
Showing posts from January, 2023

Class X Test / Model Paper Chapter No 1 Computer

                                                                                Subject: Computer Science                                          Class: -10                                        Date: 4 Jan 2023 Test   # 1   Short Test (MCQs=6, SQs=8, LQs=1)                                                                                                       Total=30   Time: Syllabus: Unit-1,   1.        Circle the correct answer. (6x1=6)   1.        ____have become an important part of our daily lives. A) Print                            B) Computers                   C) Software        D) Programming   2. We can solve several problems ranging from complex mathematical problems by_____.        A) System                     B) Computer                       C ) All                     D) CPU   3. A collection of all the necessary tools for programming makes up a programming____   A)      Area                       B) Place