then he turned to the beggar and said, "You are a liar and a wicked man. You tried to rob an honest and respectable citizen. You deserve punishment, but I shall be merciful and forgive you this time, if you beg forgiveness of this gentle man here".

The rich man readily forgave the beggar and feeling sorry for him, gave him a handful of gold coins. This noble action of the rich man pleased everybody in the court.


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